You must consider a way to get the game out to new people , to refresh the intrest in the game if you hope to keep the game getting it re-released , posted as abbandoned, or any other way you can find that could get you an influx of new players.
All in all you guys are a true family , petty sibling squabaling and all

, and with all families , you gotta have kids or the family dies with the heirs death.
I'm still a relative newb around here, but this post really speaks to me. Is there no way to get this game revitalized or to spark interest in a new iteration of it (SFC4?). We all know there are hoards of trekkies out there who would embrace any new game (or a modernized version of an old one) and there are likewise large numbers of former boardgamers with fond memories of SFB (I am one of the latter) who would prefer to play a computer driven version of the game. Like you said, it has been five years since the release of this game, and the gaming industry seems to have a pretty short attention span WRT the latest hot thing. Not surprising that this thing has started to, sadly, fade from the consciousness of gamers. I will tell you that until last December, I did not know that this game even existed. If not for inadvertently stumbling across an unsold copy of SFC in BestBuy, I'd still be in the dark. I count myself blessed to have found it, but I am also saddened that I appear to have discovered it in its twilight. I hope that this is not the case, because I haven't seen anything else anywhere that comes close to capturing the spirit of SFB the way this game does.
Given the "Trek" name and Paramount's involvement, along with all the associated legal hassles (which even cause me, a purported attorney, to scratch my head sometimes) I am probably hoping in vain, but, as they say, where there's life...