I personally havent had the time to play any games whatsoever, it sucks but nothing i can do, other things have to come first.
I dont want to say i told you so, but i did raise the "heated" the issue that the strict use of OOB over the past few dynas may have an impact on player numbers. It appears some of my predictions may have come true, maybe some less OOB servers in the future may get players to come back. I'm not saying the whole strict OOB concept should be scrapped but there needs to be server variety, something there doesnt seem to be annymore.
And as Chutt pointed out dynaverse is not purely for PVP, there needs to be both PVP and the strategic element within a campaign, i think its a bad idea trying to Sacrifice one for the other, there needs to be both to cater all types of player needs. And not everyone plays d2 for PVP, if you want pure pvp go play gsa thats what its there for.