Not that I'm all confused but really?
I thought the coalition actually picked up a player or two..
Yes. SGO4 was a horrible, un-fun, frustrating server that burnt a lot of people out.
They may return, we'll see. Maybe a more open, less-ruled server will get more people to try it out.

ok u must be joking right?
1st SGO4 server had double amount of people signed up from what GW5 has till now.
2nd At the time the SGO4 server wasup GSA had only 1 room with 2 people playing UAW as 70% of the league players were playing at SGO4server
3rd The fact that so many pvp took place at the SGO4 server many league players changed their mind about dynaverse(as there was a rumour that there they just fight AI all the time).
4rth If SGO4 was a horrible, un-fun, frustrating server the number of the players who played there wouldnt be increased during the server time.
The only people who should complain about SGO4 should be the ISC side as for 1/3 of the server time we couldnt play pvp matches.
However i beleive most of us had fun.