Topic: Dear Federation and Gorn Players  (Read 5542 times)

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Re: Dear Federation and Gorn Players
« Reply #40 on: April 05, 2005, 01:50:41 pm »
What missions are being used?

Is this the GW server with ISC in it?

The good guys won the last two servers, however, so I know the people exist.  (Maybe they are all basketball fans and couldn't tear themselves away from sports TV hype.)

In GFL, they are are all playing WoW or SWG or GFL SFC3 Mod.  I think SSCF is still playing EVE. DomWars is done. IslandWars has been quiet for a long time now. Other than that: I don't know where they went.
The Pelican has returned to finesh of DomWars 5.0 and then he may go off and retire agian although he was getting a little burned out from modding DomWars mostly by himself.You could start mission scripter class in mission scriting forum as that is one thing the SFC community needs missions scriptors and Tracey G is the only active one now so come on Karnak start a class.