Topic: What say ye on Greenspan today?  (Read 926 times)

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Offline Jack Morris

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What say ye on Greenspan today?
« on: April 05, 2005, 10:13:32 am »
I expect bad news. Of course oil prices will be blamed, but also the slowdown in housing construction and buying. What really trips me out is Americans earned less than 3% in gains in wages last year yet they spent 9% more on CREDIT! The govt.? They are really lost in space, record deficits yet mucho tax cuts? That equation does not work, even if the dollar is weaker and it slightly reduces our trade deficit, because it only hurts us at home in purchasing power. I also wonder if he will say anything about all this war spending, now when that "war budget" is made, does it include all of the contracts we are doling out or is it just solely for military operations and upkeep?

I for one am very interested in his report later today. So are a LOT of investors as inflation could be rearing it's ugly head again.