Different crowd.....Wont work....to easy to wonk with ghost registers and no shows...
The D2 was supposed to achieve racial "parity" (not the same as balance) through the ship yard,mission draws, and mission payouts
Highly populated teams where to face higher prices for ships...lower pay outs for missions...and heavier AI opposition...all automatically...
Highly populated races would be forced to team up to run missions or when facing live enemies in lower populated races (who would also be in bigger ships on average.....as they would be normal prices, with normal mission payouts)
Also note in the stock game multiple ships were intendend....
Now this was the plan...I know...I was hanging on every stinking word like any good taldren groupie......
Unfortunately...that plan involved a dynaverse that was being supplied by WON.net....which fell through...
What we ended up with was something with the same elements...but with none of those elements interactively controlling racial parity any longer as originally planned...
We have what we have...for the time being....
The problem is expecting too much out of system not designed what we wish it to do...
At the same time though....many strides have been achieved in scripting and mapping SQL functions...
It's possible...we may yet get a stable and functional SQL based server that can re-implement automatic parity tools once envisioned to be in play....
So that in a sense...no rules are required at all except for good sportmanship...The game itself would handle all the other rules and minutia behind the scenes seamlessly...
It's also possible...that people will accept the limits of the D2 and continue to play ...even when conditions or circumstances aren't in their favor...
It also very possible that we will try a different type of campaign sometime in the not too distant future...this type is F&E server may eliminate player imbalances all together...as missions are matched up vs what ships are present on the map and played by available players...assets are moved by empire...and match ups played out in real time...the biggest hurdle here is automation of many functions required to make strategic moves.....change the "one at a time" turns for empires to simultaneous movement and reaction....and up date the map in real time instead of once per week...
I helped play test a system like this for use with SFC1....the only draw back was lack of automation....
Loss of assets and territory is part of any good war game...but at the same time...is it easier to hold ground...than to take it...
We need to keep in mind that these aren't
our personal ships....they are assets of the empire....
One problem with restricted ships lists is the personal attachment and extra pressure that having control of a highly valued asset brings...while sorta forgetting that same asset is a high priority target...it will be hunted, ambushed, stalked, whatever...in order to take it out...it's a valid tactic...and really a necessity if you are to achieve area superiority and thus claim territory...
Another primary difference is the lack of fleeting....this alone makes D2 and D3 play almost incomparable in its basic essence...It's harder to catch a valued asset alone in the D3.....one reason we like D2 is the ability to ambush bigger units caught off guard or unescorted....
Thus a basic truth to D2 play...a small number of skilled and determined pilots ...can greatly effect the front...in a relatively short time...even more so when un- opposed.
Term defined: hex munching
This in itself caused problems as no matter how many mission you chased someone off in a smaller ship....they would then just run another mission under you...
Answer....the disengagement rule...which is still in refinement...
But for the disengagement rule to be of any benefit to the defending empire....the empires pilots need to able to stand their ground and drive attackers off...
This goes back to one of the basic truths of the D2....a small number of skilled and determined pilots ...can greatly effect the front...in a relatively short time...even more so when un- opposed.
Yet another distinct difference Play VS AI...in the D2 a mission is drawn whether there is a player there or not...AI or other wise...
This means an un-opposed force can simply march right through you space...the defenders simply must try and use the disengagement rule to it's advantage...
A proper battle group should consist of at least several teams...these teams are often paired up by necessity (need to escort primary asset)..preference (a favored wingman)....or desire of style of play (PvP or hex capture/re-enforcement) harassment Vs interdiction or interception...
Yes...we actually break our line assaults down in such detail....and for most of us , it comes natural and something we just do as a practice rather than diagram it out...we run cover for each other....we wolf pack...we sit solo shark...we often know where every other player is in our immediate surroundings and we can adjust to just about any tactical situation on the battlefield level....
It's the way we take ground...it's the way we hold ground...
Even if there are but a handful of us on...even one determined pilot can be a huge pain in the ass...I know...I seen me do it...

Chuut recently paid this most honorable compliment, I am truly humbled by his words:
"The Klingon's, I have to say I am truly impressed with their ability to hold a large group together for so long and mostly under one fleet banner, that of the KBF. This shows a certain loyalty and friendship that they can and should take pride in."
But it's not because of any type of military atmosphere, or even entirely to role play....many of us where allready here long ago and the KBF kinda lives through us....it's often said "you dont find the KBF...the KBF finds you"....this relates to the fact the we are for the most part Klingon regulars...and allways have been...and speaking for myself...allways will be...it is neither good...or bad...it just is...
And So long as there is but one of us...the KBF will be on the field of battle.
We dont try to be the way we are.....we just are....the good, the bad, and the ugly of it...
None of the above tactical combinations are novel or new or secret...in fact they should be seen as basic to any good war game...we just seem to employ them by nature....
I dont think what we need is registration or racial caps....
What we NEED is to share tactics and counter tactics more.....for every tactic...there is a valid counter tactic...
And there is no such thing as "out numbered" when you still still make a pain in the ass out of your self...war games sometimes require holding actions...supply line attacks...supply
point attacks....feints and distractions...harassment and intediction...counter attacks...tactical retreats...and even sacrifices...
Someone may be the only one for 5 minutes and leave...then every one else does the same thing....no one thinks anyone has been on...and nothing gets done...neither active offense nor defense...
Never give up...never surrender....if all else fails...attack.
War-gameWe need a little less emphisis on war..and a little more on game...