Topic: Man.. How I love the F-CS+ on this server..  (Read 908 times)

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Man.. How I love the F-CS+ on this server..
« on: April 03, 2005, 07:04:04 am »
My ship, the F-CS+

In a mission in Gorn territory taking a Rom hex with SoreEyes as my wing.. SoreEyes went in ahead of me ( I was running speed 26 with 2 ECM and 1 ECCM and 4 Overloaded torps and a full set of phasers) moving in on a Rom LC .. At the same time another Rom HC was moving in (R-KRCS).. Our plan was to get the Rom LC to waste it's Plasma's into SoreEyes' WW as I hit it with an Alpha at range 2.., Well, needless to say, SoreEyes launches a Pseudo off at the Rom LC, it fires a Pseudo back and WW's itslef, I start my run on the Rom and barely noticed the range on the Rom HC a moment too late...

Needless to say I only scored 34 Pts on the Rom LC when I then proceeded to eat 2 S torps, and 5 F torps from range 9 from both ships..

I had multiple internals.. SoreEyes reported 96 internals... However it only cost me 3 parts to get all weaps back online and 2 parts on engines to get back to a decent power level (was power 25 after inital impact).. and my power came back quickly in the ship.. I was back up to power 36 within 10 min.

as the battle went on, SoreEyes and I broke up and took different targets in separate areas of the map..

Needless to say, by the end of the mission SoreEyes was in trouble and it was my battered F-CS+ that came in and saved the day.. after we won the mission (I couln't believe that in itself.. I took a lot of Plasma that mission).. I went back to a Fed base to repair.. It cost me 28 PP to repair my ship !!! and I had only 1/5 hull damage at the end of the mission !!!

Man it is a great ship.. one of the best ships for the era I have flown....

In a later mission I discovered the F-CS secrete.. it uses the Marines in red shirts to asorb the plasma damage.. I started a later a mission with 20 Marines..  I took severs plasma at one time which nailed me down to 23 power.. but by end of mission, I was almost completely repaired and my wing went to capture the remaining Rom ship.. I went to Capture mode myself and noticed I only had 2 marines left... I only had my shields broke once that mission in a massive plasma wash...

The only thing I can think of is that 18 of my crew just jumped up and decided to put their red shirts to use and asorb the incoming plasma instead of my ship taking all the damage..

What a fine crew I have on my ship.

My "Thanks" to my wings for providing the cover and support which allowed me to get enough distance to recover from damage a bit and get back in the fight. Excellent flying with everyone on the server.. see you all later tonight..

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Re: Man.. How I love the F-CS+ on this server..
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2005, 08:20:48 pm »
GOD!!!!!  I remember those two missions.

In that 1st mission it was a NHK that came up and gave you that Plasma Enema. Later in that mission I pulled a good one on the SPH when I threw two T-Bombs at it......then it hit me with a S and F torp through my down sheald ::)... Thanks for coming and saving my Butt ;D

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