Topic: OT : A question about the Chandley Class  (Read 1309 times)

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OT : A question about the Chandley Class
« on: April 03, 2005, 04:22:30 am »
Hi folks, with all this talk about the Chandley's recently . I was thinking about the USS Blackheart. Isn't there some sort of story about that particular ship ? And if so could someone please post it.


ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: OT : A question about the Chandley Class
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2005, 08:31:40 am »
 ;D From the FASA Federation Ship Recognition Manual:

"On Stardate 2/2005, one of the most decorated frigates in Star Fleet, the USS Blackheart (NCC 2327), was reported missing while patrolling the Rimward Sector.  A search was made, but all that was found was a communications buoy apparently discharged by the Blackheart.  This buoy had only the partial message "...small object paralleling our response on hailing freq..."  The remainder of the tape was garbled, and portions had been intentionally erased.  Star Fleet has no more information on the fate of the ship or its crew.  The Blackheart is most remembered for the large black hearts painted on each of its lower wing assemblies; such painting is typical of Chandley Class ships, making them easily distinguished on visual scan.  The practice is thought to keep the crew's pride in their vessel at a peak."

Now where is Darth Chandley's advanced Chandley?

HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
IKV Kraag Dorr
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Re: OT : A question about the Chandley Class
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2005, 10:03:47 am »
;D From the FASA Federation Ship Recognition Manual:

"On Stardate 2/2005, one of the most decorated frigates in Star Fleet, the USS Blackheart (NCC 2327), was reported missing while patrolling the Rimward Sector.  A search was made, but all that was found was a communications buoy apparently discharged by the Blackheart.  This buoy had only the partial message "...small object paralleling our response on hailing freq..."  The remainder of the tape was garbled, and portions had been intentionally erased.  Star Fleet has no more information on the fate of the ship or its crew.  The Blackheart is most remembered for the large black hearts painted on each of its lower wing assemblies; such painting is typical of Chandley Class ships, making them easily distinguished on visual scan.  The practice is thought to keep the crew's pride in their vessel at a peak."

Now where is Darth Chandley's advanced Chandley?


Thanks KF. BTW is there a site that had that story or is it someones fan-fic ?

Now where is Darth Chandley's advanced Chandley?

I dunno ask him I've been waiting a loooooooooong time for that baby.

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: OT : A question about the Chandley Class
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2005, 10:56:23 am »
Thanks KF. BTW is there a site that had that story or is it someones fan-fic ?

That bit of text was from the FASA OFFICIAL Federation Starship recognition manual. The only fan fic about the Blackheart that I am aware of involved a friend of mine's FASA Role-playing campaign that featured Malmakian [ALF from the 1980s TV series] engineer on board during an extra-galactic campaign he had going on the USS Blackheart just after I graduated high school. 

Although Brad T. mentions fan fic in his entry for the Chandley, I can't think of any site I've been to that features any fan fic centered around a Chandley.

In TNG/DS9 era I would have used the Chandleys in the Dominion War as secondary Light cruisers/Troop ships. In TMP times though, I consider them to be heavy cruisers.

HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
IKV Kraag Dorr
SuvwI' Qeh KCC
Commander, Task Force Kraag Dorr's Teeth First Strike Squadron