
Topic: Official GW5 OOB Builds, Kills, and Info thread  (Read 74297 times)

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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Official GW5 OOB Builds, Kills, and Info thread
« Reply #400 on: April 14, 2005, 01:08:54 pm »

where  are u gonna build those ships?

I was thinking Thailand, lax child-labor laws.

oh well i dont think it ll make any difference anyway as there are not any players to fly them and currently no place to supply them ..
I think your pilots already  gave up ..how dissapointing < sigh >

Dam i payed more than 120$ already  to have my 2 isdn B channels up for a total of 128K in order to be able to draft easier more than 1 player withought CTD so i wish it had a better end although i really had a blast sometimes
I just hope we ll have another server like SGO4 someday in the future but with no dam treaties this time < sigh >

You reap what you soe. Congrats.

Why dont u STFU just one day !!!

U know how many times i was spending time in gsa to bring people on the PBR league ..no not to join ISC i was advertising all fleet names with the races they fly so they have enough pilots to be able to schedule their matches and the league will go on.
U know how many gsa people i have approached and tryed to convice them they should try the Dynaverse and then i helped them to get setup no matter what race they would fly.

But ofcourse blame all to the Greek guy.Its all my fault because i was trying to do the best for my team as i always do.
I m the bad guy here anyway so this makes me an easy target.

I really cant resist to curse u to my own language so go translate this:


Whatever you think you have done, the cost is to high. B-buy.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
GCS Prima Ballerina
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Re: Official GW5 OOB Builds, Kills, and Info thread
« Reply #401 on: April 14, 2005, 01:44:50 pm »

where  are u gonna build those ships?

I was thinking Thailand, lax child-labor laws.

oh well i dont think it ll make any difference anyway as there are not any players to fly them and currently no place to supply them ..
I think your pilots already  gave up ..how dissapointing < sigh >

Dam i payed more than 120$ already  to have my 2 isdn B channels up for a total of 128K in order to be able to draft easier more than 1 player withought CTD so i wish it had a better end although i really had a blast sometimes
I just hope we ll have another server like SGO4 someday in the future but with no dam treaties this time < sigh >

Just a re-itteration.. if the Roms would have left the Fed 1 base as I begged and begged on the server.. then Fed pilots would still be logging on..

Instead, we rotted fur on 1 Gorn base to give us a spawn point and allow us to sell specialty ships that the server would assign..

not 45 min after it was created.. Madelf and Krueg started deep striking it.. FEDS HA NO VC LEFT FOR ROMS TO TAKE.. so why did they insist on whiping every pollible chance for us to respawn in allied space from the map???

I mean if you want PVP, leave at least 1 Fed hex with 1 Fed base in it and things would have been fine...

It isn't like the Feds have the economy on a 10 Econ hex to actually have any ships in the yard except for the basic line ships...

As for playing, Roms should have either limited their strikes against Fed space given that the server is suppose to be ROM vs GORN, not ROM vs FED.. the Fed were only there to support the Gorn ships..

Roms outnumbered the Alliance at least 2 to 1 16 hours of the day.. like the Feds really had even a glimmer of a chance.. and days when 19 Roms are on to 7 Alliance, the Roms fly 3 vs 1 or 3 vs 2 in PVP.. like that even gives anyone on the alliance any sort of a chance...

I don't mind doing 1 vs 1 or even a 2 vs 1 every once in a while.. but not 3 vs 1 or 2 vs 1 every single PVP mission without a chance to have a good fight..

A few times I tried.. but 1 Fed ship against 2 Player driven Rom ships carrying at minimum of 8 plas between them, not counting PF's is no chance at all, especially with the power curve a Rom ship can get when Downgrading their torps...

This entire server was a laughing stock against the Roms for their decision to take the fight to the supporting race instead of following SFB historical accuracy of taking it to the Gorn..

I hold no Ill will against the individual pilots except for the poor judgement on the majority of them for not at least swapping sides to make numbers more balanced to promote FAIR play...

This server is truely a definition of the old El Karnak thread about Most players, Most missions will win.. the server was over for the alliance on day 5, yet the Roms still took it to the Feds.

It isn't like you didn't have the numbers to come back and take any lost hexes in 3 min missions against AI like they did all server to flip Fed hexes across the board in record time...

I found the tactical  strategy lacking in honor and integrity of the player community on the coalition side as a whole..

Dizzy showed honor by stating that he would leave our scavenged base alone so that the Feds could come back on and play, to get at least some PVP...

But the rest were so dishonorable that as soon as the Fed base was established, they took it out by 10 PM the night it was scavenged...

Anyhow, tha is my rant for this server..

As such, I petition that the servers for the future have X number of player slots per race.. let's say 10 players per race.. once all race slots are filled, then it would be expanded by 3 more slots per race and so on until everyone who is wanting to play is signed up.. maybe not as the race you want to fly, but at least on the server...

This would promote balanced player numbers..

However I would start off with 5 players per race and go up from there.. makes players more evenly distributed..

I also suggest that there be a rule made that 1 hex for any race, containing either a planet or base, remain untouched.. all other hexes are fair game, but 1 base or planet hearest their allie remain untouched by the opposition in order to allow players to continue PVP even after the server has been won and players can play for fun..

This would allow a fair chance for all races to at least trade out OOB ships and get a line ship for PVP... now the only problem with this is that it would take a long time before a decent PVP ship shows up, but at least the race could still get ships that are legal to fly....

Anyhow, I hope future servers carries a lot more honor for a defeated race in the future than what the Roms did to the Federation.. the Feds of my fleet are boycotting GW5 until some honor is shown and an agreement is made that 1 Fed base hex will remain untouched.... Until then.. game over for my fleet, EFF conceeds and withdraws from unfair numbers and dishonorable strikes for the 1 and only supply point we have been allowed...

Feds can not take a Rom base or planet.. as such you have nothing to fear except a few blue hexes spotted on the map that your 25 players can eraticate in just 30 min of AI fighting..

Doesn't it feel goo to know that you, the Roms drove off any PVP from the server since over 3/4 of the player base for Alliance was Fed.. Congrats on your AI win. Seems PVP was too much for ya.

For all those I did have PVP with, it was fun while it lasted in those missions.. GG to you all..

Personally I didn't care if Alliance or Coalition won, all I cared about was the ability to be able to get line ships for a posssibility of decent PVP matches.... now it isn't even a possibility and you get your wish for a AI server.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2005, 02:00:41 pm by Pestalence »
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Official GW5 OOB Builds, Kills, and Info thread
« Reply #402 on: April 14, 2005, 02:04:15 pm »
Seriously folks, is this server really worth getting worked up over?

let it go, smoke a bowl, bang a stranger, it will all be better in the morning (or the next campaign . . .)
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline KBF-Butcher

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Re: Official GW5 OOB Builds, Kills, and Info thread
« Reply #403 on: April 14, 2005, 02:19:13 pm »
Seriously folks, is this server really worth getting worked up over?

let it go, smoke a bowl, bang a stranger, it will all be better in the morning (or the next campaign . . .)


WTF is all this analysis Pestalence and the other feds?
There are 2 sides and go to war.Both sides will try to win.
Coallition was better had more players or whatever and won.
We didnt eliminate the Fed space for VC .LordKrueg clearly stated the reason and i dont feel like to repeat them right now.
You all should already now create new Gorn accounts and continue having fun playing in the server.
80% of the coallition pilots are Kligons but they all participated in this server flying Romulan.
Why u cant do the same and lets all continue to have fun?
U dont have fun to fly Gorn?what? fed or nothing? :o
Its ok if u feel that way i just expressed my disappointing thats all.
Dont continue blame others though if your side didnt manage to bring a worthy number of pilots in the battle

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Official GW5 OOB Builds, Kills, and Info thread
« Reply #404 on: April 14, 2005, 02:24:36 pm »
The server is not fun for people.   For whatever reason.

Don't whine about it if they don't play, there is nothing you can do.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Hexx

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Re: Official GW5 OOB Builds, Kills, and Info thread
« Reply #405 on: April 14, 2005, 02:44:33 pm »
I can't even remember if this got posted, and way to much crapt o read through sso..
Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 3:05 am    Post subject: Round.. Thursday Prelim builds. 

- Might I suggest SKX's?
They're actually arguably a better ship than the SPX.

BP Points
2) KHK -Soth? I can't remember, somebody asked for one.

bank 1

1) SPX- Ruper
2) SPX -Pojo
3) SPX -Some other guy who doesn't have one yet
4) SPX -That other guy who still thinks this is beter than the SKX
5) Upgrade CNH -> ROCF someone wanted
Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Official GW5 OOB Builds, Kills, and Info thread
« Reply #406 on: April 14, 2005, 02:47:22 pm »
I can't even remember if this got posted, and way to much crapt o read through sso..
Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 3:05 am    Post subject: Round.. Thursday Prelim builds. 

- Might I suggest SKX's?
They're actually arguably a better ship than the SPX.

BP Points
2) KHK -Soth? I can't remember, somebody asked for one.

bank 1

1) SPX- Ruper
2) SPX -Pojo
3) SPX -Some other guy who doesn't have one yet
4) SPX -That other guy who still thinks this is beter than the SKX
5) Upgrade CNH -> ROCF someone wanted

There is no where to bank that point to, so you might as well spend it on a extra specialty ship.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
GCS Prima Ballerina
GCS Queen Kroma

Because this game makes me feel like  a thirteen year old girl trapped in a lizards body.

Offline Hexx

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Re: Official GW5 OOB Builds, Kills, and Info thread
« Reply #407 on: April 14, 2005, 02:51:26 pm »
I belive thre's still a Saturday build <snicker>

It's good
I'll donate it to the Gorn salvage teams.

I've made arrangements to assume control of one of the DNs after
you are actually spotted online.


That's right
I'm taking yer stupid Dn away from you..
Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

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Re: Official GW5 OOB Builds, Kills, and Info thread
« Reply #408 on: April 14, 2005, 03:00:36 pm »
win or loss of a server is 80% who has the numbers, i have been around for a long time and while PvP skill is a good thing to have it never has decided a victor in a campaign..The Klingons that flew Romulan and the few true long time Romulans did a great job on this server.good job guys, but when you guys took the last Fed base that wasnt cool, i could see if the VC's were close but you knew it was over ,i couldnt be apart of such a victory so i flew Gorn,,,i think there is very little honor left in this game, but as much as i try i still love to play...

Offline KBF-Butcher

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Re: Official GW5 OOB Builds, Kills, and Info thread
« Reply #409 on: April 14, 2005, 03:11:25 pm »
The server is not fun for people.   For whatever reason.

Don't whine about it if they don't play, there is nothing you can do.
I m not whining lol
Im just disappointed and i know there is nothing i can do.
Anyway ill quit posting about this server so...

thx J'inn Kroma DH and any other that involved in this one.
For one more time although that it could be better i had a blast participating in an other D2 server :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Official GW5 OOB Builds, Kills, and Info thread
« Reply #410 on: April 14, 2005, 03:17:32 pm »
The server is not fun for people.   For whatever reason.

Don't whine about it if they don't play, there is nothing you can do.
I m not whining lol
Im just disappointed and i know there is nothing i can do.
Anyway ill quit posting about this server so...

thx J'inn Kroma DH and any other that involved in this one.
For one more time although that it could be better i had a blast participating in an other D2 server :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Sorry, I really think stuff get's lost in the "translation" and things get mis-understood.
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Official GW5 OOB Builds, Kills, and Info thread
« Reply #411 on: April 14, 2005, 04:51:27 pm »

Oh, and Im not dizzy, Pestalence.

Yes you are.   :P   Change you GSA email address next time you want to be steathy. 

Kroma, I said nothing good would come out of leaving the server up.   Can I blame this on all of you?
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: Official GW5 OOB Builds, Kills, and Info thread
« Reply #412 on: April 14, 2005, 04:57:31 pm »
 That would mean Dizzy has 2 D.net board accounts.I believe Frey you might want to deal with this.

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Re: Official GW5 OOB Builds, Kills, and Info thread
« Reply #413 on: April 14, 2005, 04:59:54 pm »

Political Correctness is really Political Censorship

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Re: Official GW5 OOB Builds, Kills, and Info thread
« Reply #415 on: April 14, 2005, 06:25:27 pm »
Pojo and Wraith assigned SPXs.
Lord Krueg
We are the Dead

Offline KBF-Butcher

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Re: Official GW5 OOB Builds, Kills, and Info thread
« Reply #417 on: April 14, 2005, 07:25:25 pm »
 :rofl: :rofl:

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Re: Official GW5 OOB Builds, Kills, and Info thread
« Reply #418 on: April 14, 2005, 08:26:44 pm »
I'm not here to complain, whine, or anything else of that manner. I am here to state fact... Fed's get whiped out, and people whine and complain about it, you still have Gorn to fly, its always good to be able to fly more than jsut one race. There were in actuality times that WE were outnumbered, and with medium/fast drones, the feds shoudl have been able to flip hexes SO much faster than us. I personally dont see the problem with anything at all...I mean, i havnt been playigng long at all but I have really really learned to fly rom on this server, I got better at what I knew, and yes I would just LOVE to get back into a klingon ship but im not...When one of your races dies out completely, you get on as the other race and try to minimize the VC's we actually get for the server, not quit or whine and complain about it...I mean come on, whats the big deal about flying something different? you cant always fly the race ya want to fly ya know, I was even dreading flying as rom on this server but like I said, I learned...so quit your whining, get out of the forums, come back to play, feds fly gorn no biggy, just learn something new, roms continue flying roms as theres nothing else for us to fly...oh and another fact...a few days into the server I saw feds sign on long enough for 1..maybe 2 or 3 missions then logged back off, less than an hour more did the same, if everyone had stayd on we would have been outnumbered, so ya cant blame us for the numbers disadvantage...get your guys to stay on and tough it out, i would have if it had been me flying fed on this server...just a little fact over everything else   ;)

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Official GW5 OOB Builds, Kills, and Info thread
« Reply #419 on: April 14, 2005, 08:37:25 pm »
Shin, you are an idiot.   

If people don't have fun, they don't play.   it is THAT simple.

There is plenty of AI for you to kill so continue until the server is over.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

