New Fed builds:
F-BCG (Spends 2 BP, still have 1 banked point)
CP builds:
Upgrade F-DNG to F-DNH
Current assingments:
U.S.S. Star of Andor Guided Missile Dreadnaught (DNG) FPF-DieHard
U.S.S. Kirov Guided Missile Battlecruiser (BCG) (under construction)
U.S.S. Mustang, Fast Cruiser (CF) FPF-DrAzteca
U.S.S. Pinto, Fast Cruiser (CF) K.I.AU.S.S. Trebuchet, Guided Missile Heavy Cruiser (CAD)9th Ryker
U.S.S. Ballista, Guided Missile Heavy Cruiser (CAD) Kieran
NOTE: Edited because like the dumbass that I am, I posted the wrong year