I'd also confess to being a complete moron, but since I'm sitting here reinstalling TS at the moment (which appears to have hung up the minute I went into mission), I'll just let the community throw eggs and pies in my general direction.
I'd actually bought a new ship, but wandered too far down to the edge, and should have forfeited. Penalize me as you wish (just don't make me look at that pink web page again, it burns).
Sigh... I really wanted to play today, but first the ship screw up, and now the system screw up.
When I do get this put back together, I'll get on TS first and ask someone to assist me in making sure I don't lock up when I go into mission.
I especially liked the part where hitting any key on the keyboard fired drones. That was interesting. And the LOUD chop chop chop of the hung audio from TS. TheJudge said something about everyone yelling, but I couldn't hear a thing because of the TS lockup.
Well, it will be at least a couple of hours, then you can abuse me face to face again.