in a recent match,an opposing team took a wrong ship question is,if an opposing fleet by design or by mistake bring in an improper combo,should the team that did bring it in,be penalized by not changing their original bpv's that they initially took,just the improper ship?? my reason for asking,is simply,it gives the opposing team,an advanced look at what the otherside has selected,which would allow them to pick exactly what they may need to win(switch the odds to their favour).
one of the points of this style of battle,is it forces you to try and pick your ships combo,given the tbpv,as well as what the other side may pick,forcing you to become an overall better player.while you can say that both sides gets a chance to re select if this happens,it doesn't seem right to me,because,one assumes a fleet will bring in what he believes is the best possibly combination,to which the other side would get advance knowledge of and re select appropriately.
thus,i believe a penalty if u mess up ,and take an illegal combo,then the penalty should be that whichever player took the illegal ship,should have to pick a proper ship,with the bpv he was given to buy the illegal ship,thus forcing fleets to pick appropriate ship combos or be penalized when they have 200 bpv to spend,but the biggest ship they can take with that bpv is only 150 bpv,and 50 bpv for parts ect ect thus losing a possible 50 bpv that could go to another player for a bigger ship