Topic: So you say you believe in ghosts?  (Read 4843 times)

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So you say you believe in ghosts?
« on: March 31, 2005, 12:21:17 pm »

I don't, but it's fun to spook other people....

This is a compiled list of 'haunted' places in the US and around the world.  Check it out.  My town in NJ is on the list....

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Re: So you say you believe in ghosts?
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2005, 12:26:38 pm »
LOL, Oklahoma Is still loading and I'm still on Cable. Most of them are Indian reservations , that kind of thing.

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Re: So you say you believe in ghosts?
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2005, 12:36:57 pm »
Cedartown - Old Cemetery behind Bethlehem Baptist Church - Creepy old Cemetery, lots of old graves. Ghostly figures witnessed at night in cemetery and in horse pasture next to cemetery.

Been there.  It is actually in Lindale, but that is fifteen minutes away, and had an event where a leaf stopped in front of the car with my wife in it, and spun in midair, which completely freaked her out.  Cool.

NPR is a lot like NASCAR.  Two hundred miles an hour in a circle, and you end up right back where you started with nothing but lost time for the effort.

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Re: So you say you believe in ghosts?
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2005, 04:12:28 pm »
Pittsboro - Devil's Tramping Ground - When you go you have to stay the night! You and your friends each take your own tents. The place is just a big open area where nothing will grow because that's where the devil walks at night. Well you and your friends sleep in a circle along the outside edges of the area and in the morning when you wake up you and your friends will be separated. Some friends of mine went and when they woke up one of the guys was a mile away!!

Oh geez.... it ain't all that.... I met the guy who owns the land. He was the neighbor of my ex's Uncle.  He closed it off b/c of all the trash, mainly beer bottles/cans, being left by people. 

Spent the night there twice.  Nothing unusual to report either time.

He had NC State people come down and examine the soil once.  For some reason is an extremely acidic area and that is what keeps anything from growing there.

No idea where to find the report, I read the copy the NC State folks gave him.
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Re: So you say you believe in ghosts?
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2005, 11:07:28 pm »
Gastonia - Brookside elementary - Strange noises from the woods on the Auten Rd. side have been reported several times as well as sightings of movement from inside the school late at night.

Gastonia - Lincoln Academy - Lincoln Academy used to be a all girls school one night a gang of boys took a girl who went to school there tied her up to a oak tree, then raped and disemboweled her. some say if you go there do not stop on the bridge because your car will turn off and not start. Plus reports of a presence felt late at night and smoke going in a left and right direction instead of a up motion.

Gastonia - Spencer Mountain - There is a mansion located at the end of the road. It was built in the late 1700's. No one has ever lived in the house. This lady that owned Pharr yarns built it for her grandson. He died shortly after she built it. Since he died she said no one could live in it. The town has since tried to make it a haunted house and the proceeds go to the local fire department. Rumor is 2 men and a woman haunt it. People that work upstairs have seen and heard stuff to where they have ran out the house white as a ghost and breathing as though someone was trying to kill them. They have reported seeing a woman upstairs holding a baby's head in one hand and another head in the other. People have been going downstairs and heard someone following them and turned around to see no one. Also reports of pictures in one of the upstairs room just fall off the wall as if someone was knocking them off. - Fair Warning, you most likely will be charged to go though it.

The Lincoln Academy story is true. What it didnt say was that they raped her first, tied her up with barbed wire upside down to the tree, and then disemboweled her.

Ive been to the old Mansion. It does look creepy, but nothing happened while I was there. It did scare the girl I was with and that, for some reason, turned her on.[/color]

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Re: So you say you believe in ghosts?
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2005, 08:28:11 am »
Methuen High - Been in the field house/ice ring many times. Nothing sketchy about it.

Methuen - Red Tavern - Can't say I've been there. However, most of the privately owned restaurants in Methuen are pretty close knit, and working at one I think I would have heard something if it was substantial.
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Re: So you say you believe in ghosts?
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2005, 10:51:36 am »
I grew up in NC and I have seen this light!  It was a rite of passage for us in High School, to go out on a dark night and stand on these tracks.  Incidently, the school was Cape Fear High School.. :P

Fayetteville - Railroad tracks - There is this ghost that has been there since 1700's, .its called the Vander Light. Its a ghost that got killed when was on a train and he went out on the train to smoke a cigarette and the train slammed on brakes and he fell off and it cut his head off and ever since that every time you go down to the railroad tracks there is a lantern and its a ghost looking for his head and if you walk up the tracks and try to get close to it will disappear and when you turn around its behind you again.

This, however, is BS.  My family has been buried in this cemetary since 1760, and no minister flipped out and killed the congregation.  It's the oldest church in the state and is located on the bluffs of the Cape Fear river.  It burned once in the 1840's, and was used as a field hospital in the Civil War skirmishes that led up to the battle of Bentonville.  If it's haunted (of which I have little doubt), it's because it's had dead people buried there for going on 300 years.
(It's also actually located in Wade, NC, not Dunn, which is another 20 miles to the North).

Dunn - Old Bluff Church - In about the 1820's on a Halloween day this church was having sermon and the preacher flipped out and killed every one in there and now if you go to the church and you read the big stone memorial and walk up to the doors and read the sign and do what it tells you to than you will see a man holding a lantern and he will wave you on.

Here are the monuments on the Church grounds:

REV. JAMES CAMPBELL MONUMENT: Rev. JAMES CAMPBELL, a native of Campbelltown, Argyleshire, Scotland, rests near this spot. He died in 1780, in the seventy-fifth year of his age and the fiftieth of his ministry. (East face)

He was a wise and pure Patriot, a faithful defender of the principles of the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, a zealous Preacher of the Gospel, a devout and humble Christian. The Churches which he founded, and the Presbytery in the bounds of which he labored Twenty two years, have erected this MONUMENT to honor his name and perpetuate his MEMORY. (North face)

Bluff, Long-Street, and Barbecue Churches were organized by Rev. JAMES CAMPBELL, October 18th, 1758. Hector & Duncan McNeill, Farquard Campbell, and Alexander McAlister, were the earliest Elders of the Bluff Church. (West face)

Malcom Smith, Duncan Ray, and Archibald McKay, were the earliest Elders of Long-Street Church. and Gilbert Clark, Daniel Cameron, and Archibald Buie, were the earliest Elders of Barbecue Church. (South face)



JAMES CAMPBELL 1758 - 1776
JOHN MacLEOD 1770 - 1778
ANGUS McDIARMID 1793 - 1803
MURDOCK MURPHY 1803 - 1810
ALLAN McDOUGALD 1810 - 1844
EVANDER McNAIR 1844 - 1855
DUNCAN D. McBRYDE 1855 - 1890
JOSEPH B. MACK 1890 - 1891
GEORGE A. HOUGH 1891 - 1892
ANDREW M. HASSELL 1893 - 1899
LETCHER SMITH 1904 - 1906
ANGUS R. McQUEEN 1907 - 1920 (Reverse)
IN MEMORY OF WILLIAMSON WHITEHEAD FULLER AUGUST 28, 1858 - AUGUST 23, 1934 Whose generous gift in 1929 made possible the restoration of this church edifice and assured a hallowed burying ground for generations of descendants of church members.

WILLIAM ANDERSON BROWN NOVEMBER 10, 1905 - MARCH 12, 1992 Whose pastoral leadership resulted in the adoption of a resolution by Bluff con- gregation on Sept. 1, 1963 establishing a trust fund for the maintenance of buildings, grounds, and cemetery at Old Bluff Presbyterian Church.

Here's a photo, which does not do justice to how spooky this place is at night:

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