Topic: (GW 5) A Reptile Scorned  (Read 1329 times)

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Offline KAT J'inn

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(GW 5) A Reptile Scorned
« on: March 31, 2005, 11:12:48 pm »
GENERAL WAR 5 - Enter the Dragon

Stardate 9876.456

The U.S.S. Enterprise has received a distress signal from a freighter located at the extreme edge of charted space.  Somewhere within Gorn space.  And only one parsec from the Romulan border.

The automated distress identifies the ship as the Golden Endeavor, a Terran freighter registered to a private concern based on Mars.  She reports that she has suffered warp drive failure as well as a hull breach.  Situation critical.

Deep scans fail to detect any other ships within the area.   The Enterprise is at warp 7 and on an intercept course.  ETA 15 minutes.

This feels strangely like the Kobayashi Maru.   Except this time, it is not a test.

James T. Kirk, Commanding

Kirk lifted his finger off of the recording pin on his command chair and stared into the forward view screen.   The stars glided past in a blur due to the warp field effect.  As always, it was beautiful.

“Captain,” the Lieutenant seated at Operations stated,  “those reports of a Romulan assault on Starbase 7 recently . . .  this is taking us away from the front.”

“The lets make this quick Mr. Checkov,” Kirk replied. 

“Captain,” came the calm voice from behind the Captain.

Kirk spun his chair around to face his Vulcan first officer and science officer. 

“We are closing on the Golden Endeavor,” he continued while staring into his sensor display.  “She has suffered a severe radiation leak from one of her reactors.  Her warp core seems to be offline and an internal explosion has exposed three decks to space.  Power levels are dropping.”

“Drop to impluse.” Kirk ordered.

“Droping to impulse,  aye.” Sulu replied.

“Life signs Spock?” Kirk asked.

“The radiation is making scanning difficult.”  Spock replied.

“Sir, we are coming within transporter range.” Sulu stated from the helm.

“All stop!” Kirk ordered.  “Thrusters at station keeping.”

“All stop. Thrusters to station keeping, aye.”  Sulu replied.

“Captain.” Spock stated strongly  “There are no life signs aboard that ship.”

Kirk looked at the beaten hull on the main viewer.  “Damn!” He thought.

“Sir, scanner are not revealing any organic matter at all.” Spock stated as he stood and turned towards the main viewer.  “There are no bodies onboard.”

After being the Captain of a starship for many years one acquired a sixth sense.  And inherent knowledge of when something was wrong. And this, was one of those times.

“Red Alert!”  Kirk ordered.   “Mr. Sulu, get us out of here!”

“Captain!”  Chekov gasped.

Suddenly, the outline of a ship started to shimmer in space between the Enterprise and the freighter.  Within a matter of seconds it took form.  It was a form Kirk had seen so many times, that of a Klingon built Kestral Battlecruiser.   The type favored by the Imperial Romulan Empire.

“Three Romulan Battlecruisers have just decloaked.” Spock stated.  “We are surrounded.”

A red light began to flash at Checkov’s station.  “Sir! We are being targeted!” he yelled.

“Full power to shields” Kirk ordered.

“Captain, scans indicate that those ships are not manned by Romulans.”  Spock stated as he looked back into his scanner display.  He the stood and with a quizzical look on his face stated, “those ships are under Gorn control.”

“What!?” Kirk said in disbelief.  “Uhuru open a channel.”

“Captain, we are already being hailed.”  Uhuru replied.  “They are requesting permission for two of their officers to beam aboard.”

“Okay” Kirk said with an ironic smile, “it’s time we got some answers.   Spock you’re with me Sulu you have the Conn.” he said as he strode towards the turbolift doors.

“Transporter Room One.” Kirk stated as the doors closed behind him and his First Officer.

“This is most unexpected,” Spock stated, “Diplomatic discussions between the Federation and the Gorn have been on going since the incident a seven years ago at Cestus III.  However, they have been via subspace communications only.  I believe you are one of the few members of Star Fleet to have actually seen a Gorn and lived Captain.”

“And I plan to keep it that way Mr. Spock.” Kirk said as the turbolift stopped and the doors opened to a hallway.

A few seconds latter Kirk and Spock entered the Transporter room as the Transporter Chief sprang to attention.

“Do you have a lock?” Kirk asked the Chief.

“Yes, sir.” the Chief responded.

“Synchronize with Operations in order to minimize our shield loss time and energize.”  Kirk ordered.

“Aye, sir, systems are synchronizing, shield three dropping.  Energizing.” the Chief said in a clipped tone.

Two of the transporter pads began to glow as the telltale whine of the transporter effect started to chime.  A sparkling glow erupted as the huge forms of two Gorn began to take shape.   Within a moment two Gorn Officers stood, for the first time, on the deck of a Federation ship.

Slowly they both looked around.  And then one of them stepped off of the transporter pad and walked towards the humans.

“No weapons or biohazards.” the Chief reported.

 “Like those things need them.”  Kirk thought.

Both of the Gorn were wearing headpieces that Kirk correctly guessed where translators.  They both wore shimmering tunics that appeared to be made out of a woven metallic material.   They worn no shoes and the creatures long claws on it’s feet clicked on the deck as it walked forward.

“I am Admiral Scipio.”  a scratchy metal voice stated after the creature hissed into his mouthpiece.

“Welcome aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise.” Kirk stated.  “I am Captain James T. Kirk.”

“Kirk” the Admiral hissed.  “Ironic is it not.”

“I don’t understand” Kirk said.

“Captain Agave.” the Admiral started as he indicated to his partner which continued to stand on the transporter padd,  “ has met you before.”

Kirk stared at the Gorn standing on the padd.  It was him!  The commander of the ship that had attacked Cestus III so many years ago.  Kirk’s stomach started to churn.  He decided to not revisit that battle.

“Why are you commanding Romulan ships and why have you lured us here Admiral?” Kirk asked while trying to control any hint of anger in his voice.

“We request your help.”  The Admiral said.

“The Federation would be most appreciative with any help you could provide us against the Romulans.  Their sudden assault last year has resulted in the deaths of many.”  Spock stated.

“The Romulans.” Scipio hissed, “the Gorn can deal with the Romulans at any time.  For now I need your help against a far greater enemy.”

“I don’t understand.”  Kirk stated.

“Kroma Basyl must die.”  Scipio hissed.   Agave, at the sound of the name hissed loudly in disgust.

To be continued.

Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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Re: (GW 5) A Reptile Scorned
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2005, 11:28:46 pm »
LOL! Great Stuff!
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Offline TheJudge

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Re: (GW 5) A Reptile Scorned
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2005, 01:05:15 am »
Oh boy, I smell trouble.  :)

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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: (GW 5) A Reptile Scorned
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2005, 09:17:31 am »
Scipio and Agave are just mad that they don't have the legs for the tutu.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Offline GDA-Agave

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Re: (GW 5) A Reptile Scorned
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2005, 11:28:08 am »
  ;D ROFL!! :o Well, well, I see Jinny the rockmagnet has been eating his Wheaties with prunes again.   You go right ahead and have fun with your little story.   I will return the favor, don't you doubt it.

Scipio and Agave are just mad that they don't have the legs for the tutu.

Oh yeah, likes that it.                NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: (GW 5) A Reptile Scorned
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2005, 06:54:16 am »
Scipio and Agave are just mad that they don't have the legs for the tutu.

Oh yeah, likes that it.                NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trust me he actually does, and has proven it on numerous occassions   ;)
