Topic: Sfc 3 discontinued?  (Read 6655 times)

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Offline E_Look

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Re: Sfc 3 discontinued?
« Reply #20 on: April 02, 2005, 01:56:12 pm »
As a father, I applaud your intelligent caution, especially on the internet; would that most other kids have such sense.

I think if you want to verify that Harry here is really Harry Lang of Paramount, you can search the web to see that Paramount really has such a guy involved with their Star Trek franchise.

You could then find an official Paramount address for Mr. Lang and communicate with him that way... but it'll cost you a stamp.  You may not have to pull your parents' teeth for one of those!

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Sfc 3 discontinued?
« Reply #21 on: April 03, 2005, 09:45:02 am »
Thank you all very much for the offers to send me a copy of the game. To be honest it really wouldn't feel right receiving something for free. I'm am also a bit paranoid when it comes to revealing real life info such as my address or telephone number so i would not be willing to pay for a copy either. I really do appreciate the offers though and i am glad to see so many nice people that replied to my post.

well you could use a 3th persone address who will received your game, you pay him and he received the game and give it to you when it arrived.

or maybe as a radio shack to get it from another radio shack.

Offline NannerSlug

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Re: Sfc 3 discontinued?
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2005, 05:07:40 pm »
if you go to or ebay on other _normal_ days you will find sfc3 for about, oh say, 100-150 bucks. no joke.

Oh yeah.. as for sfc3 stinks - keep in mind that one man's trash is another mans gold.. you are also leaving out the many mods which exsist for sfc3. In other words, the older sfcs are not as uber as you think. Perhaps to you - but not to all. To each their own.

I agree that out of the box sfc3 left out a lot of detail and polish - but try one of the mods out there for it. makes a big difference.

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Re: Sfc 3 discontinued?
« Reply #23 on: April 04, 2005, 05:44:26 pm »
Thank you all very much for the offers to send me a copy of the game. To be honest it really wouldn't feel right receiving something for free. I'm am also a bit paranoid when it comes to revealing real life info such as my address or telephone number so i would not be willing to pay for a copy either. I really do appreciate the offers though and i am glad to see so many nice people that replied to my post.

well you could use a 3th persone address who will received your game, you pay him and he received the game and give it to you when it arrived.

or maybe as a radio shack to get it from another radio shack.
Don.How come you keep saying you can get this from Radio Shack as it has bee discontinued and all remaining copies have been pulled?If you are seeing this at Radio Shack in a new box with the that is probably an Asian pirated version.

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Sfc 3 discontinued?
« Reply #24 on: April 04, 2005, 08:30:27 pm »
well last time i check there was a radio shack with a copy of sfc3, i can go check again and see but it was not a copy as far as i can see.

Offline gupyuson

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Re: Sfc 3 discontinued?
« Reply #25 on: April 14, 2005, 09:23:11 am »
I'd be willing to paying a fair price for SFC3.  I was blown away to see it selling for $90. Since I'm already listed on the internet through work I don't mind having it shipped there.  Is anyone still interested in selling?

Offline gupyuson

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Re: Sfc 3 discontinued?
« Reply #26 on: April 17, 2005, 06:16:55 pm »
In case any one is wondering, I'm not a reseller looking to make a profit.  I just discovered this game last week and was disappointed to discover that it's not being distributed any more.  I'm not willing to fork out $90 on EBay and I'm also not willin gto download it for free even though Google showed me that option so eagerly.

I purchased Orion Pirates - the demo seems good.  But there are features in SFCIII that I'd like the chance to experience.

If anyone is willing to part with an unused copy, I would greatly appreciate it.


Offline GateKeeper

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Re: Sfc 3 discontinued?
« Reply #27 on: April 19, 2005, 02:15:09 am »
I second that, I too would be willing to pay a fair price if anyone has a copy to spare.

Just PM me.
