Topic: Primary Racial Colors  (Read 1038 times)

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Primary Racial Colors
« on: March 29, 2005, 05:18:23 pm »
To help out in the design of the Ladder Lague(beta) would anyone care to tell me the two primary colors for each of the following races. Thank you all for giving me a hand here.










Once again thank you all.

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Re: Primary Racial Colors
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2005, 06:04:02 pm »

Primary:  Cyan or teal
R 107
B 148

Secondary:  An orange-brown
R 222
G 130
B 115

Pulled the colors from the game.

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Re: Primary Racial Colors
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2005, 08:34:06 pm »
From the webmap:

Code: [Select]
// Emipre/Cartel Names
$empstring = array();
$empstring[0] = "United Federation of Planets";
$empstring[1] = "Klingon Empire";
$empstring[2] = "Romulan Star Empire";
$empstring[3] = "Lyran Star Empire";
$empstring[4] = "Hydran Kingdom";
$empstring[5] = "Gorn Confederation";
$empstring[6] = "Interstellar Concordium";
$empstring[7] = "Kzinti Hegemony";
$empstring[8] = "Orion Cartel";
$empstring[9] = "Crimson Shadow Cartel";
$empstring[10] = "Prime Industries Cartel";
$empstring[11] = "TigerHeart Cartel";
$empstring[12] = "BeastRaiders Cartel";
$empstring[13] = "Syndicate Cartel";
$empstring[14] = "Wyldefire Compact Cartel";
$empstring[15] = "Camboro Cartel";
$empstring[16] = "Rogue Pirates";
$empstring[23] = "Neutral";

$empcolor = array();
$empcolor[0] = "#0000FF";  //Federation
$empcolor[1] = "#FF0000";  //Klingon
$empcolor[2] = "#00FF00";  //Romulan
$empcolor[3] = "#FFCC33";  //Lyran
$empcolor[4] = "#660099";  //Hydran
$empcolor[5] = "#996600";  //Gorn
$empcolor[6] = "#FF66CC";  //ISC
$empcolor[7] = "#00FFFF";  //Mirak
$empcolor[8] = "#0000FF";  //Orion
$empcolor[9] = "#FF0000";  //Orion
$empcolor[10] = "#00FF00";  //Orion
$empcolor[11] = "#FFCC33";  //Orion
$empcolor[12] = "#660099";  //Orion
$empcolor[13] = "#996600";  //Orion
$empcolor[14] = "#FF66CC";  //Orion
$empcolor[15] = "#00FFFF";  //Orion
$empcolor[16] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace
$empcolor[23] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace

Was the best matches I could make as I recall (think I used the eyedropper tool in photoshop on screenshots). Might be in a gf somewhere too...(?).

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Re: Primary Racial Colors
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2005, 09:55:11 am »
Thanks guys.  8)

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