Ok, if anyones having troubles with the textures on trekmod ships there is 1 of 3 things you can do.
1) try re-downloading the file (it could have corrupted during dl)
2) locate the problem texture, and in Photoshop or PSP resize the texture to a power of 2 (example 256x256, or 64x256) and resave it
3) resave as a 24 bit bitmap.
I dont understand why the builders of these ships didnt use textures in powers of 2, but in some cases they, did and that is more than likely the cause of the problems (the odd size textures dont work in some video cards) a simple resize will fix it. Of course letting us know the issue so we can fix the file helps alot.
There are also some cases where the bitmaps weren't saved right (dont ask, i did not build these models). They were saved as 32 bit bitmaps, and that will cause issues in older cards too. Again resave the problem texture as a 24 bit bitmap, and make us aware so we can fix the DL.
Thanks for the comments guys