Topic: How do you put models in in EAW and OP ?  (Read 1130 times)

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How do you put models in in EAW and OP ?
« on: March 11, 2005, 07:57:28 pm »
 I figured since no one goes over the mod forum I might as well post it the link here.,163353535.0.html

 How do you do this?

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: How do you put models in in EAW and OP ?
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2005, 02:38:50 pm »
i did reply to your question, to replace the mod with another and add new mod is easy with shipedit, for eaw and op its the same way, for replacing the mod only you must first have the mod you want to replace into the models folder, taldren/Starfleet Command II/Assets/Models, in that folder you chose the model you want instead of the one you have, to add a new ship just click on add ships on your shipedit, you chose the race and class like a CL or CA, there you chose the geometry of the ship you want to add, after you chose the UI for the ship, after that you add the info for when you want it to be available, engine power, shield ect and you save your shiplist into the assets/specs and into metaAsset, shipedit is available at:

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: How do you put models in in EAW and OP ?
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2005, 05:52:38 pm »
well here more detail: open shipedit for eaw or op (the only differance are the weapons and adm), after the ship edit is on click on the file icon or open file and click on open, there open the shiplist (eaw and op are at the same place in taldren software inc for op or taldren for eaw), once its open beside the word class there tree icon, click on Add ship, there you chose the race and give it a name like CABR, then you chose the geometry, then you chose the UI for the ship, then you give it a full name and a class type, once that is done you give the year you want the ship to be aivalable during the game, the year 0 is early but you can have it a lot sooner by having the - before the number like -20 so your ship will be available and don't forget the number for the last year available in the general, now you add the spec, power impulse, ect, you have the weapons and hull/shuttle/crew, now that all the info are there you must save your data on the shiplist in metaAsset and in assets/specs.

if you still having problem tell me and i will try to help more.