Topic: Frontline once again surprises me  (Read 854 times)

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Offline Jack Morris

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Frontline once again surprises me
« on: March 25, 2005, 10:10:25 am »
As you people know, I'm into energy and maritime stocks. Frontline leads the pack with a supposed 28% dividend rate, but in reality it is not true, it's even been BETTER.

Feb 1, 2005
200 shares of FRO at 51.54 a share for a total $10,322.00 investment.

Feb 18, 2005
tax free dividend of 50 shares of SFL valued at 1000-1100 dollars.

Mar 21, 2005
Cash dividend of 3.50 a share from FRO ($700)

Mar 24, 2005
Further 10 percent of SFL "spin off" from FRO
tax-free dividend of 20 shares of SFL  valued at 21.04 a share at time of issue ($413.80)

As you can see, 2200 off a 10k investment in 2 months? Why so soon? THAT MONEY and stock is from 4th QTR results ALONE! They have not even announced 1st QTR 2005 yet!

Take it from me, invest in this company, you will NOT regret it.