So.... You've just sent your last fish into a C2, and she doesn't go down. (OK, so you got greedy and didn't hit one of the small freighters in the convoy, ya just HAD to go after the C2, didn't ya?!?)
But you hit her in the tail and blew off her props.... Now she can't go nowhere and the convoy leaves her behind.
So you surface.... But your deck gunner whines something about "The WAVES are just too BIG for me to man my station!"
Well, you just HATE to leave a job unfinished, so what's a U-Boat Cap'n to do?!?
Ram her once then pop yer periscope up next to her and let the Flower Corvette in the vicinity finish her off while it tries to shoot you?
Nah.... You won't get credit for the kill, anyway!