Greatest.... Patrol.... EVER!
OK, ok.... I know what you're saying. How good could it have been? Well, on the surface (no pun) I didn't come home with 70,000 tonnes under my belt, but let me tell you why it was GREAT!
First, after one successful foray into the English Channel (no kills, but I did come home alive), the High Command decided to send me on three consecutive patrols either into or through the Channel.... On the third trip out I said "Screw this! I'm goin' over the top!" and sailed north around Scotland. I bagged a couple of strays up there, came down between Ireland & Wales hiding from a couple of DDs & Patrol Craft and eventually outran a DD to my final patrol grid during which time I find out afterwards that my flak gunner bagged a pair of Hurricanes and I never realized. That'll teach 'em!
Anywho, in my patrol grid I find a costal merchie and sink her with my deck gun & little effort, however it seems that the V&W DD I had been running from finally caught up with me. I fire a dozen shells at her (of which most landed, I think) before submerging and playing cat-and-mouse for the next 45 minutes. I wiffed on 7 or 8 torps (that 'spread' function is really cool! It lets you miss with four torpedoes at once!) at which time I was thinking that this was a silly game and I was ready for bed. Since I was outta torps, and I knew (thought) I was faster than her, I decided to surface and run for it while blasting her with my deck gun.
Well, part one went well enough, as I managed to surface and put the damage control team about fixing the deck gun damaged by the depth charges I had taken while the DD began raining fresh death upon us, and I started running....
The next couple of minutes are a little fuzzy, as everything seemed to be going really, REALLY fast (no, time compression was off!) but somehow this V&W starts CLOSING on me, rather than receding.... I dunno. Engine damage? I didn't have time to check. I turned the boat and started screaming "RELOAD FASTER, YOU %$@#&-in' $#@^*& &^#@$%'s!!!" Then she rammed me! The B/!!!
...But, because of my hard turn it was only a glancing blow, and she scraped up along my side with the sound of metal-on-metal.
Wondering why we weren't all dead yet, I grabbed my deck gunner, threw him into the drink and took his seat and started blasting the sucker at 4 metres.... I got off at least six shots before I realized that I STILL wasn't dead.
The a funny thing happened.... The DD, which was scraping my port side all to hell as she passed me stopped passing me.... Almost like she had come to a complete stop. I hit her with four more shells before I realized.... SHE WAS GOING UNDER!!!
Take THAT you Capitalist PIGS! Yeah, there's more where THAT came from!!! I threw a couple more shells at her.
So I was down to 29% hull integrity, 0 torps and about 19 shells. I formed the repair detail, and turned the boat towards the only remaining contact on my map. It turned out to be a C2 cargo ship and I crossed her path about 1/2 hour later. Most of my serious damage had been repaired so I closed and emptied my remaining 19 AP & HE shells into her belly.
Nothin'. I had to finish her off with ~380 rounds from my 20mm AA gun!
Net: About 25,000 tonnes & 2 aircraft. One crewman dead (flak gunner from the aircraft bombardment - same way I lost my first one!). I got a promotion.
Go me!!!