My second patrol ROCKED! On my way to my patrol area I kill a coastal merch
and a trawler with my deck guns. I get to my zone and the weather turns
bad. I can't see anything. Since I was in the area, I decide to sneak into
Loch Ewe and see what's there.
What's this?!?!?! A battleship just sitting there?!?!?! I put 4 torps into the
side of the battleship, sinking it. On my way back to open sea, I spot a
V&W Destroyer and a T2 tanker sitting at the dock. I creep up to the
V&W and nuke it before it knows what is happening. Wait a bit for my torps
to reload and then I take out the T2. WOOOOOOOOOOOT!
At this point I decide to head home.
On my way back to base I kill a tugboat with my deckgun (I'm evil
like that).
Sank a little over 51K for this patrol.