Nice patrol there Brush! What patch are you running? As you can see by my pic (Thanks dRacho and Stephen for teaching me the way to post a pic) I'm on the latest one, and while I love the details and stuff, the extra security around ports, etc... I've noticed one thing... The timeline is screwed the fluck up!
I'm in Feb 18, 1940, well before the heyday of 1942 (the biggest year in tonnage for the U-boats). I've noticed some missions seem to be predetermined, like the one I'm in now, they send me west of Port Ewe in the North Atlantic, I've a HUGE convoy to my left approaching at night, always the same course and tracking, so I set my U-47 up EVERY time in the proper areas and even go to periscope depth with periscope down and use the hydrophone to know when i should raise scope, and if I go beyond silent or raise my scope beyond just enough time to get a lookie, much less a solution to fire on ONE ship? Bam, bam! Enemy fire (There are about 8-12 merchies in formation plus 4 DD escorts), and no matter where I go those escorts always know. Also, I thought ok, I'll just leave the convoys alone and go after solo or now they like to travel in pairs sometimes merchies, well over half seemed to have deck guns now? I really like shooting the starflare and I can see another one far in the distance! Double your pleasure, double your fun?
I have not enterd the Flow yet, I'm on my way in now when I saved today, but I can tell you one thing, it looks to have the security of Gibraltar or worse?
I love the new patch and will play it through, but if I keep noticing stuff I'm going to e-mail Ubisoft and let them now (gonna use Manitoba as a friend too so they start thinking "Man, those blokes at Dynaverse have a SH3 thread and are playtsting for us!"
I forget who asked if we are playing "dead is dead?" I'm not, not when I have to micromanage my men (A big plus SH2 had over S3) and while I love the AI, it is really doing things now that do not fit in with the timeline. I also noticed when I did manage to attack that huge convoy, it does not I.D. neutrals anymore, I accidentally blew up an American tanker. I'v never blown up a neutral before, but I'm sure it deducts renown off your patrol?
Good luck and Good hunting, with new patch my days of an avg patrol 1-2 hours are OVER, I'm lucky to get one every 2-3 hours, and the Gibraltar project took me about 5 houras total as you know you can only go 8X when escorts are nea around you, and they abound in ports and other vital areas like Dover and staights of Gibraltar.