Question to the GW5 Admins
Concerning casual PF cruisers.
The current rule is:
"A Casual Tender (any tender with only 2 PFs) may not recall it's PFs once launched in mission. This is to simulate the fact that casual tenders had no repair capability per SFB."
My suggestion here is to allow pilots to recall those PFs, but not allow them to relaunch them. Thus, one launch and one recall would be available. This to me is still within the "spirit" of the restriction, but would allow the PF pilots the chance to recall them once their purpose has been completed in the mission. Otherwise, those PFs on a casual tender will just be a constant drain on the pilot's PP cache, or make these pilots overly-cautious about launching the PFs. Think about it, what is the purpose of this restriction and does my suggestion really alter that.
One additional thought. The penalty for relaunching your PFs should be severe. At least forcing the pilot to self-destruct their PFs (is this possible), maybe more severe. Of course with all rules, most pilots would be given a first time mistake (only if considered a honest mistake), but then the second time would be where the penalty would be done.
Just my humble thoughts.