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Roms CA (I tried various) draw nothing but Gorn DNs.On the Rom SUB I loaded it with Rom fighters. WHen I launched them I CTD. (Maybe it's supposed to hold PFs, I dunno)
Lineage IIServer Sieghardt (dead)Chars Strafer L24 Rogue L64 Hawkeye StrayFar L64 Tyrant L51 Tyrant StrawFur L37 Scavenger L49 Bounty Hunter StraightFour L62 Shillen Elder L53 Shillen Elder
That the server dropped at 6:15 pm EST...
Quote from: KBFLordKrueg on March 22, 2005, 05:18:00 pmThat the server dropped at 6:15 pm EST...
Are we ever going to get away from being assigned c or s class ships when we lose a ship.
Was assigned a G-BC (I was a little surprised that the Battle cruiser is not ob ship) from outset,
Also started out in Fed neutral zone, A long way away from Gorn space.
There are 3 gorn PF tenders not listed as specials. The BDP, PFT an HBDP.