Topic: Patrol Battle Rules – v. 4.2  (Read 2942 times)

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Offline KHH Jakle

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Patrol Battle Rules – v. 4.2
« on: March 09, 2005, 09:12:23 am »
Patrol Battle Rules – v. 4.2

1.   Command Variants: you are limited to one Command Variant, and only in 2v2 or 3v3 matches.  Command Variants are off limits for 1v1 duels.  Command Variants consist of BB’s, DN’s, BCH’s and the Command Versions that exist for virtually all designs of standard Cruisers, Light Cruisers, Destroyers & Frigates.  These are limited to 2v2 or 3v3 matches since these vessels did not operate alone (in normal circumstances).  Refer to the Patrol Battle Matrix for a by race breakdown of BCH’s and DN’s and the other Command Variants.

Some PF races have BCH and DN type vessels that also are full PF Tenders.  These will be denoted with an asterisk (*) and mention at the bottom of that races Matrix.  These ships will count as both Command and Combat Support.

2.   True Carriers: True Carriers are restricted to use in carrier groups.  These groups are 3 ship formations for all True Carriers that are Light Cruiser Hull or Larger.  For True Carriers that are Frigate Hull sized the group is only a 2 ship formation and the 3rd ship (for a 3v3) can be any Command, Line or Combat Support vessel. 

The other ships in the formation must be carrier escorts.  These are the only instances Carrier Escorts may be used in a game.  Refer to the Patrol Battle Matrix for a by race breakdown of True Carriers and Escorts. 

Escort Hull-Class restriction:  The carrier’s escorts can not be of a larger hull class than the carrier they escort.  Ex:  a Fed NVS (Light Cruiser Hull Class) could have any escorts, as the largest Fed escort is the CL-Hulled NAC.  However, a Fed FFV (Frigate Hull Class) could only have FFE’s as escorts.  Heavy Cruiser Hulled CVS or Dreadnought Hulled CVA can have any escorts.

Exception: The Hydran Uhlan CVS (H-UH) requires 2 escorts. 

3.   Only a single Combat Support Vessel may be used, and only in a 3v3.  Refer to the Patrol Battle Matrix for a by race breakdown of Combat Support Vessels

Note for the PF races:  PF Tenders are not considered Carriers but rather combat support vessels.  Escort ships were provided for the PF races, but they have no Carriers to escort, so I have listed them under Combat support vessels as well.  Any future mod that is used that provided True Carriers to all races, then those escorts will be subject to Rule #2.

4.   ISC PPD Deployment Limit:     
If the largest ship in the fleet is of CL(CM) class, then two PPD's are allowed for a fleet of three.
If the largest ship in the fleet is of CA(CC) class, then three PPD's are allowed for a fleet of three.
If the largest ship in the fleet is of DN(BB) class, then four PPD's are allowed for a fleet of three.

5.   1st Gen X Ships:  Teams can deploy 1st Gen X-ships in two ways.  Option A – A single Heavy Cruiser Hull X ship can be used as a Command Variant.  These ships are listed with the Command Variants on the Matrix.  All other ships must be non-X.  Option B – All Ships in the formation must be X ships.  These formations are still limited to single Heavy Cruiser X-hull.  1st Gen X ships for each Race are listed on the Matrix.

Additionally, the use of 1st Generation X-Ships will be restricted to ‘Advanced Era’ Matches.  All Advanced era X2 ships (all ships beginning with an ‘X’ – ex. XCA, XCF, XCB) will not be used in Divisional Matches.

These rules apply to restricted designs (above) that were relatively few in number or specialized.  When consulting the Patrol Battle Matrix, it is important to remember that the Matrix is simply a list of ships that fall under the above restrictions.  All unlisted ships are under no restriction whatsoever and can be used at will. 

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: Patrol Battle Rules – v. 4.2
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2005, 09:13:03 am »
Nothing Major - just check the revised carrier rule wording

Offline Capt_Bearslayer_XC

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Re: Patrol Battle Rules – v. 4.2
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2005, 04:18:33 pm »
Exception: The Hydran Uhlan CVS (H-UH) requires 2 escorts.

Um... isn't that supposed to be "requires 1 escort."?

Just wondering. ;D
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Offline Dfly

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Re: Patrol Battle Rules – v. 4.2
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2005, 06:57:26 pm »
actually, any Frig carrier would require 1 escort, with the exception of the UH which requires 2, if I understand right.

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: Patrol Battle Rules – v. 4.2
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2005, 07:18:12 am »
You understand right.

I think Bear was being cheeky. :P

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: Patrol Battle Rules – v. 4.2
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2005, 10:16:34 am »
ok, we're going with version 4.2.  This will replace the existing version as soon as the playoff's finally wrap up.

This will most likely be the final version of PBR.  I think it's been adequately playtested ("The only valid test is combat" ;D).

The Matrices may undergo further revision as time goes on (new ships are added or old ships come up as being mis-assigned).

Can anyone please send me a copy of the OP+ v 4.0 shiplist?

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: Patrol Battle Rules – v. 4.2
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2005, 10:20:07 am »
oh - and some things that aren't seen in the rules but will be felt in the Matrices:

'old' battle tugs classified as Command AND Support
Fast Cruisers eliminated as a seperate group and folded back into Support.

I may also do some stuff to to better flag the different Carrier types (those that require 2 escorts and those that require 1) to tie into the rules better.

Am I forgetting anything that we know was discussed and I said I was going to add but I haven't mentioned as being on the Matrices and you don't see it in the Rules above?

Please, someone be a sweetheart and send me the shiplist ASAP.
