I know you delight in spreading fear and "opinion" about MS. Never the less, if you spent less time being a postulant and more time reading up on those who make the decisions in technology and what they are thinking you'd know that what Gates is suggesting is a model that MS, IBM, Sun Systems and a whole lot of other software developement companies have been evolving toward since at least the mid 90s.
IBM, one of your "heroic" open source companies, is actually the biggest and most active proponent of the software-as-service business model. They begin to switch to this model as early as the late 80s with their mid-sized server packages. ( See: Who Says Elephants Can't Dance? Inside IBM's Historic Turnaround )
What the heck do you think MMORPGs are? They are a S E R V I C E and not a product in the old sense of products and services.
Toasty we are not speaking of services only. We are speaking of an
OS Monopoly and Office software monopoly which is working towards the point where
your only choice is to pay them a monthly fee to run the basic programs required to run you computer and your business. A service where they are in absolute control and can change things arbitrarily without your permission. A service where they can cut off
your access to
your data. A service where they can change the rules giving themselves the rights to use your data and you have
NO recourse. The companies you are objecting to do not have that monopoly power to
force use of the service.
An MMORPG is a different thing in that it
requires that central server because of its very concept and
you can use your computer even if they foul up and you lose access to the
game. A much different circumstance from a business losing access to the programs and data to run their systems.
You might like to look at your own mirror about the way anytime someone says something good about Linux, Firefox or open source software in general you jump in to attack. Look at the example below from yesterday.
Firefox 1.02 and Thunderbird 1.02 are out.
Fixed in Firefox 1.0.2
MFSA 2005-32 Drag and drop loading of privileged XUL
MFSA 2005-31 Arbitrary code execution from Firefox sidebar panel
MFSA 2005-30 GIF heap overflow parsing Netscape extension 2
Link to Firefox Download
Fixed in Thunderbird 1.0.2
MFSA 2005-30 GIF heap overflow parsing Netscape extension 2
MFSA 2005-25 Image drag and drop executable spoofing
MFSA 2005-21 Overwrite arbitrary files downloading .lnk twice
MFSA 2005-18 Memory overwrite in string library
MFSA 2005-17 Install source spoofing with user:pass@host
MFSA 2005-15 Heap overflow possible in UTF8 to Unicode conversion
Link to Thunderbird Download
*Gulp* What were those considered before? Features?
I posted about an update to two programs that are used by forum members and listed the bug fixes. You immediately started with an insult to that software. I didn't reference Microsoft. I didn't harp on about how great these programs were I merely provided a post of information without commentary for those who might find it useful. You as always attacked it. Then when I pointed out he defect list in the software you promote you called me rabid.
The ways in which I am against Microsoft are based on two things:
1/ The ILLEGAL activities that they have engaged in to destroy other companies. Unlike yourself I don't think that Microsoft should get away with that.
2/ My computer is MY computer not MICROSOFTS. As it is mine I have the rights to do with it as I wish. The copies of programs that I BOUGHT I have the right to do with as the law allows, not the right to do with as Microsofts most recent unilateral EULA changes allow me.
The first Microsoft product I used was IBM-DOS 1.0. The first I owned was DOS 2.x. It was not until Microsoft set out to destroy inconvenient companies like Stac Electronics, Netscape, Digital Research and Borland that I began to oppose them. So if I am an enemy of Microsoft it is because of their own actions earning it.
Why are you so loyal to them that you feel you must alway attack open source software?
Here are several links to recent threads of yours attacking non Microsoft software. Maybe you should review them and ask yourself why you keep posting attacks this way. Maybe you should be wondering if you are a little bit rabid yourself.
Linux fan concedes Microsoft is more secure Note this "Linux fan" was paid by Microsoft to do this "study". This fact came out earlier this week. Notice that I didn't post it to make Microsoft look bad when it did.
The 11 step Linux program I have not seen this animation but when someone who did points out the errors you make fun of him.
Red Hat recommends Windows for consumers Why other than to attack Linux did you a Microsoft booster post this?