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Topic: Summer League now OPEN.  (Read 3747 times)

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Offline Slider

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Summer League now OPEN.
« on: March 19, 2005, 10:17:50 am »
StarLeagues is now open, its intent is to provide hours of mindless fun track lots of useless stats for us to oole over.

League 1 is the 2 v 2 Rung league. It has a challenge system and team can rest up to 7 days between matches of needed. Its set so that all matches must be reported in 24 hours but You should just do it and get it over with right away unless there is some despute

(I will be personally screening all teams and players so anyone acting unsportsmanlike will be treated to a Lead Boot).

Starleagues 1 v 1 Power Rate system
This morning I opened the One v One league for the Rocket Jocks who love this type game. In this one you get points for beating people who are rated ahead of you. So beating a guy at the bottome 1100 times wont get you 5 cents and a cup of coffee.  Guess who is number 1 , me!!! So come knock me off and that big chip I have on my shoulder.

It was fun having an SL Match room open last nigt. Already had some admins from some other league shaking their heads at me. This is fun and I havent logged a game yet. LOL

This all for fun guys and to get people back on GSA. So lets have some fun with it.

Current # 1 Rung holder-----Slider
(now go knock him off) ;)

Any web savy people out there that can help me with getting the links to these to places  posted somewhere. hmmmyou guys think i shold grab the Starleagues domain.  ;)

Slider proud new admin of SL-Starleagues.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2005, 02:22:39 pm by KHH-Slider »

Offline Slider

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Re: SL Matches anyone?
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2005, 01:08:02 pm »
Oh and lets keep it Late era or earlier no X tech. I leave the X tech to that other league.

I havent posted any extensive rules however any race is fair combos are encouraged, fight as many battles as you want (advantage of a rung system).

You need only one player to start a Battle Force for you team, you can have as many Battle forces as you have players to fill them.

Scenario based games are allowed if agreed on by both parties.

PBR is allowed as well as an option.

You can fly of course race centric as well, though you probably already get alot of that in these other formats.

OP 4.0 is the format for the gameplay.
(someone asked me about UAW, but Cugs does that already and i dont want duplicate efforts.)

there thats a start....
« Last Edit: March 19, 2005, 09:43:58 pm by KHH-Slider »

Offline Slider

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Re: Summer League now open.
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2005, 02:21:17 pm »
Optional Rule? ISC as a race.

In other words Alpha Quadrant ships are fair game, however if you use ISC anywhere in your combo it should be agreed on by both sides prior to the match.

This is to encourage Alpha Quadrant Play, without eliminating ISC as a race while hopefully insuring that everyone wont be flying ISC everygame which gets boring.

Also for those we hate camping, we can make a random race generator. It will pair teams up against classic opponents.

Fed-Klink [certain bpv]
Rom-Gorn [certain bpv]
Mirak-Lyran [certain bpv]
Hydran-ISC [certain bpv]

Remember ALL Pirate battles can be a laugh and some fun too.



Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: Summer League now OPEN.
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2005, 10:24:01 am »
'Classic' Historical Opponents:

Fed v Rom
Fed v Klink
Klink v Mirak
Klink v Hydran
Lyran v Mirak
Lyran v Hydran
Gorn v Rom

ISC v Everybody :P

Slider - is your league on a website, or did you build it in the GSA Arena?

Offline Slider

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Re: Summer League now OPEN.
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2005, 01:16:38 pm »
I did it one GSA since its there and free.

I also made one last night on Case's ladder Same name SL-Starlance. Really just trying to find something simple and easy to use. Any suggestions?

I'll evalutate the two and see which one is simpler to use while fufulling are reporting needs.

The one on GSA are

SL-Starlance (2 man teams)


SL-Starlance 1 v 1

Right now im just working on getting teams signed in then i can reset the cycle and begin the program.

Can i get a sticky for this thread? :)

Offline Toast

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Re: Summer League now OPEN.
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2005, 07:36:36 pm »

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: Summer League now OPEN.
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2005, 07:01:31 pm »
This post should be unstickied - it's a dead initiative

Offline VelvetAcidChrist

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Re: Summer League now OPEN.
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2005, 05:14:48 pm »
so this game is still runnin eh?
hopefully till soon

Dann sagt ihr: "Schau! The end is near now bitte face your final curtain."
Aber wir sind schlau, wir bleiben hier für die Gesichter, die empörten
Diese Geister singen schief und sind nicht einfach auszutreiben.

Enschuldigung ich sagte: "Wir sind gekommen um zu bleiben"
Wir gehn nich aber wenn wir gehn dann gehn wir ihn Scheiben

