StarLeagues is now open, its intent is to provide hours of mindless fun track lots of useless stats for us to oole over.
League 1 is the 2 v 2 Rung league. It has a challenge system and team can rest up to 7 days between matches of needed. Its set so that all matches must be reported in 24 hours but You should just do it and get it over with right away unless there is some despute
(I will be personally screening all teams and players so anyone acting unsportsmanlike will be treated to a Lead Boot).
Starleagues 1 v 1 Power Rate system
This morning I opened the One v One league for the Rocket Jocks who love this type game. In this one you get points for beating people who are rated ahead of you. So beating a guy at the bottome 1100 times wont get you 5 cents and a cup of coffee. Guess who is number 1 , me!!! So come knock me off and that big chip I have on my shoulder.
It was fun having an SL Match room open last nigt. Already had some admins from some other league shaking their heads at me. This is fun and I havent logged a game yet. LOL
This all for fun guys and to get people back on GSA. So lets have some fun with it.
Current # 1 Rung holder-----Slider
(now go knock him off)

Any web savy people out there that can help me with getting the links to these to places posted somewhere. hmmmyou guys think i shold grab the Starleagues domain.

Slider proud new admin of SL-Starleagues.