<SERVER> Congrats: RFA{NEO} - GameSpy Arcade Ladder winner!
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©ª Green=SoV= is here.
<LadyELF> any wennies lately they are the best rmember champ and him running from them after eating one of them lmao
<Green=SoV=> Now 3 Phaser.
<Blk.-.Stabbath-Poet> anybody wanna play
<Blk.-.Stabbath-Poet> sfc2 thingy
<=SOV=Rekoji> Hey Phaser, you gonna be able to get 3 tonight?
<[ISC]Phaser> nope
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> rekpo
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> reko
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> i dont appreciate ur fleet member disrespecting phaser
<[ISC]Phaser> like i said from the beginning of the ISC vs SOV thread we caint fly during the week
<=SOV=Rekoji> Then tell Phaser to be a little more respectful himself
<[ISC]Phaser> like how
<[ISC]Phaser> u might wann ask green if i insulted him at all in the last pm he sent me
<=SOV=Rekoji> As for the Weekend, I am out this weekend, 762 is out of communications, Green and Walker can probably make it
<[ISC]Phaser> he was insulting me until i told him the convo is over
<=SoV=Walker> not this weekend as I am out of town
<=SOV=Rekoji> That leaves us with one for this weekend.
<[ISC]Phaser> my point is this ..the deadline was set for last weekend
<=SOV=Rekoji> IIRC, it doesn't matter who wins as it won't change the standings
<[ISC]Phaser> we had people on from 3:pm till 2:am all weekend so we could get it done before the weekend was up
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> u guys r gonna lose in the play offs anyway why bother trying to compete
<=SOV=Rekoji> Gee.... weren't you the A-hole who was just talking to me about manners?
<FEDX-Gil> "a-hole"
<[ISC]Phaser> no u were talking insults
<FEDX-Gil> lol
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> yea thats me what goes around comes arround
<FEDX-Gil> asshole
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> picee of shiit
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> go fuk urself b4 u insult my superiors like that
<LadyELF> Hiyaq Tal
<FEDX-Gil> lots of love
<FEDX-Gil> lol
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> hey
<LadyELF> oh sorry didn't mean to interupt
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> lol
<[ISC]Phaser> hiya lady
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> its all good
<=SOV=Rekoji> Let me tell you, the maturity level in your fleet is insane.
<FEDX-Gil> ok i can settle this'
<FEDX-Gil> you both suck

<LadyELF> Hey Phase
<LadyELF> what the heck is going on
<=SOV=Rekoji> Get Butcher to contact us. At least he isn't an idiot
<FEDX-Gil> ..butcher is kinda
<FEDX-Gil> lol
<KoG-Ves`joH`a> lol
<FEDX-Gil> err sorry
<FEDX-Gil> that was
<FEDX-Gil> james
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> why u went past the deadline take ur forfeit u were gonna lose anyway
<LadyELF> ya'll need any help it's been a while for more sure could use a good one u know us Lady Klinks
<FEDX-Gil> butcher just a follower
<DIF-DuckDodger_CUGS_> man I feel the love
<FEDX-Gil> tal
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> why u went past the deadline take ur forfeit u were gonna lose anyway
<FEDX-Gil> be cool about it
<FEDX-Gil> if they miss the date
<DIF-DuckDodger_CUGS_> DIF got to stick together
<FEDX-Gil> play them anyway
<FEDX-Gil> they have lifes unlike you
<FEDX-Gil> :O
<=SOV=Rekoji> Why have we been trying to get this done for over month.. but you were only available this past weekend?
FEDX-Gil burn
KoG-Ves`joH`a pass
<DIF-DuckDodger_CUGS_> hey lady elf
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> hey duckdogers who the hell recruited u
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> lol
<DIF-DuckDodger_CUGS_> On what fleet
©ª Your buddy XE-Nikki-(IPG) is now online.
<FEDX-Gil> the person that dident recruit you
<=SOV=Rekoji> And if you guys are soo hot, why not take us on 2 v 3? We are gonna lose anyways...
<KoG-Ves`joH`a> pyle!
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> lol
<FEDX-Gil> isc good, but they fly isc

<FEDX-Gil> lol
<DIF-DuckDodger_CUGS_> Telented Hoggie says hi and get a life
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> plz isc owned in sfc2
<FEDX-Gil> hoggie, he always on
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> notop
<FEDX-Gil> talking about
<FEDX-Gil> gert a life
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> hoggie is a haggis looking bastard
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> lol
<FEDX-Gil> he still lives in parents basement
<FEDX-Gil> :O
<DIF-DuckDodger_CUGS_> lol
©ª XE-Nikki-(IPG) has entered the room.
<LadyELF> Hiya Duck
<KoG-Ves`joH`a> lmao
<DIF-DuckDodger_CUGS_> i feel the love
<DIF-DuckDodger_CUGS_> LADY !!!!! hide me from these crazy people

duck that aint the only thing you can feel * lifts shorts up*
<FEDX-Gil> lol
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> sov dude... not our fault u go past the deadline cuz u too busy jerking eachother off
<LadyELF> if u are in on it I can't
<DIF-DuckDodger_CUGS_> lol
<FEDX-Gil> now tal we all know you jerk off too
<=SOV=Rekoji> Ooo.. the maturity level hightens....
<DIF-DuckDodger_CUGS_> nope I am older then two
<LadyELF> although not in a fleet I know my friends and will stand with them all
<DIF-DuckDodger_CUGS_> I was just in the lobby saying hi
<LadyELF> hello sorry duck
<FEDX-Gil> i mean comon tal, we know late at night you watchin your cartoons cant get enuff of them
<FEDX-Gil> :O
FEDX-Gil burn!
<=SOV=Rekoji> You blame us for missing a weekend deadline when you missed the previous month...
<LadyELF> but this is always interesting
<LadyELF> Well to let u no Tal has a women in his bed everynight
<FEDX-Gil> now
<FEDX-Gil> there a difference between good poonany
<FEDX-Gil> and bad
<FEDX-Gil> :O
<=SOV=Rekoji> I don't care that he still sleeps wiht his mom.
<LadyELF> he needs no hands or men he has the real thing ulike ur blow-up doll
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> lol look at ur lil kid come backs
<FEDX-Gil> i got the auto slob blow up doll
<FEDX-Gil> more advanced

<LadyELF> Hun it's not his mom so get over it and off it and just admitt u are trying to pick him up because u are a fag
<=SOV=Rekoji> So you want 2 v 2 or do you want to quit?
<FEDX-Gil> comon now lady dont blaze with sov
<=SoV=Walker> look you ISC guys want this match or not
<=SOV=Rekoji> Lady, go back to the play ground
<=SOV=Rekoji> ISC, if you want a match, come inside
<LadyELF> welll then shill the fk out and get off him.
<FEDX-Gil> no
<LadyELF> Gil lol
<FEDX-Gil> dont be poking your head in other beewax
<=SOV=Rekoji> Lady, you might want to look as who started this pissing match
<420-STARFTR-CUGS> are all you re;lated or something
<=SOV=Rekoji> it was your boy
<LadyELF> then grow the fk up how old are u anyways
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> rekjov have respect for a women
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> cuz u aint gettting one anyway
<FEDX-Gil> grow the fucvkl up bitch, ill make you cry
<=SOV=Rekoji> Talented, I treat respect with respect.
<=SOV=Rekoji> None has been shown, so none will be given
<LadyELF> well I've known tal for over 4yrs and he never does anything that isn't suppose to b done
<420-STARFTR-CUGS> sir if u keep the lang gsa will banned you
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> ur dude green disrespected now u all will be treated the same
<FEDX-Gil> ( " ) how come your here huh, no life of your own, you start **** with sov and try to blaze with them
<=SOV=Rekoji> Now, the offer stands, do you wnat to fly or do you want to cry?
<LadyELF> u'll make me cry hun I'm 31yrs old and been around hell and back so try me
<=SOV=Rekoji> Oh, the peanut gallery is starting...
<LadyELF> I will make u look like a puss when I am done
<Blk.-.Stabbath-Poet> i had a life once.... it sucked
<FEDX-Gil> lol 31 years old, and you still have no life, now thats sad
<FEDX-Gil> oh really
<FEDX-Gil> boy if this a pilot match or bl;azin youll lose both
<LadyELF> I can't fly atm but ask the others I'm no slump
<FEDX-Gil> nor am i
<LadyELF> my puter is fkd atm and it will b fixed soon so we can make a rain check
<=SOV=Rekoji> This is PBR related, it is with ISC.
<FEDX-Gil> ( " ) stop looking at porn then it wouldent be ****ed up
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> lol u mess with the GSA ppl u gonan get messed up
<LadyELF> I have one with a family a husband that works and a daughter that goes to school
<LadyELF> what do u have
<=SOV=Rekoji> Oh no... I am so scared now....
<FEDX-Gil> hey what you have dont determine what you got
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> listen do u not know what a deadline is.. we told u WEEKENDS and none of ur guys showed up. according to the rules u forfeit but since the moderator is ur boyfriend he is being nice to u pony bitches
<=SOV=Rekoji> I guess that means you don't want to fly, just get your friends to verbally gang up on me?
<LadyELF> we have a house paid in full 3 cars paid in full 4 acers of land and much more what do u have mommy and daddy?
<FEDX-Gil> you may have 2 more, but i can bet i make just as much as you and your husben a week
<=SoV=Walker> what the hell are you guys talking about this is about a freeking PBR match
<=SOV=Rekoji> Do you not know that we have been trying to get this match for over a MONTH?
<=SOV=Rekoji> Where were you then?
<FEDX-Gil> like i said what you have aint what you got
<FEDX-Gil> you can have the best sutff, dnt mean you got it
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> we were here on the weekends
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> like i said
<DIF-DuckDodger_CUGS_> go to a room and quit the spamming
<=SOV=Rekoji> Sorry that we have lives that require us to be gone on wekends
<DIF-DuckDodger_CUGS_> thanks
<420-STARFTR-CUGS> any our here fly UAW
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> yea sucking eachothers dicks
<=SOV=Rekoji> Got a room, but ISC isn't in it
<LadyELF> oh so u make over 1000.oo a week and u are worth over 1 million
<Green=SoV=> ISC failed to show the weekend of 2/3 April and would only play 5-7pm on weekdays.
<420-STARFTR-CUGS> one\
<=SoV=Walker> and it was stated that we couldnt make it onthe weekends at this time
<LadyELF> because that is us ty very much
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> who the hell works during the weekend?/
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> clown
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> stop lying to urself
<FEDX-Gil> yeah i make wel over 1k a weak i work probly 2 more jobs then you
<DIF-DuckDodger_CUGS_> lady want to play UAW?'
<420-STARFTR-CUGS> sfc2op://GSP!sfc2op!Xl9FlW1suX/?type=staging
<Green=SoV=> it was said we wouldn't make that one weekend
<FEDX-Gil> i work during werekend tal lol
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> i work girls during the weeekend
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> if thats what u mean
<FEDX-Gil> now comon tal dont kid your self lol
<FEDX-Gil> when you say girls.....you mean boys...
<FEDX-Gil> :O
<LadyELF> yeah but I got a nice settlement that was well over a mil ty
<=SoV=Walker> do you want the match or not!
<FEDX-Gil> i dont even know what a settlement is, lol
<=SOV=Rekoji> They don't... and who cares, it won't change the standings anyways.
<KoG-"S"ema"J"ELF> its a place where u start a new civilization
<KOG-Weahpagh> hi all
<LadyELF> medical malpractice dear
<LadyELF> when a doctor messes up really bad and then pays u for it
<KoG-"S"ema"J"ELF> gn all
©ª Your buddy Cougar=SoV= is now online.
©ª Cougar=SoV= has entered the room.
<FEDX-Gil> ok, well i never had pleasure to grad highschool lol so i dont know what a madical malpractic
<KOG-Weahpagh> today is a very sad day
<FEDX-Gil> ohhh
KoG-"S"ema"J"ELF has gone to Later!.
<FEDX-Gil> swas there a risk factor?
<Green=SoV=> Cougar, room is up...they won't play
<FEDX-Gil> of what ever they did
<KOG-Weahpagh> my wife died this morning
<FEDX-Gil> whoa
<FEDX-Gil> damn dude
<KOG-Weahpagh> pnumonia
<14G_Tealok> sad to hear
<FEDX-Gil> lady was there a risk factor
<FEDX-Gil> of what ever they did
<RFA[aSa]-KrownELF> are u serious weah?
<LadyELF> well guys to many kids in here for me need to go I will talk to ya soon
<KOG-Weahpagh> just my son and I now
<RFA[aSa]-KrownELF> no way
<LadyELF> Hiya Krownie
<RFA[aSa]-KrownELF> hi lady
<FEDX-Gil> comonlady anwser question
<DIF-DuckDodger_CUGS_> Sorry to hear that weahpagh
<LadyELF> how ya been
<FEDX-Gil> was there a risk factor in the doctor thingamobob
<KOG-Weahpagh> thanks
<KOG-Weahpagh> gn all
<FEDX-Gil> take care
<FEDX-Gil> prays for you
<LadyELF> not like these where I died 2 x and was in the hosp for a bit
<Cpt_D_Nemo> sfc2op://GSP!sfc2op!Xqp4uvpslX/?type=staging 1 more
<LadyELF> there is u answer
<FEDX-Gil> ok but there was a risk factor
<LadyELF> ask Krownie he called me and checked on me
<FEDX-Gil> and you knew it plan as day
<FEDX-Gil> ( " ) was there a % factor like 1% this will fail ****
<LadyELF> not when the doc didn't do something that legally he was suppose to do on all his papers didn't do it
<LadyELF> sent me home without doig it and almost killed me ty
<FEDX-Gil> hmm
<Green=SoV=> ISC, are you playing or not?
<FEDX-Gil> so you sueed for easy money?
<LadyELF> I had been checking on it for over 3 yrs ty
<LadyELF> u think 7 surgeries in 1yr was easy
<FEDX-Gil> ( " ) people forget to do **** sometimes, why sue over that
<LadyELF> being away from ur daughter
<FEDX-Gil> but you knew there was a factor
<FEDX-Gil> ( " ) that they could **** up
<FEDX-Gil> every surgery has a risk factor
<LadyELF> being away from ur family and not knowing who was coming and going who u had talked to or anything like that was easy
<FEDX-Gil> i think it should be aganist the law if you sue when there a risk factor over 1%
<KOG-Googlebut> 2v2 Cugs here sfc2op://GSP!sfc2op!XGDupq1sOX/?type=staging 4.0 shiplist
<FEDX-Gil> boo hoo, we all have problems some worst then others
<FEDX-Gil> the thing is you aint retarded now
<LadyELF> Dying 2x ur 3yr old daughter seeing u with tubes running everywhere
<KOG_Mat'Sagh> ( " ) man GIL ur still a pompous *** huh dude
<FEDX-Gil> if you looking for sentimentaly
<FEDX-Gil> ( " ) yu wont get it, i seen same **** with friends sisters to friends to famikly
<KOG_Mat'Sagh> stfu GIL ua makeing us all look stuoid
<LadyELF> yeah and u know what just for u being like u are right now it will come back on u in one way or the other trust me there bud
<FEDX-Gil> really?
<KOG_Mat'Sagh> stupid even *
<KOG-Googlebut> 2v2 Cugs here sfc2op://GSP!sfc2op!XGDupq1sOX/?type=staging 4.0 shiplist
<FEDX-Gil> nah, it wont come back, becouse karma i dont think happens
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> it does
<Green=SoV=> I take it ISC forfeits. Got it.
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> ur mother forfeited u bitch
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> talk to phaser im refraining myself
<KOG_Mat'Sagh> lol
<=SOV=Rekoji> Oh, obviously
<KoG-Ves`joH`a> hehe
<KOG-Googlebut> 2v2 Cugs here sfc2op://GSP!sfc2op!XGDupq1sOX/?type=staging 4.0 shiplist
<KOG_Mat'Sagh> talented whats up dude ??
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> nothing man these clowns trya take a win
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> pbr league
<KOG-{Yel}> who
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> SOV
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> SOV 5 AND 4... ISC 9 AND 0.. Why the fuk would we forfeit against u? LOL
<KOG-{Yel}> he want to play you?
<KOG_Mat'Sagh> lol ...ya know its funny i always see u ISC guys on and inever see the SOV guys on at all
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> They come on purpose
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> when we aint here
KoG-Ves`joH`a locks door to room now ues guys cant leave
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> dyna b itches
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> like to kill AI
<KOG_Mat'Sagh> lol
<KOG-{Yel}> humm
<KOG-{Yel}> its not logycal spock
<KOG-{Yel}> lol
<KOG-Googlebut> anyone up for some cugs?
<Green=SoV=> Okay. ISC won't play (again). Calling it, ISC forfeits. Night all.
Green=SoV= has gone to Later!.
©ª Your buddy =SoV=Walker is now online.
<KOG-{Yel}> lol
<KOG_Mat'Sagh> they domnt forfiet
<KoG-Ves`joH`a> ooo
<[ISC]Phaser> lol
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> lmao
<KOG_Mat'Sagh> hehehehe
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> reko dick tell ur green bitch to suck his dick.. i think hes lonely
<KOG-{Yel}> but what that mean
<KOG-Googlebut> hey ISC guys
<KOG-Googlebut> want to play us
<KOG-Googlebut> we ain't babies
<KOG-Googlebut> 2v2 Cugs here sfc2op://GSP!sfc2op!XGDupq1sOX/?type=staging 4.0 shiplist
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> ISC dont do cugs
<KOG-{Yel}> they quit the game and wwant to make a new one? sorry my english is not verry good
<KOG-{Yel}> ah ok and so you told them you dont wanna play and so they talk you some bad thiongs?ç
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> thongs
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> LOL
<=SoV=Walker> well then get off your butt and play the match doesnt matter of your 9 and 0 we were here and you didnt play the match and you put our match off all month long you forfet
<[ISC]-DIF-Talented> lmao
<KOG-{Yel}> things ?
<KoG-Ves`joH`a> thongs
=SoV=Walker has gone to Later!.