You know what this has been going on for too long. We where told that something would be done about it if it was abused and nothing at all is happening. Frankly this has me disappointed to no end.
And its one of the main reasons i have not donated anything yet ( Im really not making it up the same thing has happened to me.)
2 times i have been ready to say F**k this place and split

but i was talked out of it by people here on the board.
By letting these people get away with this, only causes bad feelings and further divides us.
And the thing that really sucks is that its usually the same people doing it over and over again.
Why is nothing being done about this? This is NOT the first time this has been brought up. Do you guys enjoy seeing us be back stabbed?
Are you too busy now to deal with it? Or do you just not care.
Its screwing up the enjoy ment of people here whether or not you guys want to deal with it.
I'm sorry if i sound aggravated or Po'd but I am.
It would be nice for a change to get an official responce to this for once,instead of silence.