Topic: Negitive Karma  (Read 7050 times)

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Offline Red_Green

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Negitive Karma
« on: March 16, 2005, 11:52:10 pm »
I was gone aprox 6-7 weeks. During that time I was not here, I recieved about a dozen bad Karma.  If someone still has a problem with  me would you please contact me so we can deal with it like men.

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Offline MajorRacal

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2005, 11:54:46 am »
What is Karma even there for?  I can see no real use for the feature as it stands.


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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2005, 12:06:32 pm »
I wonder why, with having a karma feature, the person who receives karma can't check to see which member it was that gave them good or bad. It seems a little unfair that it can be done anonymously.

Offline Lord Schtupp

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2005, 12:11:29 pm »
Its worse than stupid, its worse than useless. Just ignore it - it means nothing. At first it bothered me like yourself but really once you think about it it holds no value, nobody cares (or should)

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2005, 12:26:53 pm »
Yea I guess I will have to ignore it.   It just reminds me of grade school stuff. I gave  everyone here +1 positve.

I see I just got another negative so obviously someone holds a grudge against me.  What I think it is, is someone is trying to get a rise out of me. I read advice columbs that say in cases like this either don't let it bother you, thus the person doing it won't get any  satisfaction from it. Or confronting them about said behavior and resolving the issue. Since its anyomous doing the latter is not possible.

All I can say is since I can't resolve what ever the anyomous persons's dispute is. Them giving me negative kharma at this point is more a reflection of them then it is of me.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2005, 12:38:14 pm by red_green »

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2005, 12:27:34 pm »
As you can see, I have more negitives than positives. That's because I speak my mind and people don't like it. It's not like I give a frak, but still.....
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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2005, 12:35:44 pm »
Hey Red, I feel the same way you do.  Whenever I toggle the switch, whether it is positive or negative points, I tell the guy... and why, too.

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2005, 01:47:13 pm »
Actually I believe I figured  out who has been doing it. See the user profile shows when everyone was last active. Based on the fact I have maybe 5 people  here that totally dispise me. I happen to notice that only 1 of them was active today. Exactly the same time that my last negative Karma appeared. So to the person giving me - karma once every 12 hours, hey what ever gets you off I guess. Maybe when I reach 100 I will get an award or something for being the forums biggests bastard. :dance:

Ok now on with the rest of my life. Wait I forgot I don't have a life. :P


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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2005, 01:57:03 pm »
You know what this has been going on for too long. We where told that something would be done about it if it was abused and nothing at all is happening. Frankly this has me disappointed to no end.
 And its one of the main reasons i have not donated anything yet ( Im really not making it up the same thing has happened to me.)

 2 times i have been ready to say F**k this place and split >:( but i was talked out of it by people here on the board.

 By letting these people get away with this, only causes bad feelings and further divides us.

 And the thing that really sucks is that its usually the same people doing it over and over again.

 Why is nothing being done about this? This is NOT the first time this has been brought up. Do you guys enjoy seeing us be back stabbed?

 Are you too busy now to deal with it? Or do you just not care.

  Its screwing up the enjoy ment of people here whether or not you guys want to deal with it.
 I'm sorry if i sound aggravated or Po'd but I am.

 It would be nice for a change to get an official responce to this for once,instead of silence. :)

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2005, 02:00:45 pm »
Disabled; story over. Find something else to complain about.

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2005, 02:06:16 pm »
   Thanks Bonk. :)  :)

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2005, 02:16:54 pm »
I was gone aprox 6-7 weeks. During that time I was not here, I recieved about a dozen bad Karma.  If someone still has a problem with  me would you please contact me so we can deal with it like men.

dont be such pussy, least you can tell people youre a badass cause you got such a bad rep ;D
(still must admit its odd, im a so called "nazi" yet people dont give me much of negative karma :p )
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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2005, 02:18:36 pm »
 Thanks Bonk But it was causing more problems than anything.

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2005, 03:51:43 pm »
I overstepped my bounds of responsibilty on this one, sorry guys... its been put to a moderator vote. Hopefully the decision will stand. Karma re-enabled in the meantime.  :-\


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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2005, 03:55:14 pm »
I overstepped my bounds of responsibilty on this one, sorry guys... its been put to a moderator vote. Hopefully the decision will stand. Karma re-enabled in the meantime.  :-\

 With all the hassle is giving you guys I hope so.

 Have you guys thought of just disabling it for the people abusing it? Or is that possible?

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2005, 03:56:59 pm »
I overstepped my bounds of responsibilty on this one, sorry guys... its been put to a moderator vote. Hopefully the decision will stand. Karma re-enabled in the meantime.  :-\

 With all the hassle is giving you guys I hope so.

 Have you guys thought of just disabling it for the people abusing it? Or is that possible?

Not sure if possible, may take coding, that level of manual maintenance is unacceptable to me anyway. Unless someone is willing to commit to permanently policing it.


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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2005, 04:08:23 pm »
I hate it so much i would gladly do it, and be willing to forfit my ability to give or get it to be fair.
 I'm sure you could find somebody more qualified as well. ;D :lol:

 That way we could keep it for the people who can act like adults.

 I mean face it my positive score is pretty high , the only reason this upsets me so much is the constant abuse.

 People should be able to speak honestly about unpopular things with out retribution.
 But at the same time it could serve to show people they are being rude or abusive.

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2005, 05:06:41 pm »
well i couldnt care less about the karma stuff it has no real value i wouldnt mind seeing it gone altogether

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2005, 06:21:41 pm »
I wonder why, with having a karma feature, the person who receives karma can't check to see which member it was that gave them good or bad. It seems a little unfair that it can be done anonymously.

agreed. and you can't spend it on say, a alrger avatar or something. People keep giving it to me as well and I haven't pissed anyone off recently that I know of. Ofocurse if I simply don't say their ship is the greatest thing since the wheel I get a few negs so I really don't pay too much attn any more.

Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2005, 07:45:44 pm »
I could try and think of what reason the karma system is there for (and I have thought of one, yet won't state it), but I can't really see any validly-pointful reason to have it.  But seeing as some people care about it and threads like this are made, I say it's best to rid of it, as it doesn't really serve any very-useful purpose to the community.  I'd say threads like this and reactions on karma is proof that karma may make things worse.  As to how worse, that's up to you to decide.  But it does make things worse, if only slightly. 
I don't care for it, but I'd rather not see things like karma used like a match to start a flamefest.  That depends on if anyone would decide to light it and throw it onto some gasoline, and there is some potential for that.

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #20 on: March 17, 2005, 08:12:17 pm »
I think the idea behind the karma system is good, but it's a good thing gone bad. Giveng karma should require a reason to be typed by the sender and publicly displayed in the recipiants profile. Think that would solve everyones problem and stop abuse from people who just do it because thye hate someone.

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #21 on: March 17, 2005, 10:04:25 pm »
I think having someone including a nasty PM along with the neg. karma (I know that's not what was said, but that's what would happen in a lot of cases.) would just inflame things more, IMO. It's nice to have someone give you a little recognition, but as was said, some (and probably a very few) are abusing it. Unfortunately, it probably should go. Or remove the neg. feature. That way we can still give out attaboys.
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Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2005, 10:32:13 pm »
We can basically do that with replies, much like the compliments to good models or retextures of models for SFC, or if someone said something very well.

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Offline E_Look

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #23 on: March 17, 2005, 11:01:46 pm »
Hee hee hee...

... I know I've complained too, but SOME of us DO deserve it.  If you think just a little hard, you might even figure it out.  We've all flown off the handle every now and then, but some of us seem to be more uncaring of others' feelings.

But no one deserves it more than the chickens hiding in the shadows pulling people's negative chains.

I say keep the system.  It adds another kind of zip to our forums.  Besides, MJ and the Judge would both probably feel naked without all their negative karma points hiding their "less presentable parts".   ;)  :flame:

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #24 on: March 18, 2005, 02:48:51 am »
Personally, the karma system, at least how it exists now, pisses me off and kinda irritates me. 

I recently obtained access to the Hot and Spicy forums.  Alot of very good, and sometimes heated topics go on in there, and I've made comments on them.

Now if anyone here has ever read any comment I have posted in a thread that has become somewhat heated and a bit controversial, you'll know that I try to form my comments in a respectful manner, when debating an issue that is.  If I disagree with someone, I give reasons why, but always in a respectful manner.  That's just how I am.

 I remember recently I didn't post anything within a week's time and my neg karma jumped up like 4-5 points, and it's recently jumped up another 3-4 points since then, and personally I think it's because those that gave me the negative karma didn't like my views on a certain topic, regardless of how I posted it. 

I've admitted on a couple of occasions that I've become a bit emotional in some responses, but I've admitted that freely and openly, and apologized to those that may have been offended by some concent of my comments.

Now, someone in this thread suggested that the negative karma be used so show those people that are disrespectful and rude on these forums.  I believe Ravok suggested this.  Very good idea. 

Personally, I also think it should probably go. 

Or you know what?  How about this.  Have the karma system overhauled so that all you see is if the person's karma is either positive or negative.  For each positive or negative karma given, their total karma is affected, either goes up or goes down. 

Or perhaps have an option for just regular posters like myself to only be able to give positive karma, but the moderators have the option to give negative karma, as a warning for posters to watch how they post.  Once you get to a certain negative karma level, a pre-determined punishment is dealt and enforced for a certain amount of time. 

With the exception of one, maybe two moderators that I have come across here on, I have never met a moderator here that didn't examine each reponse or comment with a high level of respect and intelligence, and recognize that people have a right to state their opinions, as long as they do it in a respectful manner, and didn't take comments personally if they comments didn't agree to their points of view or match their own opinions, as long as such comments were done in a respectful manner.

Just my two cents. 
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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #25 on: March 18, 2005, 09:11:17 am »
I agree that the karma system needs to go.  We're all bright enough to know who we like and who we don't.  Anyway, if someone ticks you off, how complicated is it just to ignore them or just have your say and let it go.  Negative karma is just a jab that sticks around.



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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #26 on: March 18, 2005, 09:23:42 am »
Hee hee hee...

... I know I've complained too, but SOME of us DO deserve it.  If you think just a little hard, you might even figure it out.  We've all flown off the handle every now and then, but some of us seem to be more uncaring of others' feelings.

But no one deserves it more than the chickens hiding in the shadows pulling people's negative chains.

I say keep the system.  It adds another kind of zip to our forums.  Besides, MJ and the Judge would both probably feel naked without all their negative karma points hiding their "less presentable parts".   ;)  :flame:

 I can agree with that. I have stuck my foot in my mouth more than once. I would say out of the 45 negative points i have i earned about 25- 30 . The rest have been just spite and people who don't like my views on things.

 The only time I give out negative Karma is when somebody is being abusive or rude.  And i generally let them know it.

 I would never give it out because sombody is speaking their mind. Thats just childish and petty.

 The really weird thing is this seems like the most dangerous place to be on the board karma wise.
 You think it would be Hot& Spicy or some thing. :o

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #27 on: March 18, 2005, 01:09:00 pm »
I never understand why people get worked up about the karma thing...
When you think about it are you really that needy that if someone anomously gives you
a neg karma it's that big a deal?
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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #28 on: March 18, 2005, 01:36:42 pm »
The best way to think of karma by summing the absolute value of both negative and positive. The higher your total absolute value of karma the more effect you are having. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than watching my -karma go up by one right after making a rebuttal post to someones ridiculous position. Shows that they admit defeat even if they are not man enough to admit it publically.
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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #29 on: March 18, 2005, 01:42:20 pm »
The best way to think of karma by summing the absolute value of both negative and positive. The higher our total absolute value of karma the more effect you are having. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than watching my -karma go up by one right after making a rebuttal post to someones ridiculous position. Shows that they admit defeat even if they are man enough to admit it publically.

Shoot Try Being a Mod, My tutu wearing Friend.  ;)

Seriously, Post what you think and feel. As long as It is not abusive, I could Care less about Karma. That being said, Karma is being discussed in the Mod Lounge.

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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #30 on: March 18, 2005, 02:03:23 pm »
That being said, Karma is being discussed in the Mod Lounge.

Oooooh karma, I thought he said Kroma, and everybody knows I have a models figure.
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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #31 on: March 18, 2005, 02:11:12 pm »
I was gone aprox 6-7 weeks. During that time I was not here, I recieved about a dozen bad Karma.  If someone still has a problem with  me would you please contact me so we can deal with it like men.

Just because your gone for a time doesnt mean people cant read your posts and therefore karma them accordingly to there point of view, get over it. I actually do agree that Karma serves zero purpose and therefore it should go.


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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #32 on: March 18, 2005, 03:03:16 pm »
I think one good example on how whacked this is, Mr Cue. He has done nothing but bust his butt for us.And i have never,never heard him say anything critical or rude, and he has a bunch of negative karma to show for all his hard work. :P

 The same thing for Frey and some of the Moderators. Tho i can see people giving, revenge Karma to the Mods. ::) . Its just wrong. Thats what really bothers me. :(

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #33 on: March 19, 2005, 03:07:09 am »
If and when the karma system goes, I for one will be ready with my ship to blow it to kingdom come.  And as for should come to my college in the fall and audition for Romeo & Juliet.  We're putting the production on I think sometime in October.  :-D
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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #34 on: March 19, 2005, 03:49:14 pm »
I agree i think the system needs to go as i dont see the point in it, people can allways praise a post or state their disagreement by posting a reply.

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #35 on: March 19, 2005, 06:46:13 pm »
But it's such an amusing thing to keep checking..

I have , what about 5 less karma then Kroma and 100 or so fewer posts.
Therefore my posts have had stronger influence on people, and are therefore better overall then Kroma's.

Thus I am a better and more intelligent person then he could ever hope to be.
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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #36 on: March 19, 2005, 09:34:25 pm »
But it's such an amusing thing to keep checking..

I have , what about 5 less karma then Kroma and 100 or so fewer posts.
Therefore my posts have had stronger influence on people, and are therefore better overall then Kroma's.

Thus I am a better and more intelligent person then he could ever hope to be.

Hmmm.....interesting theory.  :-D  Just kidding with ya Hexx.  :-D
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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #37 on: March 21, 2005, 07:13:08 am »
I think one good example on how whacked this is, Mr Cue. He has done nothing but bust his butt for us.And i have never,never heard him say anything critical or rude, and he has a bunch of negative karma to show for all his hard work. :P

 The same thing for Frey and some of the Moderators. Tho i can see people giving, revenge Karma to the Mods. ::) . Its just wrong. Thats what really bothers me. :(

well if this is the case i petition a drive to give MrCue and Company a S***load of +karma so i ask all to give +karma the mods anytime they can :)

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #38 on: March 21, 2005, 07:27:38 am »

The problem is there are some people who shrug off the fact they have recieved negative karma and just ignore it, then there are some who take offense in getting it and perhaps feel they to restrict what they say in future.

Thats why i think overall it should be removed as the karma system may stop people who fear the "negative karma" from posting their true point of view on some topics.

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #39 on: March 21, 2005, 05:33:09 pm »
To quote one guy here who has more negative points than sand on the shore, "Piffle!"

I WANT to know what I posted to get negative points, because that's where some TRUE DISCUSSION most likely will lie.  (True, lie, get it?)

If one fears a few negative karma points, why get on a public space??

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #40 on: March 22, 2005, 07:04:11 am »
Far be it from me to Dissuade discussion but does this thread belong in the Modeling forum?
 perhaps it should be moved to the general discussion location?

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #41 on: March 22, 2005, 09:12:40 am »
It comes clearer to me after all the controversy with Karma continuing on in this forum that all of it is more reason to get rid of it, in my opinion.  No Karma, no random complaints of negative Karma, no discussions like this, and everyone can return to their normal forum-browsing and forum-posting.  The negative attributes of Karma outweighs the positive attibutes, plain and simple.  Why not get rid of it?

I'm curious...  Wasn't it removed momentarily before?

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #42 on: March 23, 2005, 01:14:33 pm »
Yes It was For a little bit, But was Added back in while It's being discussed with the Admins/Mods. There are a couple of Ideas in the work right now, But It's not really my place to say more, untill Frey makes an announcement.

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #43 on: March 23, 2005, 02:59:42 pm »

Thus I am a better and more intelligent person then he could ever hope to be.

Notice he didn't say taller or better looking, you know the real important qualities.
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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #44 on: March 23, 2005, 03:40:57 pm »
Yes It was For a little bit, But was Added back in while It's being discussed with the Admins/Mods. There are a couple of Ideas in the work right now, But It's not really my place to say more, untill Frey makes an announcement.


Why keep it in, Stephen?  To continue the debating on Karma for ages to come?  It's quite simple Stephen, no need to discuss it: Removing it would cause less problems than it would to keep it in.  No asking about karma, no fighting about karma, no people upset about karma, less hassle for the community, the more peace in the community, etc.  There's only one reason I would care about Karma: The negative attributes can cause a big hassle in the community, an annoyance not needed.  If it wasn't there, we wouldn't be discussing this, there wouldn't be many questions or upset people over it.

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #45 on: March 24, 2005, 10:25:17 am »
Yes It was For a little bit, But was Added back in while It's being discussed with the Admins/Mods. There are a couple of Ideas in the work right now, But It's not really my place to say more, untill Frey makes an announcement.


Why keep it in, Stephen?  To continue the debating on Karma for ages to come?  It's quite simple Stephen, no need to discuss it: Removing it would cause less problems than it would to keep it in.  No asking about karma, no fighting about karma, no people upset about karma, less hassle for the community, the more peace in the community, etc.  There's only one reason I would care about Karma: The negative attributes can cause a big hassle in the community, an annoyance not needed.  If it wasn't there, we wouldn't be discussing this, there wouldn't be many questions or upset people over it.

I understand your point of view, I really do. Frey though likes the Idea of seeing someones Individual respect on the boards.  Here's an Announcement regarding the current change to the Karma system.,163354151.0.html

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Re: Negitive Karma
« Reply #46 on: March 24, 2005, 12:50:28 pm »
much better,,, good compromise