That's right.
We've updated some things, and we'd like you all to let us know what you think.
1. Server THOR is now a Athlon XP 1800+ with 768 MB of DDR 333 on Windows 2003 Server.
2. New map - based on the results of the last 5 month server, the Roms had pretty much taken over the Alpha Quadrant. We'll let it speak for itself.
3. OP Plus 4.0 shiplist has been incorporated.
4. The serverkit is running in a RAMDisk, which should prove to be the fastest, most responsive server you've ever been on.
5. As we continue to develop the D.Net Campaign Interface System (D.NETCIS), we're going to use The Forge as our proving ground. Myself or Bonk will be posting all the relevant stuff in this thread as we roll it out.
Shortly you'll see a child forum of the D2 Forum reserved just for "The Forge".
The D.Net Admins