Topic: I made a ship. I was bored. I call it Zerstörer class.  (Read 3872 times)

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Re: I made a ship. I was bored. I call it Zerstörer class.
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2005, 07:45:06 am »
Speaking of reskinning and illumination ---

Who wants to illuminate/ fix some B5 ships for a SFC Mod?

I have some hi-poly Narn models coverted/ reskinned from DamoclesX's Starshatter MOD

I have Earth and Centuari as well - if you have milkshape 1.7.4 to import A6GS MDL7 models   

Mackie?  Atheorhaven? anyone?

Great ship, Mackie, although it does look like it is Gunboat/ FF sized.

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Re: I made a ship. I was bored. I call it Zerstörer class.
« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2005, 09:08:34 pm »
Speaking of reskinning and illumination ---

Who wants to illuminate/ fix some B5 ships for a SFC Mod?
I have some hi-poly Narn models coverted/ reskinned from DamoclesX's Starshatter MOD
I have Earth and Centuari as well - if you have milkshape 1.7.4 to import A6GS MDL7 models   

Mackie?  Atheorhaven? anyone?
Great ship, Mackie, although it does look like it is Gunboat/ FF sized.

Seeing that you asked so nicely.... sure, I'd love to work on some of those to get them going in a SFC mod..  ;)

Mackie, maybe it's just my side, but when I try to upload, I've been having problems.. could just be my PASV setting because of my firewall/router combo..
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

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Offline Raventree

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Re: I made a ship. I was bored. I call it Zerstörer class.
« Reply #22 on: April 05, 2005, 01:36:09 am »
Atheorhaven!!! Long time no seeum partner...

Remember this little puppy..
I know it's been a while...but I'm drinking too much beer over it... ;D

Did you run into any insurmountable problems on it? or have you had too much going on to give it much time? The last time you posted anything on it, you told me that it was near completion and was just a little too fat (17K polys) and you were gonna put it on a diet. Ive been waiting with baited breath..and hope something isn't wrong with it...

Please let me know...ohh BTW at the following link you can find just about ANY thing you may need about this ship...

Please let me know the status..


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Re: I made a ship. I was bored. I call it Zerstörer class.
« Reply #23 on: April 05, 2005, 07:01:19 am »
Speaking of reskinning and illumination ---

Who wants to illuminate/ fix some B5 ships for a SFC Mod?
I have some hi-poly Narn models coverted/ reskinned from DamoclesX's Starshatter MOD
I have Earth and Centuari as well - if you have milkshape 1.7.4 to import A6GS MDL7 models   

Mackie?  Atheorhaven? anyone?
Great ship, Mackie, although it does look like it is Gunboat/ FF sized.

Seeing that you asked so nicely.... sure, I'd love to work on some of those to get them going in a SFC mod..  ;)

Mackie, maybe it's just my side, but when I try to upload, I've been having problems.. could just be my PASV setting because of my firewall/router combo..

no its a problem with the server I think, just gmail the zip to me and ill take care of the rest :)
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Re: I made a ship. I was bored. I call it Zerstörer class.
« Reply #24 on: April 06, 2005, 11:37:18 am »
what kind of a history do you want it to have, what level of ship is it (escort, light cruiser, etc)..

If I may..................

Try this....................

Zerstörer class  Destroyer

Owner : United Federation of Planets
Class : Medium Ship
Availability : Unlimited Deployment
In Service : 2262
Out of Service : 2304

Created shortly after the Four Years War, the Zerstörer Class Destroyer was built for one purpose: to hunt down and destroy vessels. The Federation wanted a cheap, small and powerful vessel. The basic Zerstörer chassis began as a rejected scout ship, similar in function to the Klingon Bop. That scout’s electronics systems were ripped out and a large quantity of weapons installed in their place.

The Zerstörer Destroyer was successful in its intended role, though Federation commanders would have rather had heavy phasers than the medium phasers installed on the Zerstörer.

As relations with the Klingon Empire began to warm and the Romulans once more retreated into isolation, the political climate that bred the need for the Zerstörer disappeared. As this era of heightened tensions receded the Zerstörer was one of the first casualties. Starfleet deemed the ship no longer necessary and they were removed from service. 

How's that for a history ?

« Last Edit: April 07, 2005, 09:57:20 am by ModelsPlease »

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Re: I made a ship. I was bored. I call it Zerstörer class.
« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2005, 03:05:15 pm »
very nice (just replace Hellstorm with Zerstörer). i suppose that'll do, right atheorhaven?  :)
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Re: I made a ship. I was bored. I call it Zerstörer class.
« Reply #26 on: April 07, 2005, 09:58:07 am »
very nice (just replace Hellstorm with Zerstörer). i suppose that'll do, right atheorhaven?  :)


ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

Offline atheorhaven

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Re: I made a ship. I was bored. I call it Zerstörer class.
« Reply #27 on: April 11, 2005, 07:28:10 am »
very nice (just replace Hellstorm with Zerstörer). i suppose that'll do, right atheorhaven?  :)

Looks awesome.. I'd whipped together something as a nod to Mackie in the meantime and had included it:

Class: Escort (EC)
At the beginning of the 24th Century, Starfleet was left with a bit of a quandry.  Almost a century and a half of old starship equipment was mothballed in orbit around various facilties.  A designer familiar with the old designs started on a project of "bodging" pieces of old equipment together as a hobby.  He disassembled several old Constellation Class ships now out of service, a couple of old captured K'Vort Class Klingon Birds of Prey, and placed the Klingon disrupters into an experimental cross-style configuration on the secondary hull of the Constellation hull, reasoning that the Federation warp core could easily power the weapons once it was minus the primary hull.  Retrofitting the hull's hanger deck with a set of impulse engines and with an experimental automation system, the newly christened "Zerstorer" was able to move at Warp 7 speeds and fire its disruptors at high impulse.  As any project, once finished, it was shut down and left mothballed.  During the Battle of Wolf 359, it was fired up as an emergency unit and remoted by the "USS Jackson" (an Oberth Class science ship) in an effort to destroy the Borg.  It lasted roughly 1 minute and 42 seconds before the Borg had analyzed that it was unmanned and built primarily with 23rd Century technology, and was then vaporized along with the "USS Jackson" itself.  During that time, it hit the Borg Cube four times, all with minimal surface damage only.

Not nearly as illustrious, but nods to Mackie in it.  ;)

..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

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