That animation debunked...

1. Remove all file extensions.
Sensible people however are running KDE or Gnome and have had file extensions for years.
2. Export the entire registry into text files
And the registry is better how? At least I can understand what the files in /etc do with minimal research. Whereas...
To disable the WinXP image preview:
System Key: [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\image\ShellEx\
Value Name: (Default)
Data Type: REG_SZ (String Value)
Value Data: Blank or {e84fda7c-1d6a-45f6-b725-cb260c236066}
3. Scatter these files all over your hard drive and give them short meaningless names.
... eh? They are nearly all in /etc. The odd one is in $home, but then Windows applications tend to keep there configs scattered all over C:/program files. As for the names... A0000014.ini, DefUnrealEd.ini, ERLocal.ini, aspnet_perf2.ini, coperfmonsymbols.ini and so forth can be found in windows. Don't throw stones in a glass house.

4. Make sure some of them end in d and start with a .
Isn't rather a lot of time being put into this particular subject? Can I have a show of hands please for people that actually care how their system stores obscure information that 99.99% of us will never need to edit.
5. Downgrade to Windows 3.1 to get that "square windows, jagged font feel".
Upgrade to a desktop Linux made in the last five years! For the most eye candy install KDE, for a minimalist desktop environment run WindowMaker. It's called choice - something you Windows users don't have a lot of.
6. Remember to type in all lower-case, pretending your filesystem is case-sensitive.
This isn't worthy of a response - most Windows users seem to be incapable of finding the shift key and period key even when writing an email! I shudder to think what their filesystem looks like.
7. Create DOS batch files for commoncommands, only with shorter names.
Eh... if you are comparing the Windows batch file to a Linux shell script then you are simply clueless - you are comparing a water pistol to a uzi. Besides, lots of Linux users go through their lives now never seeing a command line or shell script.
8. Uninstall your printer driver and use only generic drivers.
Who cares as long as your printer prints what you want it to?
9. Buy a stuffed penguin.
What have you got against stuffed penguins?

At least our mascot isn't a paperclip that pops onto the screen and winks at you in a profoundly disturbing way.
10. Talk about BSD, GPL, ext2, NFS, etc.
Yeah... just as you lot seem to spend all your time talking about spyware, viruses, and your operating system randomly destroying itself for no good reason.

11. Become a communist.
Stop listening to Microsoft press announcements and think for yourselves! As for the whole "l33t" nonsense - almost entirely used by overweight unwashed American teenagers that spend all their time shooting each other in brainless online games. Which OS do they use?