Topic: Hand Shake Rule - UBERThreat Shuttles  (Read 32242 times)

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Offline KBF-Butcher

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Re: Hand Shake Rule - UBERThreat Shuttles
« Reply #80 on: March 18, 2005, 12:21:48 pm »
Why don't you quote one for me? Oh that's right, because there are none. Stop being a drama queen.

And I started the thead HERE, specifically for PBR.

U and your wings being a drama queen here in PBR forum,in the Dyna2Server Forum in the  SGO4 Server Irc chat , in any place u r whining and complaining for that so called bug exploit.
Why dont u request fleets to vote for that thing and put an end at this drama.
This is just what i m writing here.
I personally dont care about it.If this will make u feel more competitive so be it ,i have np with that just follow the procedure and im sure every pilot will respect the outcome

p.s what do u mean "there r none"?
« Last Edit: March 18, 2005, 12:39:11 pm by [ISC]Butcher »

Offline [ISC]GreyWolf

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Re: Hand Shake Rule - UBERThreat Shuttles
« Reply #81 on: March 18, 2005, 05:52:47 pm »
Why would anyone want to win anything by deceit and cheating? Where is the challenge? where is the Honor in that?

 If anyone has to win anything by exploiting a obvious flaw in the game, their supposed victory is pointless, petty and self defeating.

 You can call it any name you please, to sooth your conscience. But its a cowards move, and cheating.

 You win nothing but the disgust, and scorn of other players. And bellittle your self.

 Now ask your self is all that worth winning a game?
762_XC were you saying something about there are no posts of accusations about cheating?

Much is being said about launching an admin shuttle against a group of fighters being an exploit, hence a cheat.

How much damage does this cause the fighters?  Hmmm? 0? Hmmm?

How often does this "tactic" work?  I have attempted this 3 times.  Each time either the shuttle was ignored or it was destroyed by a single phaser shot.  If you drop a shuttle and it is closer to the fighters than you, the fighters should shoot it down.  I have spent phasers many times on a launched shuttle as well.

Not that I care if this becomes rule or not, I attempted it 3 times and it didn't help by more than a single phaser shot.  Which is about the same damage as the ESG loses.

Now, if i were to drop a shuttle and go 1/2 way across the map.  Then you send fighters after me and they went for my shuttle instead, then yes I would say you have a valid point.  Until then, you will have to deal with the admin shuttle the same way plasma races deal with Wild Weasels...

My feelings are that someone is upset because they were beaten.  How often I have felt the same, I couldn't count.  But this is a game.  The best part is that after you lose, you can play again in a few minutes.  Get on with your life and when you come up with a real solution to a real problem, please post it.

My vote is that this is a valid tactic.  Feel free to make a rule against it anyway (if it is wanted) as it won't change the way I fly either way.
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Offline Slider

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Re: Hand Shake Rule - UBERThreat Shuttles
« Reply #82 on: March 18, 2005, 06:19:29 pm »
Why would anyone want to win anything by deceit and cheating? Where is the challenge? where is the Honor in that?

 If anyone has to win anything by exploiting a obvious flaw in the game, their supposed victory is pointless, petty and self defeating.

 You can call it any name you please, to sooth your conscience. But its a cowards move, and cheating.

 You win nothing but the disgust, and scorn of other players. And bellittle your self.

 Now ask your self is all that worth winning a game?
762_XC were you saying something about there are no posts of accusations about cheating?

Much is being said about launching an admin shuttle against a group of fighters being an exploit, hence a cheat.

How much damage does this cause the fighters?  Hmmm? 0? Hmmm?

How often does this "tactic" work?  I have attempted this 3 times.  Each time either the shuttle was ignored or it was destroyed by a single phaser shot.  If you drop a shuttle and it is closer to the fighters than you, the fighters should shoot it down.  I have spent phasers many times on a launched shuttle as well.

Not that I care if this becomes rule or not, I attempted it 3 times and it didn't help by more than a single phaser shot.  Which is about the same damage as the ESG loses.

Now, if i were to drop a shuttle and go 1/2 way across the map.  Then you send fighters after me and they went for my shuttle instead, then yes I would say you have a valid point.  Until then, you will have to deal with the admin shuttle the same way plasma races deal with Wild Weasels...

My feelings are that someone is upset because they were beaten.  How often I have felt the same, I couldn't count.  But this is a game.  The best part is that after you lose, you can play again in a few minutes.  Get on with your life and when you come up with a real solution to a real problem, please post it.

My vote is that this is a valid tactic.  Feel free to make a rule against it anyway (if it is wanted) as it won't change the way I fly either way.

Dear [ISCheese]

Can you not read???

ISC Phaser brought up the bug in a conversation. Why dont you go argue with him.

Better yet why dont you fly Lyran for a cycle and show me what wonderful pilots you really are. Oh you cant, youve got nothing to prove, leaving for Starwars....ah ok.

The phrase should be "no B@lls" not "nothing to prove" (giving myself -Karma for that but it just fits)

Oh its not a big deal this little admin shuttle....then dont use it, stop making Circle Arguements on why its a "valid tactic" Oh it doesnt hurt the fighter (slaps head) Damn well it doesnt hurt the fighters wow, damn thats logic, how stupid of me.....then why do you do it why the justifications for it. As ISC admins do nothing for you...... do they?

Answer this one question, why do you launch admin shuttles at Hydran fighter squadrans if you say they do nothing to the fighters?

If you can answer that with a logical answer I'll close the thread (and stop laughing).

No run along and go complain to Phaser for being honest.

LOL, doesnt hurt the fighters.......classic......0 damage to the fighters....ROFL :rofl:


"When you have the facts, argue the facts.
When you have the law, argue the law.
When you have neither, argue in circles and call people names."
« Last Edit: March 18, 2005, 06:33:31 pm by KHH-Slider »

Offline [ISC]GreyWolf

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Re: Hand Shake Rule - UBERThreat Shuttles
« Reply #83 on: March 18, 2005, 06:33:30 pm »

Which is about the same damage as the ESG loses.

Answer this one question, why do you launch admin shuttles at Hydran fighter squadrans if you they do nothing to the fighters?

If you can answer that with a logical answer I'll close the thread (and stop laughing).


Lessen damage done by fighters by at least one phaser shot...
Ask SoV, last cycle I launched one on up and coming fighter squads...I believe it took a single phG from a fighter at range 0.

And by the way Slider, I'd love to fly Lyran next cycle.  I might just to prove a point, if my fleet agrees.
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Offline Slider

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Re: Hand Shake Rule - UBERThreat Shuttles
« Reply #84 on: March 18, 2005, 06:37:25 pm »
Umm even you dont believe that.

BTW id pay good money to see you guys do that. I reakon you might, Ive heard enough about you to know. However there are members in your fleet that will shriek at the thought if flying Lyrans.

Again You's shut me up for good if you guys won a cycle in non ISC ships Hell Id send money if you did it as Lyrans.

Offline [ISC]GreyWolf

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Re: Hand Shake Rule - UBERThreat Shuttles
« Reply #85 on: March 18, 2005, 10:33:19 pm »
How much money you talking about there, Slider?  hehe

Well its a tactic, albiet stupid ai fighters can be fooled...try recalling them sometime, when they don't want to come
And the SoV deal is legit..don't remember who was flying SoV but I could probably find the rec of my admin getting the ax with a single phaser shot.  Soon afterward I was riding some debris, you might see me if you were to zoom in...

Of all the races I've flown, Lyran is probably the most difficult to win with, but it can be very fun too, you know fun as in a game... :o

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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Hand Shake Rule - UBERThreat Shuttles
« Reply #86 on: March 18, 2005, 10:36:47 pm »

And the SoV deal is legit..don't remember who was flying SoV but I could probably find the rec of my admin getting the ax with a single phaser shot.  Soon afterward I was riding some debris, you might see me if you were to zoom in...

That is probably because they had already fired their heavies, and this hardly invalidates the fact that it is a bug just because one time the bug didn't manifest. The fact remains that the admin shuttle was released to take advantage of this interaction even if it didn't workout that way that time.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Because this game makes me feel like  a thirteen year old girl trapped in a lizards body.

Offline [ISC]GreyWolf

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Re: Hand Shake Rule - UBERThreat Shuttles
« Reply #87 on: March 18, 2005, 10:42:48 pm »
OK ya got me Kroma...its a bug that doesn't work all the time.
And they had not fired their Hellbores yet as that was why I was counting pieces of my ship floating toward the blackhole...sheesh it was a mid era game so they were only H2s (like 14 of em)...
By The Sharpest of Blades will Order be restored

Offline KBF-Butcher

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Re: Hand Shake Rule - UBERThreat Shuttles
« Reply #88 on: March 19, 2005, 05:22:55 am »
Better yet why dont you fly Lyran for a cycle and show me what wonderful pilots you really are. Oh you cant, youve got nothing to prove, leaving for Starwars....ah ok.

The phrase should be "no B@lls" not "nothing to prove" (giving myself -Karma for that but it just fits)

fly Lyran for a cycle and show u what wonderful pilots we really are? wtf is this?
I was wondering whats this place has become to a sliders playground?
If that so let me play ,too then. ;D

Hey whats the matter with you and ISC?Is this some kind of an unrecoverable trauma ISC caused u in the past and u r behaving like this.
Do u really want me to remind u last time u started those crap again about ISC fleet what was the outcome for u?
Yes was when u were challenging Iantheace to a 1v1 fight at GZ forums  :rofl:  and found me in gsa  instead , having my L-CWLPp(speaking for Lyran  :P)  beat your G-CC+.You didnt do a single internal to my ship ;D and ofcourse u didnt ask for a rematch telling excuses about how rusty u ve been   :multi:
Ok what was the case back then did the cat eat your tongue and now u r coming back with a new one?
If that so let me take my hatchet again :whip:

« Last Edit: March 19, 2005, 09:23:57 am by [ISC]Butcher »

Offline Slider

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Re: Hand Shake Rule - UBERThreat Shuttles
« Reply #89 on: March 19, 2005, 09:20:57 am »
Me in a Gorn??? LOL.

First off dude, I flew Lyran for RaK, I would take just any Lyran over a Gorn ship at any bpv inlcuding 200. Why on earth would I fly a Gorn CC.

Ian's been gone for years.....and yea I loved to fight that cocky bastard, he was fun to play with. I played against him alot 2 v 2 he with GhostDog and I with Aragorn. (ahhh memories)

Second, I ask for rematches like its going out of style. Even back in the hay day of ladder matches. Ive played hudreds of games against arguably the best this game had to offer, and yes I lost some and I won some. Thats the nature of this game.

Letting someone beat me one game so they can overlord me for the rest of creation is not my style. No one that knows me would think it my character to tuck tail and run after 1 game.

Third When did this imaginary game occur I played 5 games last year all as Hydran before I buried my disk in a flower planter in the back yard of my house. Prior to that the year before We were Mirak.

Dream on.

You know what time to Ignore you again.

Have a great life.

« Last Edit: March 19, 2005, 09:34:10 am by KHH-Slider »

Offline KBF-Butcher

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Re: Hand Shake Rule - UBERThreat Shuttles
« Reply #90 on: March 19, 2005, 09:46:57 am »
Me in a Gorn??? LOL.

Dream on.

Ok time to Ignore you again.

Have a great life.


 :o what u calling me a liar??
U were definitely flying a G-CC+ i remember it like yesterday and it was 150mid game.I also remember when game started u typed that my ship was what u intended to fly but u changed your mind in the end.
If u didnt fly Gorn what did u then?Or we didnt even ever played then?
This is really very disappointing of u that u dont have the balls even to speak the truth.
Thats it not any honor to u  so u dont worth any more of my attention.

edit:Since u need details like u dont remember i can give u:
It was when a bickering started between ISC and KHH in the GZ forums about a match that KHH after game 1 left and said the other games will be played another time.I also remember Jakle who was running the league was away on vacations then .You then started flaming again to ISC and Ian and u challenged him to a fight with a post like: I m logging in to GSA right now come and find me gimp"
Ian wasnt in gsa at that moment but i was and u asked me to find him.He wasnt in the messenger either so i offered u to fight me.
U accepted and we played 150mid.U took the G-CC+ and i took the L-CWLPp.Game lasted  around 10 min.Your s torps couldnt hit me as u tryed to chase me but  my mines and my overloaded middle dizzys were slowly causing internals to your CC+ till i catch ya unloaded of S torps and finish u with my esg.
And yes after that game u didnt want a rematch and claimed u r rusty.
Sorry man i dont know how good pilots u ever fough and i dont care but its obvious to me u r just have a big mouth  and nothing more. 
Now cough the crap and at least be honest.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2005, 10:19:52 am by [ISC]Butcher »

Offline Slider

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Re: Hand Shake Rule - UBERThreat Shuttles
« Reply #91 on: March 19, 2005, 10:55:51 am »
Ok yea your right, there you happy.  :screwloose:

Now, lets get something straight, this thread is about a bug exploit not about your dream state activities.

[Begin past drama]yea I flamed you guys back then, I couldnt fathom how a bunch of guys playing the cheesiest race in the league have the gaul spam forums about how great pilots they are. Thats why I challenged you guys to a straight up ISC vs ISC battle between you and MY TEAM =SoV= (not KHH). So it wasnt about the ships, its about the arrogant attitude and poor sporstmanship you showed after playing FSD if I remember right hence my Lyran reference (why dont you fly Lyran). This is stupid already. [End Past Drama]

I dont like you, You dont like me. I'll stay out of your threads, you stay out of mine. I'll play with my friends, you play with yours.

Have a great life.

You can have the last word then I'll lock the thread as its outlived its usefulness yet served its purpose.

« Last Edit: March 19, 2005, 11:22:51 am by KHH-Slider »

Offline KBF-Butcher

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Re: Hand Shake Rule - UBERThreat Shuttles
« Reply #92 on: March 19, 2005, 11:29:50 am »
[Begin past drama]. Thats why I challenged you guys to a straight up ISC vs ISC battle between you and MY TEAM =SoV= (not KHH). So it wasnt about the ships, its about the arrogant attitude and poor sporstmanship you showed after playing FSD if I remember right hence my Lyran reference (why dont you fly Lyran). This is stupid already. [End Past Drama]

U challenged KEG fleet back then after we had the bickering with FSD  not ISC vs ISC but u ISC and we Lyran and we gladly accepted.Last post of mine in the challenged thread u opened was asking u to schedule it but i got no responce from then.
Now as for the bad sportmanship only I showed to FSD i admit it and i apologised to everyone back then.Dont confuse ISC fleet though has nothing to do with this.
See the difference with u and me is i have the balls to admit when i m wrong and i always speak the truth.However u are full of lies and sh*t.

Better yet why dont you fly Lyran for a cycle and show me what wonderful pilots you really are. Oh you cant, youve got nothing to prove, leaving for Starwars....ah ok.

The phrase should be "no B@lls" not "nothing to prove" (giving myself -Karma for that but it just fits)

Yeah lets get something straight, this thread is about a bug exploit not about your personal issues with the ISC fleet.


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Re: Hand Shake Rule - UBERThreat Shuttles
« Reply #93 on: March 19, 2005, 11:41:08 am »
Enough guys, keep the thread on topic please.

Offline Slider

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Re: Hand Shake Rule - UBERThreat Shuttles
« Reply #94 on: March 19, 2005, 11:52:44 am »
OK he got the last word in. Mut has the new topic. This thread is closed.  :police:

« Last Edit: March 19, 2005, 12:45:18 pm by KHH-Slider »