Actually, there WAS a probe bug that did that. It was used on RaK (Lyrans) on a handfull off occasions.
not to mention when the first esg/helbore interaction came out,the hydrans had but to fire 1 helbore to take down 4 esg's,a bug with which the hydrans loved using AND encouraged it's use to new and old pilots,before that prob got fixed.
So we are in agreement that this is a bad thing, that should be avoided if at all possible.
if we are talking about a bug as opposed to a tactic ..yes,we r in agreement what i posted above is an obvious bug,because it is race i maybe showing my obvious ignorance to hydrans and probably all other races,but do not all fighters ai's act as stupid?? if so,it is not a race specific bug and only temporarily deprives the hydrans of 1 tactic ; brb lol,my daughter is demanding my attention

KIDS!!! lol what a concept !!!! the power of a 20 month old baby daughter to so command through sheer charm and a simple smile

if i could harness that type of power on one of my lyran ships,why you'd all just surrender to me as soon as i entered your sector ,but back to the topic at hand ------> i c this loss of a swarm ability as just a minor inconvience to the hydrans,however,if it is something that occurs just to hydrans,and not to the other fighter races,then i would agree,this is a bug,and a handshake or rule should be made,but if this effects all fighter races,then it becomes just a tactic to be used or not used, the way gorns,isc or roms would use fake plasma to get point defense phasers to is upto a pilot to turn that point defense phaser off,shouldn't the same be true of hydrans to hold onto their fighters until they get an opening to swarm them.not all pilots will think to deploy an admin. basically i don't believe they are that hindered with that exploit/tactic,but as i said,if it is race specific and not intended then i agree with you slider