Topic: Revised instructions for SFC 1.03 XP version patch to reduce lag, all game modes  (Read 24712 times)

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Offline Pestalence_XC

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  • "The Terminator" Pestalence_XC, Xenocorp
OK.. for ease of use and for quick reference... I have repackaged the v1.03 patch zip files for the original Starfleet Command into a self installing EXE file.

There are 3 SFC 1 patches on the market ( as 3 patchable versions were sold in stores)

I also took the liberty of having the installer adjust some of the registry keys which may prove to be invalid for SFC from the initial install of the game.. this was necesary to reduce a major ammount of lag in the game.. as such, to avoid bad lag on XP machines, i suggest that you follow the install instructions to the letter.

Here is the install instructions along with the DL links... and readme file :

1) Uninstall Starfleet Command using Add\Remove Programs file in Windows Control Panel.

2) Delete the 14 East game folder off your system.

3) Reinstall only the Starfleet Command game from the game CD, say no to M-Player and say no to Direct X install.

4) When installing Starfleet Command, make sure to install to the default directory as listed onthe CD. The install path should be C:\Program Files\14 East\Starfleet Command. If you do not install to this directory, the registry keys will not work and you will be experiencing lag in both Single Player and Multi-Player and you will not be able to join Multi-Player matches in Gamespy Arcade. If you own Starfleet Command - Gold Edition, then during the install process, change the default path from C:\Program Files\14 East\Starfleet Command - Gold Edition to C:\Program Files\14 East\Starfleet Command otherwise the registry keys will not work properly.

5) Make sure you are updated to Direct X 9.0b. If you ever installed an older version of Direct X on top of Direct X 9.0b, it is a good chance that you corrupted Direct X9.0b. It is recommended that you reinstall Direct X 9.0b in the event of corruption.

6) Make sure your video drivers are up to date from the manufacturer of your video card.. such as GeForce is updated from NVidia web site, Radeon is updated from the ATI web site and so forth. If you own a laptop, please check with the manufacturer of your laptop for updated drivers.

7) Make sure you have all the updates for Windows from the Window's update web site.

8) XP users, go into your Starfleet Command game directory, right click on Starfleet.exe game file, click on Properties, click on Compatibility tab, put a check mark next to "Disable Visual Themes" and "Turn off advanced text services for this program", DO NOT USE COMPATIBILITY MODE, this attributes to game lag! Click OK.

9) All users, Go into your C:\Program Files\14 East\Starfleet Commaqnd folder and double click the sfc.ini file, change Autofilm under the [UI] section to equal 0 and close file, say yes to save.

10) All users, delete the desktop shortcut to Starfleet Command, then go into your Starfleet Command game directory, right click on Starfleet.exe, select Copy, right click on your desktop, and select "Paste Shortcut".

11) Disable any Anti-Virus software you may be running. Anti-virus software is known to corrupt game patches during the patch process.

12) Launch game and check the race selection screen on the lower right hand corner. Take note of the game version listed.

13) Download and install the correct patch from below.

A) If your game version is 1.00.01, get the following patch file.

Patch 1.00 to 1.03

B) If your game version is 1.01.00, get the following patch file.

SFC Patch 1.01 to 1.03

C) If your game version is 1.02.01, get the following patch file.

SFC Patch 1.021 to 1.03

14) Pay attention to the DOS Window that appears and follow the directions.

15) For Multi-Player games in Starfleet Command, download and install Gamespy Arcade. Gamespy Arcade bought out M-Player over 2 years ago and all Starfleet Command games are now played on Gamespy Arcade.

Patch 1.03 Release Notes:

Patch 1.00-1.03 includes the following :

1.00-1.03 Patch
sfcspc13.txt as last edited by Taldren after the 1.03 Patch (Taldren being the creators of Starfleet Command, , for their Forums, http://forums.taldren .com )
Corrected SFC Mission Scripts by Taldren after the 1.03 patch
SFC Bonus CD material such as the Gorn Bonus Campaign Missions, Hydran Bonus Campaign Missions, ETC...
SFC XP Missing CD Fix
SFC Gamespy Arcade Registry Entry to allow for Multi-Player games in Gamespy Arcade.

Patch 1.01-1.03 includes the following :

1.01-1.021 Patch
1.021-1.03 Patch
sfcspc13.txt as last edited by Taldren after the 1.03 Patch (Taldren being the creators of Starfleet Command, , for their Forums, http://forums.taldren .com )
Corrected SFC Mission Scripts by Taldren after the 1.03 patch
SFC Bonus CD material such as the Gorn Bonus Campaign Missions, Hydran Bonus Campaign Missions, ETC...
SFC XP Missing CD Fix
SFC Gamespy Arcade Registry Entry to allow for Multi-Player games in Gamespy Arcade.

Patch 1.021-1.03 includes the following :

1.021-1.03 Patch
sfcspc13.txt as last edited by Taldren after the 1.03 Patch (Taldren being the creators of Starfleet Command, , for their Forums, http://forums.taldren .com )
Corrected SFC Mission Scripts by Taldren after the 1.03 patch
SFC Bonus CD material such as the Gorn Bonus Campaign Missions, Hydran Bonus Campaign Missions, ETC...
SFC XP Missing CD Fix
SFC Gamespy Arcade Registry Entry to allow for Multi-Player games in Gamespy Arcade

If your game seems laggy, then lower the game resolution to 1280x1024 pr even 800x600, if the game is already running that resolution.. lower your screen resolution to 1280x1024 or even to 800x600, then if the game is still laggy, lower your desktop color resolution to 16 bit.

Concerning the SFC Xp Fix :

Interplay sent me this fix file, which I integrated into the v1.03 patches above. But for legalities, here is Interplay's official Stance on the XP Fix File.

Dear Gamer,

Thanks for your interest in Interplay Entertainment Corp. This is, unfortunately, a result of running the game under Windows XP. It happens to some users and does not happen to others. It appears to be highly system dependent, but does only occur to users of Windows XP. There is no known official fix for this problem, since its cause has not been determined. There are some people, however, who claim to have a fix for the problem. Keep in mind that this is not an official fix and its use is neither encouraged nor condoned by Interplay. Here is a link to a site where the gentleman claims to have a fix for this problem (about halfway down the page):

He also claims, however, that you can get the fix from us by calling technical support; this is not the case. You may also wish to visit Taldren's forums in order to obtain possible solutions from other gamers and some of the designers and programmers of the Starfleet Command series. These would be your best resources for solving the disc recognition issue that plagues many Windows XP users. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks.


Homer Parker IV

Interplay Technical Support

Also Taldren's own CEO, Erik Bethke, gave me his support concerning the SFC 1 game. Here is his posted message to me.

From: Erik Bethke
Please go ahead and release anything to do with SFC you have my permission.

If for some reason anyone with authority contacts you, send them to me.

Thank you for your awesome support.



I think that this covers any legalities of the contense of these installers.

SFC Game Fixes since v1.00.00 to v1.03 :

1) Movies should now record properly during Mplayer games.

2) Shield strengths have been halved for all ships across the board. Some other systems/weapons have been altered back to their normal damage levels to compensate for this.

3) Nuclear Space Mines do 35 points of damage.

4) Suicide Shuttles do 18 points of damage.

5) The number of t-bombs has been reduced.

6) Explosion strengths have been reduced.

7) Cloaking times have been tweaked to be between the 1.02.01 and 1.01 versions.

8) Non-overloaded Photon Torpedoes do their full damage at close range.

9) A bug with Legendary Weapons Officers affecting Photons at point blank range has been fixed.

10) Missiles require a short distance to arm their warheads, and can no longer be fired at ranges less than 1.

11) Plasma Torpedoes require more power to hold (consistent with their power requirements to charge). Type-F launchers hold for 0 power.

12) Bases rotate slightly slower.

13) ESGs will not start charging until the field discharges or drops.

14) A better variety of ships should be available in the single-player campaign games for all races, but especially Romulans and Gorns.

15) A few bugs with Alpha Strikes (SHIFT-Z) have been fixed.

16) Cloaked ships may launch shuttles.

17) Shuttle and missile prices have been adjusted.

18) Various problems with single-player scripts have been fixed.

19) A new official tournament multiplayer scenario has been added.

20) Missile hit points restored to their proper value.

21) Shield regeneration speed tweaked.

22) Various script fixes.

23) Suicide Fusion cannons do x3 damage instead of x4 damage.

24) BPV values are based on the base value of the ship and no longer include the cost of basic supply items. Basic supply items can no longer be sold back for extra prestige. This operates much more like the release version without the ability to "strip" a ship.

25) Fixed automatic disengagement after capturing.

26) Bases now rotate. They are more challenging to attack now.

27) Seeking weapons cannot fire at a ship without a lock-on. This is especially beneficial for cloaking ships. Seeking weapons fired at a ship that cloaks will lose tracking over time.

28) Seeking weapon speeds have been altered:
-Slow missiles are speed 12.
-Medium missiles are speed 22.
-Fast missiles are still speed 32.
-Plasma Torpedoes are speed 36.

29) The cost of Scatterpacks, Wild Weasels and missile reloads have been reduced.

30) Decelerate hotkey slows you down by one instead of two.

31) Multiplayer scripts now initialize properly.

32) In multiplayer games, you cannot target or be targeted for a short period after respawning.

33) Tractor defense is properly disabled after being destroyed.

34) The AI fires less scatterpacks.

35) The AI will no longer fire weapons at downed shields while in capture mode.

36) Shuttles no longer return instantly to the ship.

37) At the end of a mission, shuttles and fighters outside the ship are no longer lost.

38) Your defensive phaser setting is not lost when the weapon is set to offline.

39) When attempting to join a password protected game, it now gives the appropriate error message.

40) Can now play a single-player game followed by a multiplayer game.

41) Host can now adjust the individual player's BPV limit.

42) Mission script loader is now filename case insensitive.

43) Scatterpacks are now Type-IS missiles.

44) Missiles in Multiplayer default to Type-IS.

45) Taking an AI ship to Spacedock in multiplayer works properly.

46) Shotgun torpedoes have been fixed.

47) Modified AI target preferences in some missions.

48) Numerous problems with repairing a weapon have been fixed.

49) Erratic Manuevers and HETs cost energy. You can HET at speeds greater than 26 - this is intentional.

50) Dual Fusions work properly in Suicide Overload mode.

51) Point Defense phasers cost their proper amount of energy.

52) A Nuclear Space Mine has a blue ring and prints a message when detonated. They also drop properly now. Only the dropping player can see the blue ring, but all players get the detonation message.

53) Black Holes give a warning when you approach them from off-screen.

54) Target Enemy and Target Ally hotkeys have been fixed.

55) Ships with turning mode E & F (Battlships) now turn properly.

56) Suns no longer damage the map itself. This was causing some missions to crash.

57) Cloaking Devices cloak/uncloak slightly faster.

58) Missiles in multiplayer are handled in a different manner that reduces the effect of "ghosting".

59) Spec file changes: Some ship costs have changed. The R-SPZ, L-EGO and F-CFS ships have been slightly modified in particular.

60) The official Tournament ships have been added.

61) Minor UI fixes for Romulan and Lyran tactical interfaces.

62) Fed CC+ refit text is fixed on the Choose Variant screen.

63) Supply lines in enemy territory have been fixed in the Shipyard.

64) Fixed a problem with some Orions not powering their weapons properly.

65) You can use ECM while cloaked.

66) If you attempt to Wild Weasel while tractored, the WW no longer launches when the tractor is dropped.

67) Repairing sensors takes less time.

68) Federation medals have been properly ordered.

69) Dynaverse campaigns have improved mission selection logic.

70) Single-player campaigns are longer.

71) Rank lifetime prestige requirements have been slightly increased.

72) Black Holes affect missiles.

73) You cannot fire seeking weapons while erratic maneuvering.

74) A big memory leak was fixed.

75) Mission API: Orions have access to kClassFreighters.

76) Phasers do half damage against plasma torpedoes.

77) When your ship is destroyed, you will no longer appear in a captured ship.

78) ESGs damage enemy fighters and all shuttle types.

79) The Electronic Warfare (EW) shift is shown on the tactical screen. The higher this number, the worse your EW position is on the target unit.

80) A bug in determining the EW Shift of ECM and ECCM was fixed.

81) Shield repair rate has been changed to a minimum of 1 point per damaged shield per turn. +1 if you have a Legendary Science Officer, +1 if you have more than 4 undestroyed labs.

82) Mines will only detonate if you are moving faster than speed 4. Cloaked ships will only detonate mines at speeds greater than 6.

83) When dropping a t-bomb, the proper shield will stay down for the appropriate amount of time. Note that due to Internet lag, this may not be as noticeable in online games.

84) You can set the speed of multiplayer games over Mplayer.

85) Legendary Weapons Officer now gives the proper damage modifier.

86) Erratic Maneuvering gives the proper ECM bonus.

87) ECM is fixed. A 4 ECM will give a +2 shift now.

88) Starbases will no longer take control of a player's ship in multiplayer games.

89) The Gorn DN is available in middle-era games.

90) Fast-loaded type-F plasma torpedoes do their proper damage.

91) You can launch shuttles & fighters while tractoring, but not while you are tractored.

92) Suicide shuttles cause only 36 points of damage and no longer multiply that damage times the number of players.

93) HUD information, like shield strength, is now always visible.

94) Fixes to the sound code that reduce stuttering.

95) The cost of ships now includes all supplies, so selling supplies back will not reduce the cost of the ship under its starting value.

96) Hydrans can now select ECCM 4.

97) Cloaking Device costs energy to operate.

98) The enemies in your mission are now directly tied to your location.

99) Ships will continue to move after attempting to use non-existant Wild Weasel shuttle.

100) Hydran fighters are no longer useable in Nebulas.

101) Cloaked ships cannot be the target of hit and run raids without a lock-on.

102) Scatterpacks have been increased in cost.

103) Some mission changes.

104) Legendary officers are slightly harder to find.

105) Ships attempting to disengage in the upper left hand corner of the map will actually do so now.

106) Weapons and systems should work properly when repaired.

107) Point defense no longer occasionally fires while cloaked.

108) Change Course button in the Galactic News/Map screen works after you load a game.

109) Sound related issues have been dealt with.

110) ESG should affect enemy shuttles and fighters.

111) Non-Rookie officers now start with their proper experience.

112) Officers in multiplayer are always Senior.

113) Respawning in Battlefest with black holes no longer causes you to appear in a black hole occasionally.

114) Freighter speeds have been adjusted in various missions.

115) Transporting through minimal shields no longer works.

116) The Hydran DWH has found the dual hellbore icons it was missing.

117) An AI crash bug (AI attempts to capture while cloaked) was fixed.

118) Gorn debriefing text now scrolls.

119) Heavy Weapons no longer have wear and tear.

120) Campaign Save Games - fixed file size problem that caused corrupted saves. Saved games that were previously corrupted cannot be loaded, but un-corrupted save games are compatible.

121) Mod Detection - multiplayer mod detection doesn't "spam" messages and only reports actual differences. It also now only checks when player clicks READY button.

122) Spacedock Missiles - fixed problem with purchasing large number of missiles for some ships.

123) Lyran Medals - a minor bug with the Lyran medals screen was fixed.

124) Specs File - fixed several minor errors (cloaking cost for Klingon D5Y, shield strength for listening posts and other units).

125) Capturing Listening Posts - no longer causes a crash due to spec file change. Units that had no starting shields would crash when captured.

126) Hotkey Bindings - The bindings.ini file was un-write protected.

Hope that this helps.

« Last Edit: April 15, 2008, 07:58:56 am by Pestalence_XC »
"You still don't get it, do you?......That's what he does. That's all he does! You can't stop him! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!"

Member :
Xenocorp / Moderator & Beta Test Team
SFC 4 Project QA Coordinator
Taldren Beta Test Team
14 Degrees East Beta Test Team
Activision Visioneers SFC 3 Beta Test Team

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Install instructions 8 and 9 are the only changes in the install instructions...

This was tested under Win XP Pro Service Pack 2, DIrectX 9.0c at screen and game resolution at 1280x1024 @ 32 bit color on a Radeon x300 video card with all settings set to maximum quality in campaign mode at in game speed of 8.

Absolutely no lag !!!!!!!!

Hope that this helps.
"You still don't get it, do you?......That's what he does. That's all he does! You can't stop him! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!"

Member :
Xenocorp / Moderator & Beta Test Team
SFC 4 Project QA Coordinator
Taldren Beta Test Team
14 Degrees East Beta Test Team
Activision Visioneers SFC 3 Beta Test Team

Offline Pestalence_XC

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As another addendum to the above instructions.. DO NOT USE COMPATIBILITY MODE, this is part of the cause of lag. Only check the 2 boxes as specified in step # 8.
"You still don't get it, do you?......That's what he does. That's all he does! You can't stop him! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!"

Member :
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Offline E_Look

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I'll give THIS a shot tonight.


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SFC1 unified patcher completed
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2006, 03:24:18 am »
Is Mr. Pestalence still around?

I can make one patch for patching all 3 SFC1 versions, it can also add registry that match your installation. You don't need to always install SFC1 to the default path. The Patcher will automatically check "the two box" after patching.

With Pestalence's permission I will release it to the public.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2006, 08:38:50 pm by You-Cheng Hsieh »

Offline Bonk

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I haven't seen Pestalence around for a while now. Maybe try sending him an e-mail?


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Re: SFC1 unified patcher completed
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2006, 08:48:45 pm »
I haven't seen Pestalence around for a while now. Maybe try sending him an e-mail?

Thanks, I just did. In the mean time, if anyone want to help test the unified SFC1 patcher, please send me a private message.

Also, thought this is not the right place, if anybody here have the game "Dominion Wars" published by Simon&Schuster in 2001, I need your help. Please read here for further information:,163368561.0.html

Offline Godfather

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I do every now and then still play sfc 1.But 1 note i should mention about pestelence number 8( DO NOT USE COMPATIBILITY MODE, this attributes to game lag)In single player game it does work..No lag what so ever.But if u intend to play on Gamespy,u have to enable the compatabilty mode or you will get that sprites 3 error.Just to let u know ;D

Offline candle_86

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so this will make speed 11 feel like speed 11 on SFC2 and like it used to in Windows98? Cause Speed11 feels like speed 9 right now on XP

Offline ace_starfighter

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The links for the patches were broken when it tried to use them twice today.