it seem that you the mod are doing the same thing as the old forum overpowering and censoring what you don't like, sure we need moderation but not censorship, i have read it and i agree with the fact that it's not your computer the problem but the game, if it was the user computer why does only THAT game having a problem?, well it's simple it's the game that is the problem, so now why don't you keep a strong head and refusing the topic to be unlocked?, is it a free minded forum or is it only what you allow to be said about the game?, or is it because he ask openly to re open a subject instead of asking it in pm?, I disagree with the lock and it will stay closed because we will not go back on the decision, i don't know what excuse you have for locking it but I find it disturbing to act like that, if you don't like what it says then don't read it but when you lock it up you just prove a point that you overrule this forum by putting your personal opinion on a game, sure go lock this one also and we will come back, ban us and more will leave the forum and go elsewhere.