I don't think the acting was bad in "New Voyages". Sure, Fan Films can be a bit cheesy, especially when New Voyages started with "Come What May". But like with Star Trek shows, they found their footing, and I quite like Episode 2, the acting nowhere-near being bad. I have a feeling the same will be with "Starship Exeter", being the acting isn't as cheesy and that "The Tressaurian Intersection" (its release date being a week after my birthday) might be one of "Starship Exeter's" much-better Episodes. Especially when "Tin Man" [TNG] script writer/3D mesh-maker Dennis Bailey's working on it. I've yet to see "Hidden Frontier" yet, but I'll take a whack at it.
I'm certain the future of Trek might have to be in the hands of us fans, and such a future wouldn't be bad. Especially now that all the Trek shows and movies are syndicated and are on VHS/DVD and such (aside from Enterprise, which is working its way towards that), fanfilms of Trek are being made, groups in the entire Trek community thriving together (like us), and that in every fan, Trek will (most-likely) be thriving in our imagination for years and years, inspiring us to do this or that...