Topic: Star Trek Lives! Hidden Frontier and New Voyages  (Read 1605 times)

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Star Trek Lives! Hidden Frontier and New Voyages
« on: February 27, 2005, 10:12:28 am »
I don't know if everyone has seen these yet, but I am having a lot of fun watching both of these series. Sure, the acting is bad, but it's Star Trek and it's fun.
(I have only watched season 1 and part of 2. I wish the downloads were faster!)

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Re: Star Trek Lives! Hidden Frontier and New Voyages
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2005, 06:54:00 pm »
My pleasure. I am glad you liked it. I have enjoyed both series.

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Re: Star Trek Lives! Hidden Frontier and New Voyages
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2005, 06:20:35 pm »
There is another fan produced series out right now. It's currently finishing up post on its second ep.

Check out

Also, working on getting into production, a series about the Constellation Class Starship USS Hathaway, seen in the TNG ep "Peak Performance". Check for info on that..

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Re: Star Trek Lives! Hidden Frontier and New Voyages
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2005, 07:15:55 pm »
I dig "New Voyages".  Sure, the acting is pretty bad, but it fits in with the overall campy-ness of the show, which is what I find entertaining about it.  And getting Matt Decker for a cameo what pretty cool. :thumbsup:

I've watched a few episodes of "Hidden Frontier", and, WOW, the acting is bad, lol.  But when I saw "Casting by Dominoes", I figure, what the hell, just go with it, heheh.  So, it ain't bad.
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Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: Star Trek Lives! Hidden Frontier and New Voyages
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2005, 10:59:20 am »
I don't think the acting was bad in "New Voyages".  Sure, Fan Films can be a bit cheesy, especially when New Voyages started with "Come What May".  But like with Star Trek shows, they found their footing, and I quite like Episode 2, the acting nowhere-near being bad.  I have a feeling the same will be with "Starship Exeter", being the acting isn't as cheesy and that "The Tressaurian Intersection" (its release date being a week after my birthday) might be one of "Starship Exeter's" much-better Episodes.  Especially when "Tin Man" [TNG] script writer/3D mesh-maker Dennis Bailey's working on it.  I've yet to see "Hidden Frontier" yet, but I'll take a whack at it. 

I'm certain the future of Trek might have to be in the hands of us fans, and such a future wouldn't be bad.  Especially now that all the Trek shows and movies are syndicated and are on VHS/DVD and such (aside from Enterprise, which is working its way towards that), fanfilms of Trek are being made, groups in the entire Trek community thriving together (like us), and that in every fan, Trek will (most-likely) be thriving in our imagination for years and years, inspiring us to do this or that...

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Offline Magnum357

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Re: Star Trek Lives! Hidden Frontier and New Voyages
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2005, 05:59:59 pm »
Yes, I agree, these fan shows are quite interesting.  May not be "Major League" in production, but at least its some Trek then nothing at all.  I'm definitly going to keep my eye on the Hathaway production.  TMP was always my favorite era.
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Re: Star Trek Lives! Hidden Frontier and New Voyages
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2005, 09:13:42 pm »
Well, when he first starts, the guy who plays the Captain in Hidden Frontier is trying too hard. So much so that as somone who had done a bit of acting before, I can safely say that I'd be more believable just "phoning it in". However, I'm on the "3rd season" of HF now, and everyone in the series is much improved. Those who have survived so far, that is.

Still, the acting as I'm seeing it has room for improvement, but I'm still not even half way through the series yet. So I'll give you all more news as I work my way through it.

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Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: Star Trek Lives! Hidden Frontier and New Voyages
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2005, 11:48:31 pm »
I agree about the acting... It seemed all too cheesy in the beginning, but improved later on.  The acting seems close to being up to par with what you can see with New Voyages's "In Harms Way" or Exeter's "The Tressaurian Intersection" preview.  There's a few things I don't like, and some that I can nitpick around with, but it's mostly good.  I enjoy watching it.

"Oh, shut up!" -- Wil Wheaton to Wesley Crusher