
Topic: Job Opening  (Read 22118 times)

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Offline GDA-Kel

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Job Opening
« on: March 08, 2005, 09:13:55 am »
Fellow League Members,

Upon completion of the current PBR season, I will resign my position as League Commissioner and will not participate in further PBR activities.  In fact, I am retiring from all things SFC for good.  This is part of a message I posted in the Gorn forums…

After much consideration, I have decided to hang up the uniform of the GDA for good. I have been around this community since spring of 2001. I have been a tabletop gamer most of my adult life and this was my first foray into online gaming. I must say, it has been a blast. Better than I had ever hoped.

As most of you are probably aware, with limited ‘gaming time’ it is difficult to invest enough time in more than one game to make them both worthwhile. Recently, I have not been as available for PBR matches as I would like to be, and I hardly flew on SG04 while being an ARM. It has always been my belief, that while this is still a game, it is played within a community, so it requires a level of commitment on my part to make the experience a good one for me and my fellow flyers. The fact is, I have found another game that I enjoy more at this point – World of Warcraft, and I can no longer give the necessary attention to this game and community that you deserve.

I had hoped to make GW 5 my final hurrah, but the timing simply isn’t right. I will continue to fly PBR through the playoffs for the GDA. Once the season has ended, I will resign my commission in the Gorn navy.

If the source code is ever released for OP, I may come out of retirement. This game has a lot of potential if we just had the wherewithal to get under the hood and make some changes.

You, the PBR community, must decide if you will move forward with another season of competition.  If so, you must elect a new commissioner with moderator privileges in this forum.  The ISC fleet has already stated more than once that they do not intend to go forward.  That will put you at 7 fleets.   I suspect a few other fleets are having a hard time getting enough pilots for matches.  After a time, it becomes more of a chore to schedule a match…and that just sucks the fun right out of it.   Each fleet will have to re-evaluate their commitment to PBR and whether they will continue or not. 

The fact is, I would not expect many more D2 pilots to try out PBR.  Those that were interested are already here.  Josh, from CUGS, has spoken to me repeatedly about combining this league with something they would like to start up within their community.  I have politely declined his offer in the past, but with a new commissioner and losing at least one fleet, perhaps now is the time to reach out and see what exactly he has to offer. 

In closing, it has been an honor to be associated with such a fine group of gamers as this one.  Good Luck to all of you in your future gaming experiences.

I will begin a separate thread on my recommendations for next season. 
Gorn Dragon Alliance

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: Job Opening
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2005, 10:51:31 am »
You did an admirable job man. 

I have been impressed with your ability to stay above the fray.


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Re: Job Opening
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2005, 11:13:57 am »
Wow, there's goes another heavy-weight SFC community leader. :O

The exodus from SFCOP of admin/scripter types from the game is gaining in momentum over the last 8 months, I see. This is truly a time of changing the guard for the community.  A lot of qualified people are going to have to step into the admin and scripter roles if SFCOP is going continue much longer, IMHO.

KEL, if you substituted "Star War Galaxies" for "World of Warcraft" in the your quoted post above you would be echoing my sentiments word-for-word and you do a great job of it. *ISC Frog salutes the Gorn* :D

Best of luck in your future WoW gaming endeavours. Don't forget SWG if WoW wears you out. ;)

« Last Edit: March 08, 2005, 11:25:23 am by el-Karnak »

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Job Opening
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2005, 11:27:58 am »
Good luck with everything, you will always be welcomed back.  :thumbsup:
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline FPF-Bach

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Re: Job Opening
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2005, 06:52:39 pm »
Sorry to see you go Kel, like DH said in the above post you will always be welcomed back.

Thanks for your contributions.

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Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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Re: Job Opening
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2005, 08:39:19 pm »
Thank you Kel.
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Offline Slider

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Re: Job Opening
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2005, 04:30:38 pm »


Hell why not, I know all the rules and cant play so I'll take the JOB!!

Jakle to my ready room!

Division Season 6 from one of the guys that brought you Division play to begin with!!!!

New exciting rules, hard nosed action! Spill Thrills Chills!!!


Offline KBF-Butcher

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Re: Job Opening
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2005, 06:11:02 pm »


Hell why not, I know all the rules and cant play so I'll take the JOB!!

Jakle to my ready room!

Division Season 6 from one of the guys that brought you Division play to begin with!!!!

New exciting rules, hard nosed action! Spill Thrills Chills!!!



Offline Wraith 413

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Re: Job Opening
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2005, 09:38:21 pm »
 Thank you for your time and effort Kel. You really did a great job  and this League will miss that.
 Now as for Slider taking over, I'm cool with that. It's good to "shake up the kittens in the box', from time to time.

                                       Wraith 413

Offline KBF-Butcher

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Re: Job Opening
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2005, 01:44:29 pm »
I do beleive its very early for farewell  as we r just in the middle of the cycle but Kel really did a great Job till now. :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: March 12, 2005, 10:08:48 am by [ISC]Butcher »

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Re: Job Opening
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2005, 07:47:46 am »
Thats a shame Kel, I was hearing good things about what you where doing, but on the other side of things Josh over at CUGS has alot more to offer then just a forum set up and he has a great crew that contributes alot to the SFC community.

I sure with the proper replacement here the PBR will continue as well as it has in the past. JUST DONT GIVE THE POWER TO ANY OF THE OLD GZ GUYS if you do failure of the PBR will be in the future.

If I was you guys I would reconsider CUGS offer.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Job Opening
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2005, 10:57:03 am »
Um, what is there offer?  I didn't notice.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline GDA-Kel

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Re: Job Opening
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2005, 01:18:59 pm »
Um, what is there offer?  I didn't notice.

In the past, Josh has offered free forums and web space for a custom site (I assume) with the vague notion that CUGS and our league would merge into something greater than the sum of the two parts.  I say 'vague' not in a bad way.  We simply never sat down and discussed details. 

With Summer coming on and activity here noticably declining, I strongly suggest my successor at least have a talk with Josh and/or other CUGS leadership and see what they can bring to the table.  This is of course if you (as a group)  decide to move forward with another season of PBR. 
Gorn Dragon Alliance

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Re: Job Opening
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2005, 01:45:16 pm »
GUGS is working on a gamepy style game matching service.

I am going to put together an SFC direct tcp/ip game matching page using the EAW, OP and SFC3 command line parameters to launch games directly from the webpage... no ads... no gamespy login...

I intend to share this work with CUGS and whoever else is intersted.

This will not happen overnight but I do intend to do it over the next year.

I think our leagues can develop in parallel and share technology... It should work out nicely. If there is an amalgamation it should be the natural evolution of it and not be forced...

My 2¢ ...

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: Job Opening
« Reply #14 on: March 14, 2005, 02:18:25 pm »
Um, what is there offer?  I didn't notice.

With Summer coming on and activity here noticably declining, I strongly suggest my successor at least have a talk with Josh and/or other CUGS leadership and see what they can bring to the table.  This is of course if you (as a group)  decide to move forward with another season of PBR. 

It might be wise to suspend operations for the summer - period.  Cycle II was painful last summer, although we managed to finish it.  Come September, we had all kinds of peeps coming out of the woodwork saying they wanted to play again.

Of course Cycle III then fizzled....

Summer has always been the dead season for SFC - you could feel it even back in the MPlague days - except then, dead meant 150 people online instead of 300.

Come next Autumn, see whether there is enough organic support for continued PBR Divisional play, or whether it should be hung up or sold to CUGS (I cringe at the notion, but that's just me - you all do what feels right)

This forum could still serve as an informal rallying site during the summer months to initiate some fun games or whatever.

Offline Slider

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Re: Job Opening
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2005, 03:05:52 pm »
Why dont we do something different for the summer.

We can set up some 2 v 2 fleet actions with rung challenges just to get us through. Each Team can field multiple teams but members of one "Battle Wing" cannot just move from one group to the other.

This can be race centric or not depending on interest.

Since its smaller teams more people who are around can get in on the action and being rung based, activity is strickly up to the players.

Offline Dracho

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Re: Job Opening
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2005, 03:50:44 pm »
How about some sort of "King of the Hill" tournament, where a champion is declared before the matches and anyone who wants to sign up for a weekly schedule can try to knock him (or her) off the top of the rung. 

Those are intense, and manageable with a smaller player base.
The worst enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan.  - Karl von Clausewitz

Offline Slider

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Re: Job Opening
« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2005, 03:59:57 pm »
Awesome Idea +1 Karma for you.

Race centric or any race any ship?

Offline Dracho

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Re: Job Opening
« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2005, 10:17:55 pm »
You can go with what suits you.  I've done these with paintball and they can work a couple of ways.  The easiest is to pick a set number of top seats.  Those players compete with the "King of the Hill".  Row 2 players compete to get shots at the Row 1 players, Row 3 to get at Row 2, etc.  It means you'll have several "JV" games during the week, and the Championship fights on Friday or Saturday night.

You'll need to decide what happens to the King of the Hill if he is unseated, does he drop to Tier 1, or cycle all the way to the bottom rung.  You can make an argument either way, but it's pretty tough for a level 4 or 5 player to make it to King.  Also, you can make the winner the one who is king when it all ends, or the one who spends the most time in the position. 

The format is really customizable to allow you the flexibility you want it personalizing a tournament.  When you think about it for a few days, the ideas will really flow.  You can also have different categories if you want, and have Race centric fights that feed champions into a general melee.  You could then crown a Best Player of each race, and an overall champion.
The worst enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan.  - Karl von Clausewitz

Offline KBF-Butcher

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Re: Job Opening
« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2005, 04:25:59 am »
GUGS is working on a gamepy style game matching service.

I am going to put together an SFC direct tcp/ip game matching page using the EAW, OP and SFC3 command line parameters to launch games directly from the webpage... no ads... no gamespy login...

I intend to share this work with CUGS and whoever else is intersted.

This will not happen overnight but I do intend to do it over the next year.

I think our leagues can develop in parallel and share technology... It should work out nicely. If there is an amalgamation it should be the natural evolution of it and not be forced...

My 2Ά ...

This sounds great Bonk!  :thumbsup:

