Topic: H-UH  (Read 3438 times)

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Offline KHH Jakle

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« on: March 07, 2005, 09:58:16 am »
Can anyone tell me what hull section the Hydran Uhlan Carrier falls in?

In know it is a variant of the Lancer, which makes it a Destroyer, which in turn would probably put it in the Frigate secstion of the ship selection screen.

If this is the case, this will be the one exception to the PBR v 4.1 rule that allows FF-Hull carriers to have only one escort. (an exception to an exception if you will)

The Uhlan was actually a CVA, carried a CVA sized complement of fighters and had a full CVA sized escort group (which should actually be 3 escorts but is reduced to 2 due to SFC's limitations)


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Re: H-UH
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2005, 06:04:24 pm »
Not that it really matters (since it never gets flown), but I would never consider a UH a frigate hull anyway.

Offline Dfly

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Re: H-UH
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2005, 07:34:16 pm »
to the best of my recollection, which some days really sucks, the UH is a light class hull with a CVA class fighter bay.  actually, let me go get my rules for it, which are upstairs.  I will post when I find it.

Offline Dfly

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Re: H-UH
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2005, 08:05:22 pm »
OK, I have here all the rulings I can find on the UH>.  Please read slowly as it will take me some time to type this out.

As per information on SSD sheet:  Type                CV(U)
                                                Point Value       108/85
                                                Breakdown        6
                                                Shield Cost        1+0
                                                Size Class          4
                                                Reference        R9.17

R9.17 reads as follows>  but ignore the No SSD part, it was provided later with the info above.

  "(R9.17) UHLAN CARRIER (CV):  No SSD is provided for this ship; it is a conversion of the Lancer.  This ship was an experimental pure-CV design; relatively few were built as new construction.
  To convert the Lancer to the Uhlan: change the fusions beams to labs; remove the one-box center shuttle bay; remove the rear labs; increase each shuttle bay to nine boxes.
  The ship carried 16 Stingers and 2 admin shuttles.  "

Please note the Years listed below are not congruent to the years used on Dyna servers, but are here to show time differential.

This ship actually did not come out till quite late, Y170.  Considering the first hydran ships were as of Y134 and the last ones came out in 180.  AS for the fighters, the Stinger was in Y134, the Stinger-2 and The Stinger-3 and the Stinger-H all in Y170.  The Stinger-E(designed strickly for fighter defence) in Y172, and the Stinger-S(which would be super-stinger I guess, as it has 1-ph-G-FA, 1-ph-G-RX, 2 fusions-FA, 1 hellbore-FA, 1-EW-pod(similar to WW), bpv of 17, speed of 8(x2 with warp booster packs),was available in Y177.

In Y175, the Lancer sized ships started receiving their refits.  The refit for this ship and others are listed below.

  "Lancer, Knight, Uhlan, DE, Outrider (Y175): Increase the #3-4-5 shields to equal #2, change the 360 Ph-II to ph-I, increase warp engine to 15, change the ph-G firing arcs to LS/RS, increase the BPV by 10 points. "

Extra ruling. 

  "Year: the year when this fighter type was first available in squadron service.  Prototypes might have been in service up to three years earlier; limited numbers up to two years earlier."


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Re: H-UH
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2005, 08:23:02 pm »
There's really no issue here as the Uhlan is supposed to have 3 escorts, and it's a destroyer hull anyway. Jakle's rationale for the single escort FFV is that every FFV is only SUPPOSED to have one escort. The Hydrans have a ship in this category, the Scythian CVE.

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: H-UH
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2005, 07:32:03 am »
There's really no issue here as the Uhlan is supposed to have 3 escorts, and it's a destroyer hull anyway. Jakle's rationale for the single escort FFV is that every FFV is only SUPPOSED to have one escort. The Hydrans have a ship in this category, the Scythian CVE.

Understood - it's just for clarification.  If the UH is in the CL portion of the HYdran ship selection, then there is no issue, but if it is in the FF section (where most Destroyers find themselves) then it will need to have some sort of flag, just for clarity's sake. 

And yeah - I know it probably never get's flown....


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Re: H-UH
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2005, 04:38:00 pm »
It is in the frig section in OP+. Stock has in in CL.

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: H-UH
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2005, 07:03:22 am »
It is in the frig section in OP+. Stock has in in CL.

That's what I thought.  Taldren habitually placed ships in the wrong hull section, but Firesoul straightened all that out with OP+