OK.. let's see what we can do here..
First and foremost, if it is only OP doing it, then I would state it is the game.. but your PM states you are limited in Media players as well so here goes.
Try doing a system Restore to about 2 or 3 days ago.. so long as it is before the problem occurred.. that is the easiest fix.. if unable to do so then here is the long road.
First get Ad-Aware SE personal edition from
www.lavasoft.de and do system scan for spyware.. remove everything that Ad-Aware finds..
Next go to
http://www.spybot.info/en/index.html and get Spybot Search and Destroy
install and run a scan (turn off Tea Timer in the original config)
remove everything it finds.
Next download and run Microsoft Anti-Spyware Beta 1, update definitions, then scan your system.. remove all it finds...
Next Dl and reinstall the Windows XPSP 2 IT install 266 MB
You can get it here
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=049C9DBE-3B8E-4F30-8245-9E368D3CDB5A&displaylang=enNext update your Video Drivers and Motheroard drivers from the respective chipset creator.. AKA AMD for the motherboard chipset drivers current release and NVidia for the current Riva Drivers...
Next run a full AVG Virus scan...
now if your system still acts up like this I would think maybe your Video Card is burning out or maybe a Ram chip.... also could be incorrectly configrued IRQ channels (channels for your Hardware to operate correctly).
I would first try taking your memory in to Comp USA and getting it tested to se if it is burnt, if it is good, let them test your Vid Card, it those are good, then you have a Windows System file problem, which should have been fixed by the XPSP 2 reinstall.. soo, that leaves conflicting IRQ, which would mean a complete reinstall as you can not change IRQ in XP enviroment..., but it is not a guarantee that it will work...
You may have something else on your system conflicting with drivers or even a new peice of software conflicting with the OS... Bluescreen can be caused by something as simple as X program neexs memory that Y program is running in and since X program has priority, it tries to dump Y program.. result system lock and blue screen...
so any new software that you installed, that may have required a system restart could cause a conflict resulting in the error...
anyhow, let me know how this works.