Upon reflection, the PFs you buy in the shipyard are going to be a problem. In fact, they are a problem with the shiplist that I should have forseen. My advice is simply don't buy them. Originally I wanted you to be able to buy a squadron of PFs to fly without a tender, but I've been able to do what I wanted there in Squadron Commander -- and its forthcoming sequel -- so my primary motivation for having them as standalone ships is gone. Besides, they don't make all that much sense in my EcoWar setup anyway, so they likely won't make the cut for the final server. AxPFTs will still remain, and I'll fix the PF problem to meke them work.
I will check into the Orion/Prime hex problem and see if I can't address it, if it is persistent.
I'm curious abot the CTD problem with 1 player vs. 1 pirate ship. Do me a favor: If it happens again (which aparrently, it will) then note exactly which ship you are flying and which ship the AI had. That will help me to track whether or not it is a shiplist problem or a script problem. (Hopefully, it's a problem with my shiplist that I can fix.)
As to the sever side shiplist: If you want use as close to the production shiplist as you can, then try out the stock shiplist. I opened the server up to OP+4.0 just to try and be as easy on people as possible, so they wouldn't have to download anything. All the alterations to the pirates from the stock list were intended to be in things already demonstrated not to cause problems when modded only on the server side. However, I liklely overlooked a few bits in making it compatible with OP+4.0. And FOR SURE you don't want the GW 5 add-on still intalled, so make sure you remove it before logging on.
THANK YOU again to all who have tried this out. You are helping me a great deal. I hope it is useful as a fun server as well, while we wait for Mirror Mirror.
-S'Cipio the Herr Burt