I have a list of questions, so here goes.......
In the DefaultCore specs, there is the 0:0:0 for the Mines, Marines, and Shuttles.
10 DD 1250 0 1250 2550 1000 2300 8500 1021 Fed-Destroyer Norway PrimaryHP:1:300_360:2:0_60:3:330_30 HeavyHP:12:330_30:13:330_30:14:165_195 HullHP:1:2:3 BridgeHP:1:2 ship Mines:2:8:2 Marines:5:10:5 Shuttles:1:3:2
As far as I know the middle number is the maximum amount, and the last is the minimum amount, but I can't seem to figure out what the first number does. Someone enlighten me on this, please.
In the ShieldItems, what does effeciency do?
Description ="F-SHIELD-I"
Strength = 5
Efficiency = 3.0
Cost = 500
Mass = 1000
Race = "F"
And, in the BridgeItems what does LockBonus do?
Description = "F-COMPUTER-I"
Cost = 500
Mass = 100
AntiCloak = 0
AntiCloakRating = 0
RangeIndex = 1
LockBonus = 0
Health = 40
Race = "F"