Topic: Terran Empire Subjugator-Class, ISS Tiberius  (Read 16975 times)

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Re: Terran Empire Subjugator-Class, ISS Tiberius
« Reply #80 on: February 28, 2005, 09:32:04 pm »
I remember I kept referencing the TNG novel "Dark Mirror" by Diane Duane.  I liked that novel, and kept roughly-describing a Mirror Universe version of the Enterprise-D.  Well, now having finally got my book back, I decided to type up an exerpt from the novel.  I guess you can call it a spoiler incase you hate spoilers and would want to read the novel (the description in bold):

...The red-alert sirens went, and he was up out of his chair before his communicator even had time to speak.  He hurried out of the ready room into the bridge.  Everyone looked startled, and Troi, in her seat, looked actively upset.  "What is it?" he said to Data.  The main screen was showing empty space.
  "Nothing now," Data said.  "But we have just had a contact--fleeting. The helm took us immediately back out of range, as programmed."
  "What was it?"
  "Here, Captain."  The view on the screen flicked.  Same starfield--but there was something in the center of it, very distant, that hadn't been there before: a small steel-gray speck.  "Enlarge ten times," Picard said.  The speck seemed to leap forward.

  It was Enterprise.  But not his Enterprise.  It was a dark gray, even enlarged, a gunmetal color, cool and unfriendly.  The design was overtly the same--the great sloped disk of the primary hull, the nacelles, the secondary hull, all where they should be.  But the secondary hull seemed larger; the nacelles were raked farther forward, and lower.  The primary hull's curve was deeper and now had a frowning look about it.  If ships had expressions, this one had its eyes narrowed.  It was a cruel look, and intimidating.  Just visible, because of the rake of the primary hull, were the characters ICC-1701-D ISS ENT-- The rest was curved away out of sight.
  Picard's heart seized at the sight of it.  In a way, he had been hoping that everything that had happened so far might have some other answer.  But the hope, he now saw, was in vain.  The proof of the problem had come hunting them.  He looked around, seeing the same unhappy look on everyone's face--and Troi still looked ashen.

Since the thread was revived, I wanted to give the description Diane gave it when she wrote it back in the early-1990s.

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Re: Terran Empire Subjugator-Class, ISS Tiberius
« Reply #81 on: March 01, 2005, 10:36:04 am »
Personally I would love to see all the ships in this post done.


ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

Offline Victory

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Re: Terran Empire Subjugator-Class, ISS Tiberius
« Reply #82 on: March 01, 2005, 08:03:53 pm »
I figured I'd through my 2.5 cents in since I am working on a series of mods revolving around the Mirror Universe. First I have one thing to say about all the ships in here..... *DROOL* Great looking designs. Secondly, keeping with "cannon" crap, technically by TNG time the Terran Empire is non-existant. However, in the theory of alternate realities, for each reality there is an infinante number of alternate possibilities. Therefore, your imagination can go anywhere you want it to go. Enterprise proved that staying "cannon" wasn't necessary. Oh, wait, They got canned. The mods we make for these games are meant to stretch the imagination past what was set before us. Therefore, I would like to make a request for some Post-TNG era Terran ships. Like the ISS Bloodwulf in another thread. Stretch the boundries of the game. Go where no man has gone before! EXPLORE THE UNKNOWN!
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Offline Rat Boy

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Re: Terran Empire Subjugator-Class, ISS Tiberius
« Reply #83 on: March 01, 2005, 08:09:05 pm »
Someone said that there used to be a place called Tiberius Station that had a whole fleet of Terran Empire ships?  Would this ship be one of them?  I remember seeing this POTD at a long long time ago, but could never find the ship.  The guy who posted this image was Inraged Sith.

I'd definately like to see that.

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