Reprisal is around and kicking so be carefuly or your ridge-head will have to be smashed again. 
FPF, calm down, please. I do believe that he's talking about a day before the FPF existed. Many fed fleets in those days did take whatever race had the best ship in a certain point range after negotiations were done, and on counterpoint so did many of the fleets from other races. It was a different community back then, with over 4,500 people registered for the Starlance leagues and participating in league-style matches.
Very few fleets ever stuck to their guns on what races you fly in matches, most of the ones I was a member of discouraged flying other races on principal (why be a fed if you're not going to fly fed?). KHH was a great klingon fleet, home of many fed's arch-nemesis, and they almost always flew klingon in any match. Likewise there were a few gorn fleets that did the same, and so on and so forth...
Most average pilots of those days ran when they saw an opponent with the fleet tag KHH, 9th, FBF, iCoP, MoK, Rage, and I can't even remember some of the other fleet names anymore, but there were several gorn and rom fleets that also fit this bill. Me, I was too stupid to run most of the time and accepted the challenge, mostly because I always learned something new from those matches with more experienced players. When people started running from me, it felt good for the first few times and then very, very boring when they declined matches over and over again.
With all that said...Ducky never was very good at playing nice. 
Damn Klingons!
Ah, there's some Fleet names I haven't heard in awhile. Some great times back then, I do miss them. My first SL Fleet was RAGE, Komodo was a member also. It was a Fleet standard to always fly Fed. Lost way too many games because I was a newb, but I had fun and slowly got better. By the time it came to an end, 3rd Fleet, MoK and iCop had most of the players. And 3rd Phoenix was always online, like 18 hours a day, it seemed. LOL I only managed to defeat him once, but I did learn a few things from him. And he gave me some tips/tricks for all the points I gave to him and 3rd, near the end of SL.
Oh well, those were the days.
Wraith 413
ps. Damn Duck, where have you and the rest of KHH been hiding !? <S>