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GFZ Server Annoucement and Rules and Info and Storyline[/b]Sides:
Lyrans (Race) are allied to the Camboro Cartel (Mirak Race) which means the pirates in the Mirak slot may engine double!
Hydrans (Race) are allied to the Prime Cartel (ISC Race) and they can engine double as well, I think the default hotkey for engine doubling is the letter "O" key. Playing pirates using an empire race is gonna be cool. 
D/L links. Most of you that already D/Led it just need to use the update feature:
GFZ Installeror
Installer Mirror[/b]
Here's the webmap that doesnt show planets, does show destructible bases for the time being:
WEBMAP LINKPOST KILLS HERE: Kill Thread LinkRules for VC Kills:Anything with 4 ESG's, 11+ fighters and/or 4 PF's is a 'VP' ship in addition to any ship classed as a BC or DN. Any other ship is not restricted nor have VP's attached to them. VP ships are governed by a 48hr penalty box. Meaning if u lose it, it is reported as a VP kill and you cant use either of your accounts to fly another VP ship again till 48hrs after the ship was lost.
VP ship kills must be reported. They are worth the following:
A DN = 10
BC = 3
Any other ship defined as a VP above = 1
CnC rules:Battlecruisers: Are restricted by a 48hr. penalty box as described above and there may only be a total of 3 per side on the map at a time.
Dreadnoughts: The RM may assign any number of players as a FM to fly a DN, but there may only be one DN of any type on the map at a time, and one replacement. If both are lost, no more are available. Pirates dont get DN's.
Lyrans: Causual tenders may use standard or phaser variant PF's only and may recall but not relaunch in combat. Full tenders may carry 1 leader, 2x special or heavy, and 1 standard or phaser variant. No Ftr CnC.
Hydrans: Half Hellbore compliment of ftrs max.
Pirates: Half compliment of AM type ftrs max. [/list]
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