Topic: Gas Free Zone Server LIVE!!! (All Links provided on this post)  (Read 6618 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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Gas Free Zone Server LIVE!!! (All Links provided on this post)
« on: February 27, 2005, 01:56:37 pm »

Click this: GFZ Server Annoucement and Rules and Info and Storyline[/b]


    Lyrans (Race)  are allied to the Camboro Cartel (Mirak Race) which means the pirates in the Mirak slot may engine double!


    Hydrans (Race) are allied to the Prime Cartel (ISC Race) and they can engine double as well, I think the default hotkey for engine doubling is the letter "O" key. Playing pirates using an empire race is gonna be cool. :D

D/L links. Most of you that already D/Led it just need to use the update feature:

    GFZ Installer


    Installer Mirror[/b]

    Here's the webmap that doesnt show planets, does show destructible bases for the time being: WEBMAP LINK

    POST KILLS HERE: Kill Thread Link

    Rules for VC Kills:

      Anything with 4 ESG's, 11+ fighters and/or 4 PF's is a 'VP' ship in addition to any ship classed as a BC or DN. Any other ship is not restricted nor have VP's attached to them. VP ships are governed by a 48hr penalty box. Meaning if u lose it, it is reported as a VP kill and you cant use either of your accounts to fly another VP ship again till 48hrs after the ship was lost.

      VP ship kills must be reported. They are worth the following:

      A DN = 10
      BC = 3
      Any other ship defined as a VP above = 1

    CnC rules:

      Battlecruisers: Are restricted by a 48hr. penalty box as described above and there may only be a total of 3 per side on the map at a time.

      Dreadnoughts: The RM may assign any number of players as a FM to fly a DN, but there may only be one DN of any type on the map at a time, and one replacement. If both are lost, no more are available. Pirates dont get DN's.

      Lyrans: Causual tenders may use standard or phaser variant PF's only and may recall but not relaunch in combat. Full tenders may carry 1 leader, 2x special or heavy, and 1 standard or phaser variant. No Ftr CnC.

      Hydrans: Half Hellbore compliment of ftrs max.

      Pirates: Half compliment of AM type ftrs max. [/list]

      Please post feedback here.

      « Last Edit: March 01, 2005, 09:34:31 am by Dizzy »

      Offline Bonk

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      Re: Gas Free Zone Server LIVE!!! in 10 mins...
      « Reply #1 on: February 27, 2005, 03:25:54 pm »
      Here's the webmap that doesnt show planets, does show destructible bases:

      I know you said don't reply here but... I just wanted to point out that the destructable bases will only be visible on the webmap for a short time, Nail said he'd let me know when to turn off base display. (before it comes time people want to place them I guess...)

      Offline Dizzy

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      Re: Gas Free Zone Server LIVE!!! (All Links provided on this post)
      « Reply #2 on: March 01, 2005, 09:35:03 am »
      Post feedback here.

      Bump for sticky.

      Offline Bonk

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      Re: Gas Free Zone Server LIVE!!! (All Links provided on this post)
      « Reply #3 on: March 01, 2005, 03:58:23 pm »
      Stickied... but we're approaching sticky overload! Ahhhh!  ;D

      (I'll be doing a db clean tonight will post time...)

      Offline RFA-Wraith

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      Re: Gas Free Zone Server LIVE!!! (All Links provided on this post)
      « Reply #4 on: March 01, 2005, 04:18:07 pm »
      Tech question.

      Im having trouble logging on. I receive a "Found Bad CRC, invalid shiplist.txt and ftrlist.txt" error.

      Ive installed OP 4+ and the GFZ.exe download but keep getting the same error.
      I have no other mods installed.

      The ftrlist and shiplist files in the spec folder where created on the 21-2-05. Are these the correct ones?

      Offline Bonk

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      Re: Gas Free Zone Server LIVE!!! (All Links provided on this post)
      « Reply #5 on: March 01, 2005, 04:32:42 pm »
      Tech question.

      Im having trouble logging on. I receive a "Found Bad CRC, invalid shiplist.txt and ftrlist.txt" error.

      Ive installed OP 4+ and the GFZ.exe download but keep getting the same error.
      I have no other mods installed.

      The ftrlist and shiplist files in the spec folder where created on the 21-2-05. Are these the correct ones?

      Are you running multiple OP installs? Have you moved the OP folder from its original location? Have you upgraded your OS (ack...)?

      A previous rant on the subject:

      Thanks Bonk for the registry update for SFC:OP.

      I was having the same problem with the GFZ.exe file since I don't have my OP files on my C drive.

      Thanks again,


      Shouldn't matter at all where they are installed... if you installed from the CD to drive X it will work fine... if you have lost your registry settings due to OS upgrades or disk transplants then it will not detect that OP is installed (it isn't - it has been copied from somewhere or the registry has been lost...)... if the OP registry settings are intact the installer will then check to see if OP+4.0 is installed (from the registry-which must be installed to the same location as referenced by the OP registry settings) it will then launch and prompt you confirm your OP installation folder (in case you are incorrectly using a copy not referred by the registry) so it will install to an OP installation at ANY disk location... IF the registry settings are intact... if your registry settings are not intact, then I highly reccomend reinstalling OP from the original CD. ... <takes deep breath>

      if that looks complicated it's not... If you install OP (to anywhere) from CD... then install OP+ 4.0 on that same copy of OP and don't move it everything will be fine...

      if you must have multiple OP installs then make copies of the folder and cycle the active one at the same location as you originally installed to...

      also note that if you have installed OP+3.4 since you have installed OP+4.0 the installer will not detect that OP+4.0 is installed because they use the same registry location to store the version number

      Cool, just make sure it points to the actual location of the OP install you are using and you'll be all set...

      in any case the current client shiplist and all the missions but tracey's convoy raid are in one of my posts above...

      Pirates using the ISC and Mirak interface can engine double. U have to have set the hotkey, tho. Ill make a post later explaining it unless someone hopefully beats me to it...

      The default hotkey is "O". (its the in bindings.ini by default but does not show on the hotkeys page in game)

      Current shiplist and fighterlist attached. You can put them in if you have a "special" OP install... The missions are here:

      Tracey's convoy raid is posted here somewhere too...

      Offline TheJudge

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      Re: Gas Free Zone Server LIVE!!! (All Links provided on this post)
      « Reply #6 on: March 01, 2005, 04:39:37 pm »
      Bah!  I'm having a problem.  It seems that I can join games no problem, but when I'm trying to host, I get a countdown.  This last time, my comp crashed and now I'm ghosted. 

      Yes, I'm behind a router, but I put this machine in the DMZ and haven't had any problems hosting up to six players in SFC3. 

      Any suggestions besides getting rid of the router?
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      Offline Bonk

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      Re: Gas Free Zone Server LIVE!!! (All Links provided on this post)
      « Reply #7 on: March 01, 2005, 04:42:46 pm »
      Bah!  I'm having a problem.  It seems that I can join games no problem, but when I'm trying to host, I get a countdown.  This last time, my comp crashed and now I'm ghosted. 

      Yes, I'm behind a router, but I put this machine in the DMZ and haven't had any problems hosting up to six players in SFC3. 

      Any suggestions besides getting rid of the router?

      DMZ = BAD. (usually because poeple are using it on a dynamic lan IP that changes... making the DMZ setting useless.)

      Configure your LAN statically, disable local DHCP, allow pings WAN side and use port forwarding. (you might have to read your router manual and some networking background to achieve this)

      Oh and for everybody's sake make sure you have no software firewalls running - they only add lag and instability.

      (P.S. I'm gone out for a few hours - I'll do the db clean tonight if I get back early enough...)

      Offline RFA-Wraith

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      Re: Gas Free Zone Server LIVE!!! (All Links provided on this post)
      « Reply #8 on: March 01, 2005, 04:50:43 pm »
      Thanks Bonk.

      Im only running the one game which I reinstalled last night. (new computer)
      Ive patched it to and installed OP 4+

      I forgot about OP Enhancement Package v2.2 High Rez which I am now downloading again.

      I believe this is needed for dynaverse play so I think this could be the problem?

      Offline Kroma BaSyl

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      Re: Gas Free Zone Server LIVE!!! (All Links provided on this post)
      « Reply #9 on: March 01, 2005, 04:53:34 pm »
      Here is a zip file containing 2 screen captures of what I have configured on my Linksys router if that helps.
      ♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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      Because this game makes me feel like  a thirteen year old girl trapped in a lizards body.

      Offline TheJudge

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      Re: Gas Free Zone Server LIVE!!! (All Links provided on this post)
      « Reply #10 on: March 01, 2005, 04:57:13 pm »
      Now I just have to try to find the manual and the password I put on the damn thing
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      Offline KBF-Butcher

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      Re: Gas Free Zone Server LIVE!!! (All Links provided on this post)
      « Reply #11 on: March 01, 2005, 05:34:54 pm »
      Always use Static ip.
      There is no reason for a home user to have his DHCP  server activated and use dynamic for his private ips.
      Most routers have an easy web setup interface!
      so all u have to do to get on the configuration setup is enter to your IE this address  http://x.x.x.x <-your router's internal  ip.
      If u dont remember the router ip is usually or  or
      U can check your pc ip and if u see f.ex  it is then your router should be
      To check dynamic ip go to command prompt and type: ipconfig

      When u enter the setup menou go check for a link like: Nat ,Pat , Port address translession, Port forwarding ...

      Its very easy then u just add the following tcp&udp ports

      Ports for running a server (TCP&UDP):
      Ports for clients and hosting multiplayer(TCP&UDP):
      GameSpy Ports:
      6667 (IRC)
      80 (HTTP)
      27900 (Master Server UDP Heartbeat)
      28900 (Master Server List Request)
      29900 (GP Connection Manager)
      29901 (GP Search Manager)
      13139 (Custom UDP Pings)
      6500 (incoming, UDP and TCP, default roomquery port; can be customized with roomqueryport=<port #> in svc.cfg)

      F.... DMZ

      Offline TheJudge

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      Re: Gas Free Zone Server LIVE!!! (All Links provided on this post)
      « Reply #12 on: March 01, 2005, 06:06:13 pm »
      I'd be doing that right now...if I hadn't set a password on there (and probably a user id...) that I can't remember and can't find (hey, I haven't touched that since I got the thing nine months ago). 

      Tried the reset button...didn't work, so I'll just live with the way things are now probably, or go buy a new one when I eventually have money.
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      Offline KBF-Butcher

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      Re: Gas Free Zone Server LIVE!!! (All Links provided on this post)
      « Reply #13 on: March 01, 2005, 07:36:26 pm »
      I'd be doing that right now...if I hadn't set a password on there (and probably a user id...) that I can't remember and can't find (hey, I haven't touched that since I got the thing nine months ago).

      Tried the reset button...didn't work, so I'll just live with the way things are now probably, or go buy a new one when I eventually have money.

      When u have the money buy a soho Cisco router!  ;)

      Offline Bonk

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      Re: Gas Free Zone Server LIVE!!! (All Links provided on this post)
      « Reply #14 on: March 02, 2005, 05:53:09 am »
      db cleaned - using EDDBEDIT.

      Offline KBFLordKrueg

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      Re: Gas Free Zone Server LIVE!!! (All Links provided on this post)
      « Reply #15 on: March 02, 2005, 09:49:53 am »
      Noticed the webmap shows bases in Lyran, Romulan and Klingon space only. What's up with that? Did we kill all the Hydran ones already? IMO, it shouldn't show any bases, maybe the planets, but not bases.
      Lord Krueg
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      Offline Bonk

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      Re: Gas Free Zone Server LIVE!!! (All Links provided on this post)
      « Reply #16 on: March 02, 2005, 10:22:32 am »
      Noticed the webmap shows bases in Lyran, Romulan and Klingon space only. What's up with that? Did we kill all the Hydran ones already? IMO, it shouldn't show any bases, maybe the planets, but not bases.

      It will show all bases, planet display is disabled. At Nail's request. Base display will be disabled when Nail requests it (he said he'd let me know when - presumably before anyone wants to place a base)

      The hydran bases are there - just hard to see at this zoom (I used a different default zoom for the bigger map). Just select a different zoom level (50%?) for the map and you should be able to see all the bases just fine.  ;D

      I could use a different color for hydran bases for this server so they show up better - orange maybe?
      « Last Edit: March 02, 2005, 10:35:15 am by Bonk »

      Offline KBFLordKrueg

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      Re: Gas Free Zone Server LIVE!!! (All Links provided on this post)
      « Reply #17 on: March 02, 2005, 01:11:51 pm »
      Ok, yeah, the zoom did help...
      Tired old eyes, what can I tell ya?  ;)
      Lord Krueg
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      Offline Bonk

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      Re: Gas Free Zone Server LIVE!!! (All Links provided on this post)
      « Reply #18 on: March 02, 2005, 01:46:08 pm »
      Ok, yeah, the zoom did help...
      Tired old eyes, what can I tell ya?  ;)

      I have also found that the webmap varies in appearance considerably depending upon the monitor used (Developed on a 17"  Nokia 447za). Daylight can make a big difference too. It looks good on new LCD monitors and bright CRTs. I'll have to work on the colors and contrast at some point - It's not just your eyes...

      Offline Pestalence_XC

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      Re: Gas Free Zone Server LIVE!!! (All Links provided on this post)
      « Reply #19 on: March 02, 2005, 09:38:50 pm »
      Thanks Bonk.

      Im only running the one game which I reinstalled last night. (new computer)
      Ive patched it to and installed OP 4+

      I forgot about OP Enhancement Package v2.2 High Rez which I am now downloading again.

      I believe this is needed for dynaverse play so I think this could be the problem?

      I would download the OP Enhancement v3.0
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