There's a bit of history to get through before I get to the pics; those who don't care about the history, feel free to just scroll down.

This ship was originally designed for a game called
Homeworld. It was designed to be a ship called a Drone Frigate, which couldn't have any guns, but which launched a "fighter screen" of 24 "drones" as its only weaponry. (Unlike the SFC games, in Homeworld you're very limited in what attributes of a ship you can change.) TheStressPuppy (the leader of this particular TOS-era HW mod) had originally had a model of the SFC Condor in the game, but just wasn't quite happy with it. He wanted the model updated, and so a good friend of mine who goes by the name of CommanderJones on the Internet and I designed and built (well, technically
he built it all by himself

) this original verison of the ship:

The idea was that the 12 feathers you see on either side of the ship were the hatches that the drones launched from. In-game, it looked something like
this if you're interested. We created a backstory for the ship that played into the non-canon idea that Romulan warp ships during the Earth/Romulan war had had to use all their power for warp drive, and thus had none left over for weaponry; the
Hlai, we imagined, had been originally designed near the end of the war--and had been originally designed
without the "boom" and "command" pod you see it with. (Those, our story went, were added in a 2260's refit.) Even the name "Hlai" is based around this--it comes from Diane Duane's "Rihannsu" novels, in which a
hlai is a flightless bird native to ch'Rihan (Romulus) and ch'Havran (Remus), and is famous in both domesticated and wild varieties for its meat.
Well, TSP's HW mod has unfortunately died out, but CJ and I liked the
Hlai enough to try and take it to a new level; and, after taking some time to learn some new modelling and texturing techniques, he's finally ready to let people see the first WIP of the SFC (and possibly other games

) version of the

We plan to release it both with and without the boom/pod assembly; given our history with the ship, I tend to see it as a PF tender in SFC terms, but I've not yet decided exactly where to design its hardpoints for...