<Queen Kroma BaSyl stands worrying in her chambers>
Kroma: First Agave turnssss againsssst usss flying with the Frogs, now S'Cipio has joined him and they have both defected to the Romulanssss
S'Trupaul: Now, now, your Queensssship sssstop fretting or I'll end up ssssticking your lovely legsssss with one of thesssse pinssss. You do want this dresssss ready in time for your coronation ball don't you?
Kroma: Sorry deary, they just get me sssso worked up at timesss.
S'Trupaul: Well don't let thosssse naughty boyssss worry you your highnessss, they can't be any threat to you, what kinda warriorsss could they be? They have no fashion sssense at all, and if you can't make a dassshing entrance and fight your battle with flair you will sssurely lossse the fight.
Kroma: Well maybe, but there are technical assspects as well to a fight
S'Trupaul: Tsk Tsk, are you trying to tell me that underssstanding a warp enginesss working or the working of the phasssers is more important than looking onessss bessst and performing a beautiful plasssma ballet?
Kroma: Well of coursssse not! That would be ssssilly. Ouch, that tickles, are you sure that isn't riding too high, it kinda pinchessss.
S'Trupaul: Oh courssssse its too high, asss it ssshould be, you do want to motivate the troopssss to fight well for you don't you? Sure its not exactly confortable, but royalty mussst make sssome sacrifices for the troopssss. You know the effect your hipsssss have on the warriorsss, why deny them a peek, it will inssspire them to fight bravely, and be a fitting reward for thossse who will give their livesss
Kroma: It still pinchesss! But your right, its the leassst I could do for so many loyal and virile Gorn. I might have to do ssssomething even more for the officerssss, and an extra special ssssomething for those lovely Federation warriorsss who will fill the vacant captainsss chairsssss of the traitorssss. Yesss! Hike it up another 2 inchesss, let them get a clear looks at the bulge of my Gornlinesss! I want them all hot and bothered before they go into combat!
S'Trupaul: Asss you wisssh, my Queeen. I will be finissshed in a minute or two, then we can work on the Royal Lingere for your private meeting with Captain Jeff .
Kroma: Private meeting?, I didn't realize I had a private meeting scheduled.
S'Trupaul: Well since I'm your private ssssecretary asss well asss you dressssmaker, I took the liberty of granting him a private audience. He seems quite take with your Highnesss, here is the letter of hisss acceptance of hiss invitation to the coronation. <hands Queen Kroma the letter>
Kroma: <Sniffs letter> Ahh, Allure, on of my favorite Colognes <Opens the letter eagerly> eyes immediately become glued to one line...
......ahh the impertinent little Casssssanova, well perhaps itsss a bit forward, but there is ssssomething delightfully charming about a certain degree of boldnessss. Sssstill....you did well to sssset up this private meeting <Kroma's eyes take on a dreamy quality>
S'Trupaul: Impertinent indeed, sssso I took the liberty of ordering the finesssst pink leathersss for a sssspecail outfit complete with a matching whip, sssoo your Queenssship can properly dissscipline him for his boldnessss, before rewarding it
Kroma and S'Trupaul: <Giggle uncontrollably>